Bought these (retro) hardware today

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Reply 55160 of 56100, by Horun

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Rank l33t++
pitchshifter wrote on 2024-11-17, 19:10:
Horun wrote on 2024-11-17, 19:06:
pitchshifter wrote on 2024-11-17, 16:15:

Hi, got a Asus V3800 Ultra brand new.. Is working well on a my test rig Willamette board, 1.5 agp. The thing is i want to use it on my slot 1 rig 3.3 agp by the fan dont spin and gets quite Hot.. Any tips?

The fan should have a plug-in to the board. You can test wiring it direct to 12v off one of the molex HD connectors and see if it spins..

But she is working well on the test bench, again its agp 1.5 in the test bench and 3.3 agp in the slot 1. Could this be the issue?

Pin 1 side A in the AGP slot is 12V no matter if 3.3 or 1.5 slot. Maybe the fan uses some other non main volt pin to get its volts (both AGP type have exact same pinout for the main +12 and +5 and +3.3 supply volts)

Hate posting a reply and then have to edit it because it made no sense 😁 First computer was an IBM 3270 workstation with CGA monitor. Stuff: https://archive.org/details/@horun

Reply 55161 of 56100, by zuldan

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Rank Oldbie

Grabbed this Chieftec Dragon (Antec). It has some scuff marks but what do you expect for an old case. It comes with a Gigabyte GA-M52S-S3P with a AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ in it but I'm going to swap it with a Asus Maximus II Formula with some OCZ Reaper HPC Edition DDR2 and running a Q9650.

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25.88 KiB
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Public domain
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16.68 KiB
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Public domain

Reply 55162 of 56100, by myne

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Rank Oldbie
bestemor wrote on 2024-11-15, 23:18:
Bought an MSI 694T Pro, paying a bit too much, but it was a locked package deal with a Pentium3 + full set of RAM. And it was s […]
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Bought an MSI 694T Pro, paying a bit too much, but it was a locked package deal with a Pentium3 + full set of RAM.
And it was supposed to be my very first ever mobo combining socket 370/Tualatins natively with (one) ISA slot, so I went for it.

But... I am not able to get it to boot!

Now, this mobo has an interesting 'traffic light' system, using 4 diodes to code certain levels of progress at boot, quite visionary for such an old board.
The cpu itself seemed to be the first issue, as I could not get it past the first hurdle, the Power ON.

Swapped out the cpu, and voila, we got to level 3 in my picture, memory detection. Where it got stuck again, and is where I am now.
Even after trying several versions of random memory sticks I have, from 16Mb and up, moving it into all the 3 slots one by one, still the same result.
So, given that my RAM is fine, I am clueless of where to go next.

Now, have to mention, 1 single capacitor, the largest on the board, and number 2 down from the top (left side of CPU socket) has a visible bulge.
So that may or may not prevent booting. But I have booted boards with semi-bulged caps like this before, on board of the same era, so was hoping to at least get into the BIOS/see POST.
The rest of the board shows flat caps all over, not that it necessarily means they are fine, but... the seller tells me it booted/was working 1 month ago, so who knows.

Apart from swapping out the BIOS chip (have already reset it several times) or fixing that cap, I know of no further tricks to try.
-> If anyone owns this board, feel free to share any trouble shooting tips here.

Such S370+ISA boards are not that common (anymore), so it would be bummer if this one had to be scrapped.

From the manual (also available as download in that link above):

MSI 694T-PRO__bulged cap placement.jpg
MSI 694T-PRO__bulged cap placement.jpg
File size
256.71 KiB
File license
Public domain

Bulged cap is here:

MSI 694T-PRO__oversikt lyssignaler i manualen.jpg
MSI 694T-PRO__oversikt lyssignaler i manualen.jpg
File size
40.94 KiB
File license
Public domain

Got a multimeter?
Check if the cap is short.
If yes, pull it f from the board and retest.
Since it has others in parallel, it should at least post without it.

