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Reply 20 of 25, by rfnagel

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Rank Oldbie
vetz wrote on 2024-11-12, 07:53:

Beside that, the author of the Cyac joystick TSR replied and he will when time permits take a look in his archives. Crossing fingers!


Rich ¥Weeds¥ Nagel

Reply 21 of 25, by rfnagel

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Rank Oldbie

I just posted a message with an AutoHotkey script that will accomplish what has been mentioned in this thread (and lots more!). Check it out/download it from here -> Chuck Yeager's Air Combat Joystick AutoHotkey Script 😀

Rich ¥Weeds¥ Nagel

Reply 22 of 25, by rfnagel

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Hey vetz, take a looksee at what I found! 😀 Note that this is the non-beta version of the TSR (as mentioned on his archived web page that I linked previously).

Anyhow, I did some REALLY DEEP DIGGING through my old archives and found it 😀 The ZIP was dated early 1995, so that's when I must have downloaded it (probably from the Flight Simulation Forum on CompuServe).


Rich ¥Weeds¥ Nagel

Reply 23 of 25, by rfnagel

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Rank Oldbie
vetz wrote on 2024-11-12, 07:53:

Beside that, the author of the Cyac joystick TSR replied and he will when time permits take a look in his archives. Crossing fingers!

Hey vetz, just wondering if you saw my previous post above? 😀

BTW, if you do get a reply from the author, ask if he has the beta version of the second version of his TSR available (along with it's SOURCE CODE), mentioned on that old web page of his that I linked previously ( https://web.archive.org/web/20080531010947/ht … genst/cyac.html ).

It supposedly includes a new feature that will beep your PC's internal speaker when the game's replay buffer starts to get full (around 60KB) for the game's VCR replay films. I would LOVE to see his source code to see how he does that 😀

Rich ¥Weeds¥ Nagel

Reply 24 of 25, by vetz

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Rank l33t

No I didnt!

Simply brilliant that you found it! Gonna give it a go later on my 386! Thank you!

I will let you know if the author replies back 😀

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Reply 25 of 25, by rfnagel

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You're quite welcome!

vetz wrote on 2024-12-01, 19:36:

No I didnt!

Simply brilliant that you found it! Gonna give it a go later on my 386! Thank you!

I will let you know if the author replies back 😀

Rich ¥Weeds¥ Nagel