Reply 60 of 102, by gerry
StriderTR wrote on 2024-10-27, 21:11:I missed a lot of conversation. 😜
Personally, I look at art as ... in the eye of the beholder.
Art has never been my thing, I would often look at much of it and wonder what people see that makes them call it "great", and think to myself, what am I missing? After a while I came to realize, that beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder.
i agree but would add that i find some art more interesting and appreciable when i know things about it - like when it was done, the context, anything about the artist that seems relevant. It's interesting because you could argue that you should just look and then decide if you like it, liking it more (or less) after learning things isn't something false or pretentious though, it could mean appreciating techniques more or understand particulars that relate to the time or context of it.
a similar process would go for car enthusiasts - some cars get more love because the enthusiast appreciates the technical aspects, being advanced for the time or having some design constraint that was met - all stuff you need to learn to appreciate.
Maybe that's a missing link for critics of AI art, its "context" is a thinly diluted mix of source art
When it comes to this so called "AI" art, and I use that term loosely becasue even though this is branded as AI, I don't see it that way. To me, these are just really advanced algorithms performing a task, some of them are static, some are "learning", but I don't really see it as true artificial intelligence. I think it's cool, I think it's a powerful tool, and while it is indeed artificial, I don't see it as intelligent, at least not yet.
yes i do think the phrase AI gives some folk the impression that there is the equivalent of a thinking "person" or consciousness behind it
of course any criticism of AI is readily "countered" by musings like "but what if there isn't really any difference between AI and us" which can be repeated ad nauseam, an interesting idea but one that never seems to lead to insight ("but what if it does" ..etc , you get the idea)
I think I'm going to have to put the ones I really like on my blog. 😀
that last one really works, it does look cool 😀