I went into this expecting a sort of a mix of Quest for Glory and Maniac Mansion, but it seems more like some kind of interactive graphic novel with your typical point and click stuff. I was immediately annoyed with the game as it just funnels you from scene to scene with little real interaction, then for the first "puzzle" sticks you in a room with a demon menacing your two companions, who are basically demon-fighting superheroes. So you, as some nobody who has just awakened from being possessed by a demon, has to solve the problem. It's a dumb setup, but whatever. The demon just stands there while you go around the screen clicking on everything you can, and ultimately connect a wire you find in a dumpster from a power box to a puddle that just happens to be next to the demon, to electrocute it. This is just dumb on so many levels. Why can't the veteran demon hunters do anything? Why would some powerful demon just stand there waiting for you to electrocute it? Why would you even think to electrocute it, other than the fact that this is all you can do with the items available?
It's easy to say, well, this is just what point and click adventures are like! Okay, but at least give me a chance to explore the world a bit before sticking me in a single room puzzle that is impossible not to solve.
Under a Killing Moon
I've been reading through a lot of old magazines lately, and this game came up in a preview... and immediately brought me back to nostalgic times. The first time I played this game was back when it was first released, and a friend was talking it up as this amazing game. At the time, it was indeed amazing, and I remember looking at that first scene of Tex Murphy's office, thinking what a great drawing/render it was, but then following the on-screen instructions to enter "interactive mode"... and suddenly I was walking around it! It blew my mind.
I never got very far in that game, so decided to give it another shot. I must say, that first moment when you enter interactive mode in Tex's office is still very impressive and looks pretty good even today. I didn't play much beyond that, since I want to read the manual first, but there's something really fascinating about this one! I like that it just drops you in the world to explore after the short (but charming) intro.