Wes1262 wrote on 2024-07-28, 06:08:
Looks like the The Geforce 2 Ti can do the Ultra frequencies on the memories. I tried with powerstip and worked flawlessly. Although the colossal amount of warnings I get every time I press any buttons in Powerstrip gives me anxiety. I don't even get what they mean. Looks like a complicated program. I am going to try the cool bits next time. The chaintech has heatsinks on the rams though, so I probably should install some here as well, alongside a new cooler because this orange one looks terrible on a classic card. Aliexpress has only one or two styles of GPU heatsinks that are appropriate for this era of cards... and they aren't great... do you know where else I should look apart ebay?
There are a few older ecommerce sites around, mainly aimed at business/small office accessory sales, that can have older coolers and stuff like that still in stock. They were hard to dig out prior to googles latest devolution, and really really difficult now. The one I remember cablesalesusa/cablesalescanada has unfortunately sold out their GPU coolers now. There were others around, but like I said, digging them out is super hard. Basically, you've got to think of the most sought after thing they might have that not many other stores will have, hope they have that and it shows on google, then dig into them manually to find the unlisted on search stuff.
Edit: got one dug out https://www.cablesonline.com/45alrafinhes.html never done biz with those guys myself so be cautious. They have floppies in clearance section and older CPU heatsinks too. EditII: Derp, out of stock.
EditIII: Stuff in Puerto Rico if the store is still alive??? https://wfcomputerpr.com/index.php?main_page= … &keyword=cooler
I'm getting obsessed with the hunt or something, best get my breakfast.
Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.