I think I've worked out why V2000 boards have visual anomalies in ICR2. The V2000 BIOS has a VRAM pointer (relative to the PhysPt of VRAM base), which is different to the V1000. On a V1000 the address is beyond the framebuffer. On a V2000 it's near the start of the framebuffer.
The actual address will probably be different. The example I've attached is for the 8 MB AGP SuperGrace BIOS. I also tested against a V2200 vanilla (no name) and it has the same values.
The block in question begins with 0x82,0x19,0x00Rendition ReferenceBoard ... .
The bit that needs to be modified comes after PN 1000ALL??ZX?<here>.
On a V2000 BIOS it's E4000000.
On a V1000 it's E8E1FF40.
By modifying these bytes I can use a V2000 BIOS with Dosbox.
I wouldn't recommend flashing a V2000 to test this because that address is probably used for other things which will probably break.
The modded BIOSes can be used with Dosbox-Rendition/RReady, but won't actually make a difference to gameplay.
Developer of RReady - Rendition Verité Wrapper.