Reply 27920 of 29219, by dormcat
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- Oldbie
Fired up several vintage builds to check their conditions. The ThinkPad X31 could not start at all. My Mom's Asus K31CD i5-6400 went down as well last week and I had to rush home to migrate all her personal files to the "reserve" computer, the Q8300 build. It could be powered up but nothing else i.e. no POST.
I've found and downloaded the detailed service manual of ThinkPad X30/31/32 series but trying to pinpoint and/or fix the problem might take an entire day, so I'll leave it until more urgent matters settle down. On the other hand, the i5-6400 should be easier to diagnose, and I've already narrowed it down to MB, CPU, or RAM, but I don't have another MB with Intel 100/200 series chipset and LGA 1151 (my current working build is H370 Coffee Lake and incompatible with Skylake, even with the same 1151 pins; for the record, I'm really sick of Intel's frequent socket redesigns). Still considering whether to acquire a tested, working Sky/Kaby Lake MB so I can perform a cross comparison.