Q: The game is crashing when I attempt to run it. […]
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Q: The game is crashing when I attempt to run it.
A: This could actually be caused by a few different reasons. You will want to check the following (in the order listed):
The game requires that you have the current version of DirectX installed and that your drivers are showing as "certified". You will want to reference our DirectX troubleshooting guide to check DirectX for proper installation.
Often drivers that show as certified are still incompatible. If applicable, compare the driver version you are using with another users posted and working driver information. This is available on our Customer Compatibility page. These are driver sets sent in by customers experiencing no problems. If yours does not match, contact your manufacturer for the specific driver version.
Another program running in the background can cause a crash. You will want to do the following:
Press CTRL+ALT+DEL. This will bring up a "Close Program" box.
The only items listed should be Explorer and Systray
Highlight any other item listed
Click on End Task
Continue back with step 1 until Explorer and Systray are the only items listed.
Please reference the answer to the question below regarding graphical glitches.
Try disabling or enabling Direct3D or DirectDraw. These options are available by running DXTOOL. (Start/Find/Files or Folders/DXTOOL.EXE)
Try disabling EAX or Environmental Audio Sound. This option is available on the Sound screen of the games main ‘Option’ Selection.
Verify that your in-game resolution matches your system resolution. (16bit recommended for both.)
Verify that you have enough available hard drive space. The games cache requires a minimum of 80 meg available. Please take into account that the windows swap file will also require its own space.