I built:
Convert old ASUS ASC boardviews to KICAD PCB!
Re: A comprehensive guide to install and play MechWarrior 2 on new versions on Windows.
Dos+Windows 3.11 auto-install iso template (for vmware)
Script to backup Win9x\ME drivers from a working install
Re: The thing no one asked for: KICAD 440bx reference schematic

Reply 55163 of 56100, by CMB75

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Of course I had to jump onto the bandwagon and bought a core 2 quad Q9650. Because I'm a scaredy-cat I overpaid a little and bought a used one from Europe instead of a NOS one from China. Maybe my chances are better not to get a new chinesium fake one. Fingers crossed...

Reply 55164 of 56100, by dona311

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Rank Newbie
zuldan wrote on 2024-11-18, 02:07:

Grabbed this Chieftec Dragon (Antec). It has some scuff marks but what do you expect for an old case. It comes with a Gigabyte GA-M52S-S3P with a AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ in it but I'm going to swap it with a Asus Maximus II Formula with some OCZ Reaper HPC Edition DDR2 and running a Q9650.

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16.68 KiB
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Public domain
File size
25.88 KiB
File license
Public domain

Nice find! I'd like to find a similar case here in Italy, buy in my area good "old" cases are very scarce.
It will definitely be a nice build!

Reply 55165 of 56100, by bestemor

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Rank Oldbie
myne wrote on 2024-11-18, 05:39:
Got a multimeter? Check if the cap is short. If yes, pull it f from the board and retest. Since it has others in parallel, it sh […]
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bestemor wrote on 2024-11-15, 23:18:
Bought an MSI 694T Pro, paying a bit too much, but it was a locked package deal with a Pentium3 + full set of RAM. And it was s […]
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Bought an MSI 694T Pro, paying a bit too much, but it was a locked package deal with a Pentium3 + full set of RAM.
And it was supposed to be my very first ever mobo combining socket 370/Tualatins natively with (one) ISA slot, so I went for it.

But... I am not able to get it to boot!

Now, this mobo has an interesting 'traffic light' system, using 4 diodes to code certain levels of progress at boot, quite visionary for such an old board.
The cpu itself seemed to be the first issue, as I could not get it past the first hurdle, the Power ON.

Swapped out the cpu, and voila, we got to level 3 in my picture, memory detection. Where it got stuck again, and is where I am now.
Even after trying several versions of random memory sticks I have, from 16Mb and up, moving it into all the 3 slots one by one, still the same result.
So, given that my RAM is fine, I am clueless of where to go next.

Now, have to mention, 1 single capacitor, the largest on the board, and number 2 down from the top (left side of CPU socket) has a visible bulge.
So that may or may not prevent booting. But I have booted boards with semi-bulged caps like this before, on board of the same era, so was hoping to at least get into the BIOS/see POST.
The rest of the board shows flat caps all over, not that it necessarily means they are fine, but... the seller tells me it booted/was working 1 month ago, so who knows.

Apart from swapping out the BIOS chip (have already reset it several times) or fixing that cap, I know of no further tricks to try.
-> If anyone owns this board, feel free to share any trouble shooting tips here.

Such S370+ISA boards are not that common (anymore), so it would be bummer if this one had to be scrapped.

From the manual (also available as download in that link above):

MSI 694T-PRO__bulged cap placement.jpg
MSI 694T-PRO__bulged cap placement.jpg
File size
256.71 KiB
File license
Public domain

Bulged cap is here:

MSI 694T-PRO__oversikt lyssignaler i manualen.jpg
MSI 694T-PRO__oversikt lyssignaler i manualen.jpg
File size
40.94 KiB
File license
Public domain

Got a multimeter?
Check if the cap is short.
If yes, pull it f from the board and retest.
Since it has others in parallel, it should at least post without it.

Thankyou for the tip!

