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First post, by akula65

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Rank Oldbie

Source: https://artalabs.hr/

Ivo Mateljan is terminating production of his ARTA (Audio Real Time Analysis) software suite. The software will be available until February 2025, so get it while you can.

March, 5, 2024; Important notice: […]
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March, 5, 2024; Important notice:

The lifetime of ARTA development has come to an end.

After more than twenty years of ARTA software development I decided to stop development and take care of myself.

I have fullfilled my promise that ARTA users will get free update to all versions 1.x.x..


1) ARTA selling will be stopped on March, 30, 2024.

2) The firm ARTALABS be closed in April or May 2024.

3) The ARTALABS web site will be active until February, 2025. The last version and support files will be available for download.

4) I hope that you will be able to use ARTA software on Windows for many years (while Windows support 32-bit programs).

Best regards, Ivo Mateljan

Downloads: https://artalabs.hr/download.htm

It sounds like you can get the full version, but even the demo may be of interest.

Reply 1 of 2, by momaka

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Rank Member

Thanks for the heads-up... and actually a pretty cool piece of software there.

I suppose it'll overlap some functions that I've accomplished before with Visual Analyzer (mainly used it as an o-scope for audio frequencies or low-frequency signal capturing.) But this one looks like it can do a little more in terms of signal analysis, so definitely useful to have. Hopefully it gets archived somewhere too so that it doesn't disappear into the abyss.

Reply 2 of 2, by akula65

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Rank Oldbie

The author has created a final release freeware version (1.9.8 ) and indicated that the software will be available at least through 2025.

December, 16, 2024: […]
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December, 16, 2024:

Program ArtaSetup198.exe refreshed for freeware install of program LIMP.

December, 8, 2024; Important notice:

ARTA software version 1.9.8 is published as freeware (see Install section).


1) ARTA license key selling stopped on March, 30, 2024.

2) The firm ARTALABS is closed in April, 2024.

3) ARTA software has become freeware in December, 2024. The Copywrite owner is author Ivo Mateljan.

4) The web site https://artalabs.hr will be active in 2025. The last version and support files will be available for download.

5) The user support continues for all licensed users.