Any retro graphics card replicas?

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First post, by crusher

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Hi there,

i'm a big retro gaming lover.
My main interest are DOS/Windows games from 1990-1998.
I have two retro rigs. One MS-DOS 7.10 machine and one Win98 one.
Finding original still functional hardware is possible even nowadays. But I'm always afraid of hardware getting broken in my rigs and finding no replacement.

So I try to find modern alternatives and we luckily have lots of this:
- we have floppy emulators to use with SD-cards/USB-sticks
- we can use SD/CF-cards or even SATA HDDs/SSDs with SATA->IDE converters
- we have lots of newly produced sound card replicas including WT daughterboards
- I personally am using modern EVGA PSUs that have enough power on 3.3V+5V rail and still a 20-pin MB connector

I have enough spare CPUs and memory modules lying around.
Motherboards are maybe a problem too because of aging capacitors. I hope mine stay functional as long as possible.
Maybe I should also buy some as spare parts.

But what I wondered is if there are any graphic cards replicas?

The more we can replace with modern alternatives and keep our retro machines alive, the better.
I'm not a fan of using emulators and want to use real hardware.
If original from the days back or modern replica doesn't matter for me.
But in terms of durability and easy replacement I prefer newly produced replicas/alternatives that can be bought as spare parts over original 20-30 years old hardware.

Reply 1 of 24, by leileilol

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Rank l33t++

Just weird frankenstein Voodoo3-5's - No complete independent replicas or custom silicon and freshly written VXDs as far as I know.

Would be wild to turn a Pi into a video card, but Videocore also lacks legacy features (dither, table fog etc) and there's still the VXD writing hurdle, and writing a Direct3D HAL, GL ICD, a whole BIOS, etc. Easier said than done territory.

long live PCem

Reply 2 of 24, by jheronimus

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Rank Oldbie

I think you can find "newly" made ATI Rage cards on Ali (probably use salvaged chips) and also ISA8 CGA cards

Generally ATi and Matrox chips should be not hard to find, because both had such a long life in servers.

There have been a few projects to make PCBs for VLB cards, but those need donor S3 Trio/Virge chips.

MR BIOS catalog
Unicore catalog

Reply 3 of 24, by crusher

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jheronimus wrote on 2024-11-07, 09:54:

I think you can find "newly" made ATI Rage cards on Ali (probably use salvaged chips)

Wow thanks for this! 😀
They sell "newly" made ATI Rage XL PCI cards with 8MB VRAM for an affordable price.
I think I will order a few and put aside 😉

Reply 4 of 24, by crusher

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There's a discussion about these "new" ATI Rage XL cards here:

Re: ATI Rage XL 8MB on 486 PCI

They seem to need a 3.3V PCI slot.
Otherwise you can modify the card to work in 5V only boards.

Guess I give it a try to test if it works with my Asus P5A board.

Reply 8 of 24, by Falco

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Rank Newbie

Just be aware that those Chineseium Rage XL cards are only populating half of the memory bus. Rage XL has 64 bit memory bus, but those cards are only doing 32 bit. It's really obvious with the single 32 bit wide memory chip.


If you can find an older period correct manufactured Rage XL card with a full 64 bit memory bus, it will be faster.

Reply 9 of 24, by crusher

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Pickle wrote on 2024-11-07, 14:16:

There are 8 bit Isa cards but might be too old and slow for your target era.
Cga with old stock parts on aliexpress
VGA card by skisslev on github

Thanks for this.
But both are indeed too old.

Actually I'm using a ELSA Winner 1000 Trio (S3 Trio64) card.
Something similiar would be my target.

Reply 10 of 24, by crusher

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Falco wrote on 2024-11-07, 14:22:

Just be aware that those Chineseium Rage XL cards are only populating half of the memory bus. Rage XL has 64 bit memory bus, but those cards are only doing 32 bit. It's really obvious with the single 32 bit wide memory chip.


If you can find an older period correct manufactured Rage XL card with a full 64 bit memory bus, it will be faster.

Good to know. Thank you.
I'm questioning if this matters for DOS retro gaming.
I would assume it has no big effect that it's only 32 bit wide memory chip.

Reply 11 of 24, by jheronimus

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Rank Oldbie
crusher wrote on 2024-11-07, 14:50:

Good to know. Thank you.
I'm questioning if this matters for DOS retro gaming.
I would assume it has no big effect that it's only 32 bit wide memory chip.

ATi cards generally don't have the best DOS compatibility.

MR BIOS catalog
Unicore catalog

Reply 12 of 24, by Falco

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Rank Newbie
crusher wrote on 2024-11-07, 14:50:

I would assume it has no big effect that it's only 32 bit wide memory chip.

It's a 50% reduction in bandwidth, it will have a considerable performance impact.

I can't say how it would impact DOS games, because I never really ran DOS games on a RAGE chip. Most DOS games just used VESA modes and software rendering, but the bandwidth reduction is still going to have an affect on performance.

Reply 13 of 24, by Putas

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Rank Oldbie
Falco wrote on 2024-11-07, 15:23:
crusher wrote on 2024-11-07, 14:50:

I would assume it has no big effect that it's only 32 bit wide memory chip.

It's a 50% reduction in bandwidth, it will have a considerable performance impact.

Assuming other variables are equal.

Reply 16 of 24, by crusher

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Rank Member

Thanks to all!
It seems there are no real satisfying alternatives so far.
Maybe in the future there will be something in development.

I will try to hoard some functional original graphics cards and put aside as spare parts.

Reply 17 of 24, by kagura1050

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Rank Newbie

I'll share some projects I know about:

- The Graphics Gremlin (ISA, MDA/CGA)

- Open Graphic Project (Abandoned) (PCI-X, VGA)
https://web.archive.org/web/20100609075313/ht … /tiki-index.php

Timezone : UTC+9

Reply 18 of 24, by sdz

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-GPLGPU, abandoned IIRC, but the source code is there for what's basically a Number9 GPU.
https://jbush001.github.io/2016/07/24/gplgpu- … alkthrough.html
-FuryGPU , a recent development.

Reply 19 of 24, by crusher

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sdz wrote on 2024-11-08, 08:52:

-FuryGPU , a recent development.

Sounds and looks interesting. But PCIe, DisplayPort, HDMI?
Not for use in a S7/SS7 PC.