First post, by Demolition-Man

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I grew up with the Voodoo 2, so I know the glide story quite well, but I have now received my first Voodoo 1. A lot of things are working now after the unusually complicated installation, but some things are still causing problems. Maybe you can help.
The game Incoming (Forces) is glide compatible, isn't it? It came with my Voodoo 2 at the time.
But something is missing, namely the text or fonts. No idea how to describe it correctly in English, sorry. See screenshot.
Another problem are the games, there will probably be more than one, with a simple switch 3D acceleration on. The PC now has two 3D capable graphics cards. Everything now points to Jedi Knight Dark Forces II, for example, still using the Rage II. How can I now tell the game to use the faster Voodoo 1?

The specifications of the PC:
Cyrix 6x86MX-PR200, 96 MB RAM, ECS P5VX-Be, ~8.4 GB HDD, ATI 3D RAGE II+DVD 4MB + Voodoo 1 4MB, CT3670, DOS 6.2/ WIN 3.11 & 95

Thanks for any help!

I forgot half of it:
There are 3dfx patches for some DOS games. Is it normal for Shadow Warrior, for example, to reach its limits at 512 resolution?
Under Windows 95, the limit is reached with Unreal Gold and 640x480 and medium details. Is that about right?


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Reply 2 of 15, by Demolition-Man

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Version_3.00.01, i think.
But there i the exact same issue with the Rage II card.

Maybe its just a flaw in the game?
On the other PC (Win 98Se, Voodoo 2) the game is working.

Reply 3 of 15, by Demolition-Man

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I am sorry, my mistake! I obviously had the wrong version of Incoming (without Forces) running. With the right version it runs very slowly but completely and error-free. Everything is still new for me with the Voodoo 1. In addition, the 166 MHz Cyrix processor is not a gaming racing machine despite the MX version. But the other questions about Voodoo 1 remain. I don't have any concrete numbers for you. For comparison, I can only offer you the result of the Final Reality Benchmark. Compared to the 150 MHz + S3 Virge combo I'm at 1.94. Is that okay in terms of performance?! Thx.

Reply 4 of 15, by leileilol

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Just so you (and everyone) know, Incoming Forces is a sequel released much later in the post-3dfx era of 2002, it's a completely different game targeting completely later specs and should not be confused with Incoming (which should work on just about anything that knows what Direct3D 5 is).

Also bear in mind there's been some 3dfx drivers that regress features in their Direct3D HAL driver so keep several drivers handy. I do recall Incoming not performing well on 6x86MXs however (even with a hot-shit-at-the-time Voodoo2 12MB)

long live PCem

Reply 5 of 15, by Demolition-Man

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I didn't even know about the follow-up game, Incoming Forces. I really got it mixed up. But you saw who I meant. I received my incoming version as a bundle with the Creative Voodoo 2.
I know that the Voodoo cards are very dependent on the CPU. Was the only suitable PC. Yes, I could replace the Cyrix CPU with a 200MMX, but Cyrix is ​​rare these days. Was my first non-INTEL/AMD CPU.

Doesn't matter! Turok works really well, that's enough for me! 😉
If I have any tips for 3D acceleration in Jedi Knight Dark Forces II, let me know.

Reply 7 of 15, by Demolition-Man

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200 MHz is max on this board.

The PC was originally intended for DOS, Win 3.11, and only light things under Win 95. For comparison, I could test whether this version of Incoming works on my 166 Pentium MMX with RIVA 128 card. If I want to play this seriously and not just test it, I'll take a faster PC.^^

Reply 8 of 15, by Gmlb256

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233 MHz can be reached by setting the CPU multiplier to 1.5x which the Pentium 233MMX and K6-233 interprets it as 3.5x.

VIA C3 Nehemiah 1.2A @ 1.46 GHz | ASUS P2-99 | 256 MB PC133 SDRAM | GeForce2 GTS 32 MB | Voodoo2 12 MB | SBLive! | AWE64 | SBPro2 | GUS

Reply 9 of 15, by Demolition-Man

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Thx! Didn`t know that, might be usefull.

Hey progress on Jedi Knight Darkforces II. The patch may have been missing. The 3D acceleration was turned off and on again and based on the resolutions you could now see that it could only be the Voodoo 1. Finally playable, but I would prefer both graphics cards as an option. For example, to show a much younger friend the differences between the early 3D accelerators. 😉

I'm testing more games. I'm really having fun with the Voodoo 1.

Reply 12 of 15, by Demolition-Man

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Hello? Anybody there? What about Descent 1 and Quake? Is there even a patch for Descent 1? There are too many patches in Quake. Can someone link me something relevant? Thanks!

Reply 13 of 15, by Gmlb256

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The first Descent game doesn't have any official 3dfx patch but there is an unofficial one called D1_3dfx. Note that there isn't any mouse support, and it is in beta state.

For Quake, just simply get GLQuake 0.97.

VIA C3 Nehemiah 1.2A @ 1.46 GHz | ASUS P2-99 | 256 MB PC133 SDRAM | GeForce2 GTS 32 MB | Voodoo2 12 MB | SBLive! | AWE64 | SBPro2 | GUS

Reply 15 of 15, by Demolition-Man

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Blood Plasma doesnt work with the 3dfx patch, it says something about alpha version, but ist just unsuable.
Way too bright, and a bunch of flickering textures.