No multimeter available, and don't wanna mangle the board quite yet, if I have to return it.
But option duly noted. Will test some more with other things before I report back to the seller, and then we'll see what other options there are from his response.
(..as for the bulged cap itself, it looks very different from all the others on the board, being the lone tallest one there.
But if the smaller ones next to it can cope without it, for a boot/post at least, I might try getting it off at a later time, after borrowing a multimeter that is.)

Reply 55166 of 56100, by myne

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Rank Oldbie

Oh. It has different makings?

I built:
Convert old ASUS ASC boardviews to KICAD PCB!
Re: A comprehensive guide to install and play MechWarrior 2 on new versions on Windows.
Dos+Windows 3.11 auto-install iso template (for vmware)
Script to backup Win9x\ME drivers from a working install
Re: The thing no one asked for: KICAD 440bx reference schematic

Reply 55167 of 56100, by PcBytes

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Rank l33t

Not exactly PC oriented, but I ordered a modded Dreamcast.

Gonna be fun figuring out how to deal with it.

"Enter at your own peril, past the bolted door..."
Main PC: i5 3470, GB B75M-D3H, 16GB RAM, 2x1TB
98SE : P3 650, Soyo SY-6BA+IV, 384MB RAM, 80GB

Reply 55168 of 56100, by DudeFace

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Rank Member
PcBytes wrote on 2024-11-18, 12:03:

Not exactly PC oriented, but I ordered a modded Dreamcast.

Gonna be fun figuring out how to deal with it.

Nice! i'd say its classed as pc hardware, its powered by windows CE, has a power VR gpu a mouse and keyboard and also runs linux, so definitley counts, i've just dug mine out after 20 years and would like to fit a dual bios, a serial adapter and a gdemu, for now ive had to stick with cd's, ive been trying out a bunch of tate shmups and the atomiswave conversions, check out the dreamcasttalk forums if you havent already theres someone there whos made a pico mod (USB4MAPLE) for usb xbox360 controllers, usb mouse and keyboard and which also lets you use a usb stick as a vmu.

Reply 55169 of 56100, by PcBytes

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I was actually recommended the BlueRetro adapter, which supports virtual VMU

"Enter at your own peril, past the bolted door..."
Main PC: i5 3470, GB B75M-D3H, 16GB RAM, 2x1TB
98SE : P3 650, Soyo SY-6BA+IV, 384MB RAM, 80GB

Reply 55170 of 56100, by Major Jackyl

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I had quite the haul. Most notable are a pair of AGP cards (a GeForce2GTS and GeForce4MX440) and a pair of Sound Blaster live!

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1.78 MiB
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AGP Cards
File license
Fair use/fair dealing exception
File size
1.91 MiB
File comment
Two Live! and an Audigy LS
File license
Fair use/fair dealing exception

Other items include a Jazz drive and media (first time ever having one, will be testing/playing with it later), a NIB Antec 380W PSU, and a fat stack of DDR.

Main Loadout (daily drivers):
Intel TE430VX, Pentium Sy022 (133), Cirrus Logic 5440, SB16 CT1740
ECS K7S5A, A-XP1600+, MSI R9550
ASUS M2N-E, A64X2-4600+, PNY GTX670, SB X-Fi Elite Pro
MSI Z690, Intel 12900K, MSI RTX3090, SB AE-7

Reply 55171 of 56100, by Kahenraz

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Rank l33t

Be careful when buying used Jaz cartridges. The plastic can get soft or brittle if stored in a poor environment, causing the platter to sheer off from the spindle when rotating at speed. Ask me how I know!

Reply 55172 of 56100, by Wes1262

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Rank Member

more marketplace drama
I buy job lot of 3 cards (40€). I try them. None works. I send pictures with proof. Seller says, "if they don't work there's no need to send them back. Just don't leave me a negative feedback."
Then I contact him and I decide to keep one of the cards because the heatsink is in really good conditions and I might need it in future.
I tell him I will keep one of the cards and I propose to send him half of what I paid (20€) just for the heatsink.
I send him back the other two cards, but now he won't release the dispute unless I send him the 20€ I PROMISED first.
First he was "yeah just throw them in the bin". Now he wants me to pay 20 more on top of the 40 I've already paid.

