Reply 4780 of 4857, by elszgensa

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Rank Member
BitWrangler wrote on 2024-12-27, 12:25:

The notices are sounding ominous, "back up your files now!" like they are gonna disable Win 10

Maybe not the entire OS, but I wouldn't be surprised if they shut down access to services like OneDrive because "this is [now] an insecure device" or whatever - and seeing how they pushed and tricked people into using it, that'd mean a lot of users losing access to a lot files, leading to a lot of complaining (and rightly so, imho).

Reply 4783 of 4857, by douglar

User metadata
Rank Oldbie

It's an Enlight case with a Shuttle HOT-591P 3.1 motherboard & 8MB ATI Xpert @ Play PCI. There was also a box with a Voodoo3 2000 PCI & Trident 9680 PCI

Photo Dec 30 2024, 1 45 35 PM.jpg
Photo Dec 30 2024, 1 45 35 PM.jpg
File size
1.63 MiB
File license
Public domain

Reply 4784 of 4857, by BitWrangler

User metadata
Rank l33t++

Either those experienced extreme heat in an inert atmosphere and everything melted slightly, or you've got your pics contaminated with AI somehow.

Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.

Reply 4785 of 4857, by RetroPCCupboard

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Rank Member
Ozzuneoj wrote on 2024-12-27, 08:27:
If Microsoft doesn't change their policy regarding updates on Windows 10 or upgrades to 11 on older systems there is going to be […]
Show full quote

If Microsoft doesn't change their policy regarding updates on Windows 10 or upgrades to 11 on older systems there is going to be an absolutely disgusting amount of pre-2018 computers being thrown away over the next 12 months.

I know plenty of people rocking Sandy Bridge, Ivy Bridge and especially Haswell systems on Windows 10 and 11 with absolutely no performance or stability problems. There are very likely thousands or even tens of thousands of people buying these computers second-hand (hopefully with Windows 11 installed) every couple months, even now, because they can get them cheaply and they are more than fast enough for everyday tasks.

... but with the ridiculously volatile and scam-laden state of the internet these days, running without proper security updates will rightfully scare a lot of people into upgrading.

It's going to be an e-waste nightmare, for sure. And it is absolutely unnecessary.

Very sad.

My main Internet browsing PC runs an i7 3770k. I chose to install Debian Linux on it, and it works great. It can even play 1080p YouTube.

BTW I think Microsoft has relaxed their system requirements now. In that it will let you install it on unsupported hardware now (or will do shortly), but they give warnings that they don't recommend doing so.

Reply 4786 of 4857, by douglar

User metadata
Rank Oldbie
BitWrangler wrote on 2024-12-30, 20:52:

Either those experienced extreme heat in an inert atmosphere and everything melted slightly, or you've got your pics contaminated with AI somehow.

I got an iPhone 13. I should try again to figure out how to turn off the Ai retouch

Reply 4787 of 4857, by Kahenraz

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Rank l33t
BitWrangler wrote on 2024-12-30, 20:52:

Either those experienced extreme heat in an inert atmosphere and everything melted slightly, or you've got your pics contaminated with AI somehow.

The floor is lava, obviously!

Reply 4788 of 4857, by Ozzuneoj

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Rank l33t
RetroPCCupboard wrote on 2024-12-30, 21:09:
Ozzuneoj wrote on 2024-12-27, 08:27:
If Microsoft doesn't change their policy regarding updates on Windows 10 or upgrades to 11 on older systems there is going to be […]
Show full quote

If Microsoft doesn't change their policy regarding updates on Windows 10 or upgrades to 11 on older systems there is going to be an absolutely disgusting amount of pre-2018 computers being thrown away over the next 12 months.

I know plenty of people rocking Sandy Bridge, Ivy Bridge and especially Haswell systems on Windows 10 and 11 with absolutely no performance or stability problems. There are very likely thousands or even tens of thousands of people buying these computers second-hand (hopefully with Windows 11 installed) every couple months, even now, because they can get them cheaply and they are more than fast enough for everyday tasks.

