About security, was funny to me have a good surprise last year. I get a call from a small company i worked 10 years ago, back on time i set up a NT4 server for controlling and doing software updates to some old robots they still have working in factory, like Italtech Alfa robots that still use floppy disk
Anyways, back on time, i write a script that every sunday the NT4 server will do a full backup on a external HDD raid 1 and in a tape drive
Well, they callme totally desperate, because they have a virus that encript everything, and only leave a txt with a instructions to send money to russian thieves. They ask for a insane amount of money nobody can pay, and finally they remember i was working there, and just callme to know if i can do something
I went there just to discover, every desktop computer that was running windows 10 was affected, two win11 laptop, and even a windows 8.1 tablet. freebsd server was not affected, but sadly all data that was shared on samba drive was encripted
The only windows machine was not affected... the old NT4 server, and because they call me the same week before sunday, almost if not all data can be recovered from HDD and Tapes. I was totally surprised my old backup script was still working... and running...
Fr0ns wrote on 2024-12-27, 15:15:
You can never tell for sure, even with a fully patched copy of Windows 11.
However, when something happens with an online transaction / you get phished / "hacked" and your bank or the store in question notices you run an OS that no longer is supported they might have the right to deny paying you any damages (even when your outdated OS isn't to blame). With the thriving second-hand market scoring a simple W11 compatible machine should not break the bank and could save you a lot of trouble. A cute little Prodesk 400 Mini G5 or something could do the trick.
Dont know your country, here in spain this not happen, not banks or government check any of this in case of claims