First post, by AgustinCordes
Greetings. There are ancient threads about this topic, way to extreme for necroposting, so let's start anew: in a nutshell, what's the best approach today to hook up synth modules to DOSBox?
I'm having weird issues with one of the USB->MIDI cables previously reported as working (here: Midi to USB Adapters and in this DOS Days tutorial here: Both an MT-32 and SC-55 exhibit the same problems. For the record, I'm using the latest version of DOSBox Staging.
The modules receive MIDI notes, but:
- Space Quest III does not show the "Insert buckazoids" message on the display, leading me to believe that something's wrong from the go.
- SQ3 also skips notes like crazy. It's like the tunes accelerate randomly. Attaching a recording as an example.
- Gateway also skips notes on the MT-32, but some tunes fare better than other.
- Death Gate on the SC-55 is a complete mess. Tunes seem to have incorrect notes, which also hang. A lot.
Should I buy a better Roland cable? They're expensive, so I'd like to make sure that will do the trick. OR am I better off with a USB -> Game port adapter and sticking to a tried and true old MIDI cable? OR OR (I don't know if this even exists) buy an internal card with a Game Port?
Many thanks all for the input!