Reply 55173 of 56100, by Thandor

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Rank Member
zuldan wrote on 2024-11-18, 02:07:

Grabbed this Chieftec Dragon (Antec). It has some scuff marks but what do you expect for an old case. It comes with a Gigabyte GA-M52S-S3P with a AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ in it but I'm going to swap it with a Asus Maximus II Formula with some OCZ Reaper HPC Edition DDR2 and running a Q9650.

Antec PlusView 1080AMG (and 1000AMG) is the name of the case. I bought one new back in the day and still use it for my main rig 😀. Newer cases are better in regard of cooling and noise insulation but still I think this case looks lovely so it’ll stay in service for as long as the ATX standard lives 😜.

Last edited by Thandor on 2024-11-19, 09:17. Edited 2 times in total.

thandor.net - hardware
And the rest of us would be carousing the aisles, stuffing baloney.

Reply 55174 of 56100, by zuldan

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Rank Oldbie
Thandor wrote on 2024-11-19, 07:06:
zuldan wrote on 2024-11-18, 02:07:

Grabbed this Chieftec Dragon (Antec). It has some scuff marks but what do you expect for an old case. It comes with a Gigabyte GA-M52S-S3P with a AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ in it but I'm going to swap it with a Asus Maximus II Formula with some OCZ Reaper HPC Edition DDR2 and running a Q9650.

Antec PlusView 1080AMG is the name of the case. I bought one new back in the day and still use it for my main rig 😀. Newer cases are better in regard of cooling and noise insulation but still I think this case looks lovely so it’ll stay in service for as long as the ATX standard lives 😜.

Interesting, it looks identical to the Chieftec Dragon. I think the main maker of the case sold it to Cheiftec, Antec plus others. Can you remember how much the case cost? And what year you bought it?

Edit: It’s the same case https://forums.anandtech.com/threads/antec-pe … 080amg.1516372/

Thanks for letting me know the exact model!

Last edited by zuldan on 2024-11-19, 09:31. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 55175 of 56100, by Thandor

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Rank Member
zuldan wrote on 2024-11-19, 08:38:
Interesting, it looks identical to the Chieftec Dragon. I think the main maker of the case sold it to Cheiftec, Antecedent plus […]
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Thandor wrote on 2024-11-19, 07:06:
zuldan wrote on 2024-11-18, 02:07:

Grabbed this Chieftec Dragon (Antec). It has some scuff marks but what do you expect for an old case. It comes with a Gigabyte GA-M52S-S3P with a AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ in it but I'm going to swap it with a Asus Maximus II Formula with some OCZ Reaper HPC Edition DDR2 and running a Q9650.

Antec PlusView 1080AMG is the name of the case. I bought one new back in the day and still use it for my main rig 😀. Newer cases are better in regard of cooling and noise insulation but still I think this case looks lovely so it’ll stay in service for as long as the ATX standard lives 😜.

Interesting, it looks identical to the Chieftec Dragon. I think the main maker of the case sold it to Cheiftec, Antecedent plus others. Can you remember how much the case cost? And what year you bought it?

Edit: It’s the same case https://forums.anandtech.com/threads/antec-pe … 080amg.1516372/

Thanks for letting me know the exact model!

Apparently they were available as 1000AMG and 1080AMG. Perhaps it depends on wether you bought a case with or without PSU.

I couldn't find my orders from back in the day but the pricewatch of a Dutch website (Tweakers.net) of the time mentions 131.90 EUR for the non-windowed version. I guess that's about the same price I paid for the case.

I do have pictures of the original box! My case was the PlusView 1000AMG. Weirdly enough I always thought I had the 1080AMG...