... but with the ridiculously volatile and scam-laden state of the internet these days, running without proper security updates will rightfully scare a lot of people into upgrading.

It's going to be an e-waste nightmare, for sure. And it is absolutely unnecessary.

Very sad.

BTW I think Microsoft has relaxed their system requirements now. In that it will let you install it on unsupported hardware now (or will do shortly), but they give warnings that they don't recommend doing so.

It has been possible to force 11 onto just about anything from the beginning. The main issue is that it was only possible with a fresh install, which is a huge obstacle for most people. Even if they can understand how to get Windows 11 installed fresh, they still have the tedium of transferring data and reinstalling and setting up all of their programs. Dealing with all of this, plus paying someone else to do the complicated stuff... most people will probably just opt to stop using that computer and either buy a new one or just use their phone\tablet.

I see there are ways to force in-place upgrades to later versions of 11 from earlier versions of 11 on unsupported hardware, but I don't know if it's possible to go from 10 to 11 this way. I have been so put off by 11 that I just haven't been looking into it much, heh.

Now for some blitting from the back buffer.

Reply 4789 of 4857, by Horun

User metadata
Rank l33t++
Ozzuneoj wrote on 2024-12-31, 03:44:
RetroPCCupboard wrote on 2024-12-30, 21:09:
Ozzuneoj wrote on 2024-12-27, 08:27:
If Microsoft doesn't change their policy regarding updates on Windows 10 or upgrades to 11 on older systems there is going to be […]
Show full quote

If Microsoft doesn't change their policy regarding updates on Windows 10 or upgrades to 11 on older systems there is going to be an absolutely disgusting amount of pre-2018 computers being thrown away over the next 12 months.

I know plenty of people rocking Sandy Bridge, Ivy Bridge and especially Haswell systems on Windows 10 and 11 with absolutely no performance or stability problems. There are very likely thousands or even tens of thousands of people buying these computers second-hand (hopefully with Windows 11 installed) every couple months, even now, because they can get them cheaply and they are more than fast enough for everyday tasks.

... but with the ridiculously volatile and scam-laden state of the internet these days, running without proper security updates will rightfully scare a lot of people into upgrading.

It's going to be an e-waste nightmare, for sure. And it is absolutely unnecessary.

Very sad.

BTW I think Microsoft has relaxed their system requirements now. In that it will let you install it on unsupported hardware now (or will do shortly), but they give warnings that they don't recommend doing so.

It has been possible to force 11 onto just about anything from the beginning. The main issue is that it was only possible with a fresh install, which is a huge obstacle for most people. Even if they can understand how to get Windows 11 installed fresh, they still have the tedium of transferring data and reinstalling and setting up all of their programs. Dealing with all of this, plus paying someone else to do the complicated stuff... most people will probably just opt to stop using that computer and either buy a new one or just use their phone\tablet.

I see there are ways to force in-place upgrades to later versions of 11 from earlier versions of 11 on unsupported hardware, but I don't know if it's possible to go from 10 to 11 this way. I have been so put off by 11 that I just haven't been looking into it much, heh.

Not sure why peeps get so looking at lack of MS updates as the thing...it is your browser, the firewall and AV that keep you safe for the bad guys on the internet. As long as they are updated is A-OK
Sure, we have to put up with software suppliers not allowing an install of new product because "your OS is out of date" but that does not mean your very well self protected box is not safe....just saying.

appiah4 wrote on 2024-12-30, 07:34:

I don't have a single Windows 11 system in the house, even on computers that are upgradable. I intend to keep it as such.

