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First post, by Bruno128

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Hi I'm running into reproducible problem:
Baldur's Gate vanilla 5x CD retail version, only official patch 1.1.4315 applied.
Exiting the game to Windows (but not to main menu) results in a freeze. Menu music loop keeps playing though. Mouse cursor won't move, system won't react to Ctrl+Alt+Del, reset is only via button. For the rest the game works fine.
Enabling software BitBLT in config file doesn't help.
Redirecting CD path variables to hard drive copy of content doesn't help.
More ideas?

Windows 95 OSR2
K6-2-500 (K6 patch installed)
Diamond Stealth 3D 2000 4MB, latest Diamond drivers.

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Reply 1 of 4, by akula65

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Rank Oldbie

The official Common Problems and Troubleshooting page might be helpful (See answers to the "Q: The game is crashing when I attempt to run it." question).

Q: The game is crashing when I attempt to run it. […]
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Q: The game is crashing when I attempt to run it.

A: This could actually be caused by a few different reasons. You will want to check the following (in the order listed):

The game requires that you have the current version of DirectX installed and that your drivers are showing as "certified". You will want to reference our DirectX troubleshooting guide to check DirectX for proper installation.

Often drivers that show as certified are still incompatible. If applicable, compare the driver version you are using with another users posted and working driver information. This is available on our Customer Compatibility page. These are driver sets sent in by customers experiencing no problems. If yours does not match, contact your manufacturer for the specific driver version.

Another program running in the background can cause a crash. You will want to do the following:
Press CTRL+ALT+DEL. This will bring up a "Close Program" box.
The only items listed should be Explorer and Systray
Highlight any other item listed
Click on End Task
Continue back with step 1 until Explorer and Systray are the only items listed.

Please reference the answer to the question below regarding graphical glitches.

Try disabling or enabling Direct3D or DirectDraw. These options are available by running DXTOOL. (Start/Find/Files or Folders/DXTOOL.EXE)

Try disabling EAX or Environmental Audio Sound. This option is available on the Sound screen of the games main ‘Option’ Selection.

Verify that your in-game resolution matches your system resolution. (16bit recommended for both.)

Verify that you have enough available hard drive space. The games cache requires a minimum of 80 meg available. Please take into account that the windows swap file will also require its own space.

Reply 2 of 4, by Bruno128

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Tried the following with no effect:
Switching to S3 reference driver ver. 3.12.01
Shutting down tray, background applications
Disabling DirectDraw, Direct3D acceleration
Changing desktop resolution to 640x480x16bit at 60Hz

EAX troubleshooting is irrelevant because no such hardware is used.

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Reply 3 of 4, by akula65

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Rank Oldbie

You might try installing and running the BG demo and see if you get similar results. If you do, then that would suggest an OS/driver issue rather than a game issue.

Edit: I just realized that the demo that I have is a non-interactive one, and that probably won't be helpful. According to this site, there were interactive demos including one on the Forgotten Realms Archives - Silver Edition package. Perhaps someone has posted an interactive demo on the Wayback Machine/Internet Archive.

Another possible cause of the problem might be corrupt media, particularly in a 5-CD install of such an old game. Have you ever used your particular copy to play on another computer? You might see if you can reproduce the problem on a different computer. If you can, that might indicate corruption of one or more files on the CD-ROMs. You might check to see if someone has posted a file list with checksums for your particular version and compare them to yours.

Reply 4 of 4, by Bruno128

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akula65 wrote on 2025-01-04, 08:11:

Another possible cause of the problem might be corrupt media, particularly in a 5-CD install of such an old game. Have you ever used your particular copy to play on another computer?

That’s not the case as I used thatsame media in Pentium 3 PC (Windows 98) and the game worked perfectly.

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