First post, by BEEN_Nath_58
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We all have gone through the thing of being nostalgic, clinging to games of a certain period because they probably where we enjoyed most, while games before a period and after a period never appealed as much as either they weren't as advanced, or they aren't of your type.
For example, I am decently happy with the games of the 1998 - 2016 years, something probably lacked before 1998 that never immersed me to gaming, and inversely games after 2016 changed something I never liked.
I often go back to playing CSGO (CS2 now) but something still feels different, yet more different has been Valorant. Yet PUBG managed to fit my style upto probably the first 1 and a half years, while Fortnite never clicked.
GTA (except Trilogy) and RDR seems a big exception to this rule for the new games, while Assassin's Creed, Prince of Persia, Battlefield, Call of Duty, FIFA greatly fit into my theory.
What are your opinions?
previously known as Discrete_BOB_058