Me neither. Only one Win10 box out of the five I connect with, and that is due to software requires not some MS update garbage..
added I just upped the Defender defs yesterday on this Win7 box, yes I have two other AV apps too but just saying---I have not much need to worry 😀


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    250.25 KiB
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    Public domain

Hate posting a reply and then have to edit it because it made no sense 😁 First computer was an IBM 3270 workstation with CGA monitor. Stuff: https://archive.org/details/@horun

Reply 4790 of 4857, by Ozzuneoj

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Rank l33t
Horun wrote on 2024-12-31, 04:53:

Not sure why peeps get so looking at lack of MS updates as the thing...it is your browser, the firewall and AV that keep you safe for the bad guys on the internet. As long as they are updated is A-OK
Sure, we have to put up with software suppliers not allowing an install of new product because "your OS is out of date" but that does not mean your very well self protected box is not safe....just saying.

See, this is what I would think as well, but if you mention anything about voluntarily not doing any (ANY!) software security updates on cyber security forums or subreddits you will be verbally strung up and castrated for being part of the "problem". People will start ranting about "herd immunity" and "botnets of people like YOU!" making the internet so much worse for all the good people who just let their PCs update automatically.

Obviously, I think these people are going way off the deep end, but I can't help but feel that there has to be at least some bit of truth to the idea... I just have no idea how often such things are actually exploited.

From years of experience fixing people's horribly malware ridden PCs, I am much more inclined to agree with your evaluation of things though. Lots of "fully up to date" PCs with bloated "fully up to date" AV software that are also "fully riddled with malware and garbage" because people won't be careful on the internet and they let everything right past all the countermeasures.

Use Microsoft Defender (or whatever they're calling it this week), install uBlock origin in your browser (I choose Firefox), stay off of really bad websites, don't use Bing search (the results are worse than most), always be 100% sure of Google results before clicking them, be careful what you download (don't download anything at all if you aren't savvy), don't believe anything you receive in an email or phone call about your computer, and have someone you can trust on speed-dial if anything questionable comes up. I'd rather have relatives pester me with questions about a popup or email than call me in a panic later when some "tech support" guy has their screen blacked out while he "fixes things". Oh, and don't save online banking passwords. EVER!

Also, this is a pretty cool thing that came out this year. I wouldn't mess with it on any decently knowledgeable person's PC, but for a grandma\mom\aunt\uncle PC, I think it's a really nice option:

Now for some blitting from the back buffer.

Reply 4791 of 4857, by Kahenraz

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Rank l33t

I'm always super annoyed at being chastised by strangers on the Internet or feeling interrogated for using older operating systems, like I'm some kind of child. As if these people have never heard of retro before.

I'm behind a NAT and firewall and only use it to access my local network. It's not like I'm directly connecting my modem up to a machine running Windows 95. Yeah, that would actually be super insecure. I'm not doing that.

Reply 4792 of 4857, by RetroPCCupboard

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Rank Member

I too dislike Windows 11. However I have installed it on my modern gaming PC. A necessary evil I think. Linux just isn't there yet. Having said that though my gaming PC is starting to look retro. The GPU is 3.5yrs old and the CPU 2.5yrs old. I play with my Win9x and XP machines more than I do the "modern" one. So have not felt the need to upgrade it.

Reply 4793 of 4857, by Minutemanqvs

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Rank Member
Horun wrote on 2024-12-31, 04:53:

Not sure why peeps get so looking at lack of MS updates as the thing...it is your browser, the firewall and AV that keep you safe for the bad guys on the internet. As long as they are updated is A-OK
Sure, we have to put up with software suppliers not allowing an install of new product because "your OS is out of date" but that does not mean your very well self protected box is not safe....just saying.

That's unfortunately not completely true, the problem is that all these software are using common libraries provides by the OS, and if there is a big security hole in one of these common libs, you are done. It's less "visible" on Windows, but on Linux you often see news popping up talking about "critical vulnerabilities in openssl" and so on, and this affects lots of other software on the system.

If people stopped clicking on every link and going on stupid websites it would already help a lot.

Searching a Nexgen Nx586 with FPU, PM me if you have one. I have some Athlon MP systems and cookies.

Reply 4794 of 4857, by Mandrew

User metadata
Rank Member

The last free stuff of the year, Thomson WHP460 wireless headphones from 2003. I don't usually pick up used headphones but this came from the family so it's ok.
The old battery didn't leak too much, it's working fine.
More free e-waste for everyone in the New Year!


