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Reply 40 of 44, by Sombrero

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Rank Oldbie
DosFreak wrote on 2022-08-01, 17:05:

For Portal 2 (Build v7293 was last build I tested) on Vista and above I use the command "portal2.exe -steam", also drop the .dll in the bin folder.
As far as Goldberg version it shouldn't matter. I want to say Vista compatibility is broken but 7 should still be fine and I haven't yet had to revert to an older version of Goldberg to get a game to work (except for Vista).

If the above doesn't work let me know and I'll do another test.

Awesome, works perfectly! Thanks! Now I can play every game I have on steam without it, I won't be bothered by loss of OS support or anything else like that going forward.

Or had on steam, the account is gone. Only thing I had left was a Windows 7 install with Steam on offline mode and a few games installed you still can't get anywhere else than from Steam.

Reply 41 of 44, by shaq

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Rank Newbie

Have you made any efforts at getting them to work with achievements? I have had a lot of success so far by using different versions of SSE and the Goldberg's that have overlays. The achievement watcher isn't necessary unless wanted all in one place. SSE 4.3, 4.7 or the newest Goldbergs are the best, but I have had to use Goldberg versions from last year and earlier as well, mostly the experimentals. However, the Goldberg overlays don't work a decent part of the time. SSE overlays have no problem with RIvatuner/Afterburner running but Goldberg overlays won't work and even in some games without them it still won't work like in Doom 2016. So I usually try SSE first and move to the Goldberg's. Also it is needed to turn on the inject dll and/or persist dlls for some games. I don't see that you used different versions. I guess because you don't want/need achievements, but I thought I would share my results here for others that want them.

Reply 42 of 44, by DosFreak

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I have less than o% interest in achievements but if someone wants to put in the work and post it I won't complain.
I've been house sitting for someone for the past two months (so shit internet and without my server) so hoping to get caught back up on projects once I get caught up on other things heh.

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Make your games work offline

Reply 43 of 44, by Horun

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Rank l33t++

Thanks for the info here. Pulled out my older XPsp3 box and was able to get into the Steam games from 2009 and play a bit. iirc last time tried was in 2019.
Merry Christmas !

Hate posting a reply and then have to edit it because it made no sense 😁 First computer was an IBM 3270 workstation with CGA monitor. Stuff: https://archive.org/details/@horun

Reply 44 of 44, by DosFreak

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Rank l33t++

I'll be fleshing out the offlinegames github this coming year. Main delay was research on dcma and attempting to keep up with constant game updates. Almost always the method to bypass or remove the DRM never changes so the knowledge on how to do so is the most important.

Focus will be on operating systems where online game launchers dropped support and CD/DVD. Also listing versions of games where is compatibility was dropped.

How To Ask Questions The Smart Way
Make your games work offline