  • Antec2.jpg
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    260.9 KiB
    File license
    Public domain
  • Antec.jpg
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    File license
    Public domain

thandor.net - hardware
And the rest of us would be carousing the aisles, stuffing baloney.

Reply 55176 of 56100, by zuldan

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Rank Oldbie
Thandor wrote on 2024-11-19, 09:20:

I couldn't find my orders from back in the day but the pricewatch of a Dutch website (Tweakers.net) of the time mentions 131.90 EUR for the non-windowed version. I guess that's about the same price I paid for the case.

I do have pictures of the original box! My case was the PlusView 1000AMG. Weirdly enough I always thought I had the 1080AMG...

Wow thank you for the box pictures. Really interesting! I love the case, it’s beautiful.

Reply 55177 of 56100, by Nexxen

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Rank l33t

Bought 2 286 boards.
One does post (3x ic chipset) - https://theretroweb.com/motherboards/s/leadma … inc-lm-103fs-16

The other does not (HT12 chipset) - ??? no idea which one it is but can you spot "what's wrong with this picture"? (placebo quote)
Probably this one: https://theretroweb.com/motherboards/s/lucky-star-cm-286ghs


  • Board1_no post1.jpg
    Board1_no post1.jpg
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    446.64 KiB
    File license
    Fair use/fair dealing exception
  • Board2 post ok1.jpg
    Board2 post ok1.jpg
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    413.85 KiB
    File license
    Fair use/fair dealing exception

PC#1 Pentium 233 MMX - 98SE
PC#2 PIII-1Ghz - 98SE/W2K

Reply 55178 of 56100, by appiah4

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Rank l33t++
Shponglefan wrote on 2024-10-19, 17:02:
Continued to round out my sound card collection this past month with some new additions, including the Media Vision Pro Audio St […]
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Continued to round out my sound card collection this past month with some new additions, including the Media Vision Pro Audio Studio 16XL, Ensoniq Soundscape Elite, Orchid GameWave 32, some sort of Boca Research modem/ sound card combo, and a Sound Blaster Live 5.1 Platinum boxed set.

Despite owning a lot of sound cards, this is the first Sound Blaster Live card I've ever acquired. Figured I might as well get the complete box as a starting point.

Media Vision Pro Audio Studio 16XL.jpg
Media Vision Pro Audio Studio 16XL.jpg
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613.93 KiB
File license
Fair use/fair dealing exception
Orchid GameWave 32.jpg
Orchid GameWave 32.jpg
File size
836.02 KiB
File license
Fair use/fair dealing exception
Ensoniq Soundscape Elite.jpg
Ensoniq Soundscape Elite.jpg
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466.08 KiB
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Fair use/fair dealing exception
Sound Blaster Live Plat 5.1 Boxed.jpg
Sound Blaster Live Plat 5.1 Boxed.jpg
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503.86 KiB
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Fair use/fair dealing exception
Boca Research Sound Card.jpg
Boca Research Sound Card.jpg
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432.95 KiB
File license
Fair use/fair dealing exception

Late reply, but all of these are fantastic finds. The PAS and Ensoniq cards are fairly standard, but I am really curious about the Boca Research sound card. Boca was a very big player in the Modem market back when FaxModems were the shit; I believe they eventually got bought out by someone or rebranded or something and disappeared into obscurity.. I never heard of their sound cards before, but it all makes sense considering Modems are basically audio equipments to some degree. I would love to hear your impressions of this sound card.. I would also love to find a specimen somewhere myself.

Reply 55179 of 56100, by PcBytes

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Rank l33t

QDI arrived. Also a chance to flex half of my OBS capture dongle setup 🤣


"Enter at your own peril, past the bolted door..."
Main PC: i5 3470, GB B75M-D3H, 16GB RAM, 2x1TB
98SE : P3 650, Soyo SY-6BA+IV, 384MB RAM, 80GB