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    1.48 MiB
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    Fair use/fair dealing exception

Reply 4795 of 4857, by chrismeyer6

User metadata
Rank l33t
Minutemanqvs wrote on 2024-12-31, 11:29:
Horun wrote on 2024-12-31, 04:53:

Not sure why peeps get so looking at lack of MS updates as the thing...it is your browser, the firewall and AV that keep you safe for the bad guys on the internet. As long as they are updated is A-OK
Sure, we have to put up with software suppliers not allowing an install of new product because "your OS is out of date" but that does not mean your very well self protected box is not safe....just saying.

That's unfortunately not completely true, the problem is that all these software are using common libraries provides by the OS, and if there is a big security hole in one of these common libs, you are done. It's less "visible" on Windows, but on Linux you often see news popping up talking about "critical vulnerabilities in openssl" and so on, and this affects lots of other software on the system.

If people stopped clicking on every link and going on stupid websites it would already help a lot.

Have you tried Bazzite Linux it's basically Steam OS and it's great. Between Proton and Lutris just about any game or software just works under Linux. I've tested Bazzite and it's great in the next few weeks I'll be fully switching to it for my daily driver PC while I wait for Steam OS to launch publicly.

Reply 4796 of 4857, by twiz11

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Rank Member
BitWrangler wrote on 2024-12-27, 12:25:

The notices they are sending out are sounding ominous, "back up your files now!" like they are gonna disable Win 10, not just cut off updates.

if anything ill still use windows 10 on my old gaming pc but keep it air gapped. though not even sure about THAT now.

Whats the point in using an obsolete OS still even if its air gapped for gaming.

I am being petty and pedantic because new releases require the internet and newer stuff to work, frankly much better and fixes bugs from old releases.

I got a big back catalog of drm free purchases from humble bundle/itchio/gog that frankly dont work anymore due to updating the packages because some were borked on release even if they were drm free.

i compare it to the consoles of yesterday. day one on optical/cart and that was it, any additional stuff was impossible unless you got a later release again $$$ and time finding the right one. your experience may vary, even single player wise.

If you can containerize the games as they were day one perhaps the experience would be the same.

this is the issue with interactive media, as experiences always change and no one can ever get that day one release feeling.

Reply 4797 of 4857, by twiz11

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Rank Member
Mandrew wrote on 2024-12-31, 12:01:

The last free stuff of the year, Thomson WHP460 wireless headphones from 2003. I don't usually pick up used headphones but this came from the family so it's ok.
The old battery didn't leak too much, it's working fine.
More free e-waste for everyone in the New Year!

i remember ones that you had to hang off the base because thats how it charged. like two pins on top of the base lined up with holes in the top of the headphones. Really cool, never knew how they hooked into, oh this was like 2000-2001 i assume we had bluetooth then

Reply 4798 of 4857, by StriderTR

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Rank Member

I got my hands on a free Westinghouse SK-19H210S 720P TV, and it works! So far anyway, It powers on and displays the OSD info fine. I need to test all the IO yet. Was "put away working" many years ago according to the guy who had it.

I've been wanting a display of some kind that I could use to test/use a wide variety of old hardware on without the use of adapters. This little guy will fill that role perfectly if I don't find any issues.

Love all those inputs! 😀


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    Public domain

Retro Blog: https://theclassicgeek.blogspot.com/
Archive: https://archive.org/details/@theclassicgeek/
3D Things: https://www.thingiverse.com/classicgeek/collections

Reply 4799 of 4857, by dm-

User metadata
Rank Newbie

Saved a second BlasterBoard from scrap.

Better condition, only 3 broken traces and one capacitor.

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297.72 KiB
File license
Fair use/fair dealing exception
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79.33 KiB
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Fair use/fair dealing exception
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121.25 KiB
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Fair use/fair dealing exception

Bios attached.

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158.09 KiB
File license
Fair use/fair dealing exception