Well I would wish you luck with that, but you want someone else's UPS luck, not mine. […]
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Well I would wish you luck with that, but you want someone else's UPS luck, not mine.
I also just grabbed a used UPS, BN900M, now I know every UPS in the thrift is probably dead as a dodo, but with ppl still clearing out their covid home offices, I thought there was a chance some stuff like that is getting there with some life left in it. Anyway, tried to test this thing at the thrift, and their tester power bar is a surge protected one, and it's sockets are worn, so it's got another surge protector socket ziptied on top of it. Plug the UPS in and it's giving me the bad power light, great, hit the button and I've got a low battery flashing green.. hokay.. things sit around a bit... and then it goes red with a beep and shuts off... now not quite deciphering exactly what is happening, since thrift store testing power is potentially screwed up by worn out surge suppressor behind worn out surge suppressor. So plug it in for 5 mins and then turn it on and yank the plug out... well the power out alarm went off loud and long enough that everyone in the store stared at me until I mashed the button and shut it up... well whatever, there seems to be some life in this battery, I'll give it a chance.
Okay so get it home and plug it, and it's still doing the charge battery and the red green flash for replace battery... ah well let's pop that sucker out and see how bad it is... 12.79V... well that's not too bad... put it on an "automatic" charger with only idiot lights and that says It's got 9 out of 10 bars and charges it for half an hour or so, then shuts off, measure it, 12.82... okay so according to all SLA voltage charts I can dig up, that's about 95% battery life, seems okay.... put it back in UPS... green blinky and red/green blinky again. Okay you dumbass thing, what specifically is it you don't like about this battery???? They're meant to fault at like 80%, not like "few months old" level of wear.
Just tried it again now, after supposedly doing it's own charge for 24 hours, yup same faults. Seems like I am going to have to blow it's tiny little brain out, by pulling everything out and shorting it, to make sure it's reset, then try again. Might want to cycle the battery down to about 30% and charge it back up with my charger that's meant to have a desulfation program to try to make it seem fresher... though wondering if I'm gonna have to completely disassemble and start examining for signs of overload and tired caps.
Anyway, that's my recent luck with UPS units so hope you do better.
I just want something to keep my network up a while really. I hear of guys just getting pissed with the whole SLA battery racket and wiring them up to car batteries, hah, 100Ah, die now you bastard.