Ah great, currently trying to flash the BIOS using the Gigabyte utility but it's stuck right away at "Blanking Flash Memory" 😒
I did get copies of the BIOS and have them saved in a few locations, here's the GA586-AS 1.21 BIOS
- Filename
- 586AS121.zip
- File size
- 62.89 KiB
- Downloads
- File license
- Fair use/fair dealing exception
Fingers crossed that I didn't brick the damn thing in the process of trying to flash it, really don't wanna have to deal with that.
EDIT: Well, there's some good news at least, doesn't seem to have done anything, the utility presumably never managed to start blanking the BIOS ROM, so it booted just fine. I could try flashing it with Uniflash, but I'm more inclined to believe that the utility from Gigabyte themselves is gonna be better...
Anyway, on the chance that I did something wrong, is there anything else that I'll have to worry about for being able to flash the BIOS, other than booting up into a clean DOS without any memory managers or TSRs or anything, then just run the utility and give it the filename of the updated BIOS?