First post, by RetroMaster137
Hello, I've investigated a bit, but I need yet to learn more and more documents, so I bet I'm very wrong on many things.
My integrated GPU is a Radeon HD 8570d, "northern islands", TeraScale 3, as part of the A8-6600k APU. I've been told that VBE compatibility's cutline (before getting broken or just non-existant) happens at successor, "southern islands" instead, so I guess I'm safe, even though it's a pretty late "northern islands" release.
Regardless, do any TSRs exist, that work with the typical "fail-safe" resolution of 640x480 or similar, that enable better, if software-based, "emulation" of VBE 2.0 (and perhaps CGA) stuff, if not at least getting the system to report itself as SVGA rather than Plain VGA to software such as no$gmb, or reporting VBE 2.0 instead of 3.0? I doubt horsepower would be a problem at 4.2GHz, though I don't know how much involved a software layer would need to be. I have yet to deal with EMS setup and/or see if that's what's necessary to get UniVBE (DOS) to work (currently trying FreeDOS). I do understand that a more pleasant solution such as modding the VBIOS contained within the BIOS (correct?) might be a nightmare, so I assume it's out of the question.
For context,
I cannot imagine any other reason why Scitech Display Doctor's VBETEST (for DOS, tested under FreeDOS on USB for now) couldn't set "640x480x256 mode"; there's no other options to test whatsoever (every menu is blank), and much other software faces similar issues, i.e. Kgen98 couldn't set 640x480 16bit. Is it a "if(version >= 2)" vs "if(version != 2)" problem, or are big changes involved? X-VESA can display these just fine though, the lowest resolutions possible there are 640x400 and 640x480, at 8/16/32 bit; some modes do report "Hardware compatible - Yes / Bios compatible - No", I don't know what that means.
UniVBE (DOS) itself doesn't boot and displays an "out of memory" error, but I don't know if that's fault of FreeDOS, or me not setting up EMS yet, or something else (I'll try EMS or other options later when possible).
What I do know but couldn't quote at the moment, is that misc display mode(s) and/or lower resolutions such as 320x200 are "emulation" and/or similar, i.e. the system would output 640x400 instead (?), with the BIOS either doing text-to-graphic mode conversion, or 2x upscaling by offering a virtual framebuffer to the program's side (as an aside, what I mean with no$gmb is that something from my system might not report a 320x240 mode, even though X-VESA can do a proportional 2x (640x480)).
On the other hand, CGA. I have been told "no MC6845 registers", but I gave CGA_COMP a try and it sure looks like it; to put it simple, not a single color change test worked, nor h-sync stuff, but everything else apparently did though. If I'm not mistaken, the main culprit is not being able to freely set H/V timings (resolutions?), instead relying on whatever the system offers from a table (correct?). Alley Cat works fine and manages to change the palette when I enter some rooms, my other CGA games also seem to work fine as well (I don't have many to be honest) so it's all very confusing.