First post, by eyalk4568
I got Dungeon Keeper 2 on CD installed on my windows 98 PC , but the problem is that it's in German.
Is there anyway way to change that, like importing files from the English version to the computer?
I got Dungeon Keeper 2 on CD installed on my windows 98 PC , but the problem is that it's in German.
Is there anyway way to change that, like importing files from the English version to the computer?
Can you see if it’s available anywhere on your cd it might be possible to swap language packages.
Also noticed the German version has censorship in its gameplay
I have not tried any of the following, so you do it at your own risk, particularly the changing of registry entries (don't do it if you don't understand it).
First, see DragonsLover's comments in this thread on the Keeper Klan forums. It supposedly addresses how you can change the censorship settings and language through the Registry (again, don't do this if you don't know what you are doing).
Second, you might see how much progress has been made in the OpenKeeper project:
What is OpenKeeper? […]
What is OpenKeeper?
Dungeon Keeper II remake.
Goal is to fully implement the game (version 1.7 with 3 bonus packs) as open source cross platform version, with minimal or no changes at all, using the original game assets. So it will require the original game to play / develop. Futher development could have fan made graphics (to at least enable standalone version) and features.
Implementation is done in JAVA using JMonkeyEngine ( Currently we are using JME 3.6 + JAVA 21.
My YouTube channel where I sometimes publish videos of the progress:
For more persistent discussion and/or feedback, try this forum at Also we have opened a Discord channel.
Kaljis83 has posted a YouTube video of the Japanese language capability in operation.
Greywolf1 wrote on 2025-01-03, 16:23:Can you see if it’s available anywhere on your cd it might be possible to swap language packages.
Also noticed the German version has censorship in its gameplay
I did open the CD files but there are no files in there that indicate a language swap.
I’ll check my cds see if I spot anything tho I think I can pick a language on installation.
I got my dk2 out for a try mine consists of 2 discs it defaults to English for me but I read through the read me and the language options come on disc 2 and I have a choice of 8 languages I click on my language option it goes to that languages installer then requests disc 1 for the game installation.
Hope that helps
Greywolf1 wrote on 2025-01-04, 16:14:I got my dk2 out for a try mine consists of 2 discs it defaults to English for me but I read through the read me and the language options come on disc 2 and I have a choice of 8 languages I click on my language option it goes to that languages installer then requests disc 1 for the game installation.
Hope that helps
I only got 1 CD on my copy, and when I checked the files on the CD, it showed only the German version.
On my disc 1 there was a file with language packs in it but no way to select them with out disc 2