Are the tops of those ICs sanded or scuffed? It that part of the copy protection mechanism? Is there no ROM holding a key of some sort, and just some "secret" circuit that the software checks for?
I think I saw a couple of dongles once or twice back in't day, protecting some software that if the publisher hadn't have spent time/money on the hardware and corresponding software, they probably would have made more money even after sales lost to piracy. The dongles had a bad reputation for reliability or compatibility, meaning the customers of the software publisher tended to be the ones who suffered: and nothing changes with copy protection.... other than cloud computing. Get the program off the user's computer and onto one controlled by the publisher, and copying the software becomes a thing of the past.
Edit: The people behind this wizzkey are shit hot! I "Asked Jeeves"[1] about wizzkey and after accepting the invalid security certificate for their website, there looks to be some minimal info here . Your browser will moan about the security being bad, just do not put any personal data in and assume you are being spied on 😀
[1] Googled