First post, by ratfink
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- Oldbie
I only have room for two "old hardware" machine cases, the rest is parts in boxes.
One built machine has had a stable build, it's for Windows 98, glide,dos games and dosbox:
Asus A7M266 + Athlon XP2000
MX300 + SCB-7
Santa Cruz
The other is another 98/glide/dos box but a bit different:
MSI MS-6167 + Athlon 700
Voodoo Banshee Voodoo 3
PowerVR PCX2
SBLive CT4760
GUS [could swap in GUS PnP, ArGUS]
SSI-2001 replica [could swap in Sound Forte 16, Audician if I can work out the settings maybe]
And then I have two alternative configurations I could in theory build instead, depending on what I need at the time:
Abit AN-7 + Athlon XP3000
6600GT [or maybe Ti4600 or Ti4800SE or even FX5700 or MX440]
Audigy 2 (or 2ZS) or Santa Cruz
2000 and/or XP, for dx8/9
GA5AX or PA-2013 with IDT Winchip, Cyrix II, Pentium or K6/2
Matrox G2 or Rendition 2100 or S3 Savage4
same ISA cards as above + PAS16 is another option
98 and DOS (or maybe 95... or 3.1/WFWG/whatever I have)
Other than that I have a couple of G4 mac minis, one is mostly working (other than firewire) and runs OS9 for old Ambrosia games mainly, the other has a lot of things borked but runs 10.5.8 and is pretty much a chocolate teapot web browser because it has an Airport card.