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Retro Consoles.... who plays them

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Reply 60 of 76, by KCompRoom2000

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Rank Oldbie

I've been a console collector for years now. Seeing videos of vintage game system reviews from YouTubers like Gamester81 and Classic Game Room has sparked my interest in retrogaming, playing some games on Wii Virtual Console was another thing that got the ball rolling, and thanks to my luck of spotting some systems at thrift stores, I've also been slowly collecting the actual consoles and games from the same era.

I have every Nintendo console from the NES to the Wii U, the first two Playstations, a Sega Genesis w/ 32x, a Dreamcast, and the original XBOX.

As for handhelds, I own a Sega Game Gear, a PSP, all Nintendo Gameboys except for the GB Light and GBA SP AGB-101, and nearly every member of the DS family except for the DSi XL and 2DS.

Super Mario 64 is the best 3D platformer of all time IMO.

Reply 61 of 76, by BSA Starfire

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Famicom heaven!

286 20MHz,1MB RAM,Trident 8900B 1MB, Conner CFA-170A.SB 1350B
386SX 33MHz,ULSI 387,4MB Ram,OAK OTI077 1MB. Seagate ST1144A, MS WSS audio
Amstrad PC 9486i, DX/2 66, 16 MB RAM, Cirrus SVGA,Win 95,SB 16
Cyrix MII 333,128MB,SiS 6326 H0 rev,ESS 1869,Win ME

Reply 62 of 76, by Dimitris1980

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I use especially computers but In Christmas 2023, for a present, I bought a Philips CD-I console. It is the only console I have. It is the model 220/60 with Digital Video Cartridge and new timekeeper battery. I have original games like Tennis, Tetris and the 7th Guest which I finished it recently.

I would like also to have a Sega Mega CD console especially for games like The Secret of Monkey Island, Rise of the Dragon, Dracula Unleashed, and Willy Beamish.

- Macintosh LC475, Powerbook 540c, Macintosh Performa 6116CD, Power Macintosh G3 Minitower (x2), Imac G3, Powermac G4 MDD, Powermac G5, Imac Mid 2007
- Cyrix 120
- Amiga 500, Amiga 1200
- Atari 1040 STF
- Roland MT32, CM64, CM500, SC55, SC88, Yamaha MU50

Reply 63 of 76, by andre_6

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Rank Oldbie
Dimitris1980 wrote on 2025-01-03, 12:42:

I use especially computers but In Christmas 2023, for a present, I bought a Philips CD-I console. It is the only console I have. It is the model 220/60 with Digital Video Cartridge and new timekeeper battery. I have original games like Tennis, Tetris and the 7th Guest which I finished it recently.

I would like also to have a Sega Mega CD console especially for games like The Secret of Monkey Island, Rise of the Dragon, Dracula Unleashed, and Willy Beamish.

I have vivid memories of watching my Dad and Uncle playing CD-I's Battleship on a big rear projection TV, and constantly pestering them to have a go.

Regarding Sega Mega CD's Monkey island, you're probably already aware but for others who might stumble upon the thread, be sure to get the corrected version, the original version was launched with the "shadow mode" set as default, and the game looks way darker than it should. You can easily get it along with other hacks and translations on a certain "CD romantic" website

Reply 64 of 76, by DracoNihil

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Rank Oldbie

I'd like to play my Vectrex again but it doesn't turn on anymore and I lack the tools and expertise to repair it.

“I am the dragon without a name…”
― Κυνικός Δράκων

Reply 65 of 76, by Joseph_Joestar

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Rank l33t++

Currently, my console collection looks like this:

  • Nintendo Game Boy (the original DMG-01)
  • SNES
  • Sega Mega Drive (model 1 with the good Yamaha music chip)
  • Sony PlayStation 1
  • Sony PlayStation 2
  • Sony PlayStation 3
  • Sony PlayStation 4 Pro
  • Xbox 360

Most of them have high quality RGB SCART cables too. I used to play them more often, but nowadays, I'm too lazy to drag my 29" Sony Trinitron WEGA out of storage, which I prefer to use for hooking up the older consoles. I do have a smaller 21" Trinitron as a backup, but it only has mono audio, which means I need to hook up a pair of dedicated speakers when using it, and that's annoying. I still occasionally play PS3, PS4 and Xbox 360 games, as I can use a 1080p HDTV for those.

PC#1: Pentium MMX 166 / Soyo SY-5BT / S3 Trio64V+ / Voodoo1 / YMF719 / AWE64 Gold / SC-155
PC#2: AthlonXP 2100+ / ECS K7VTA3 / Voodoo3 / Audigy2 / Vortex2
PC#3: Core 2 Duo E8600 / Foxconn P35AX-S / X800 / Audigy2 ZS
PC#4: i5-3570K / MSI Z77A-G43 / GTX 970 / X-Fi

Reply 66 of 76, by PcBytes

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Rank l33t

Lemme join in as well:

- Sega Dreamcast VA1 w/ GDEMU and 8GB Samsung microSD card
- 7x Sony Playstation 1 (SCPH-1002, SCPH-5552, SCPH-7002, SCPH-9002, 3x SCPH-102) - will soon have a USA model join, a SCPH-101 w/ screen hopefully.
- 5x Sony Playstation 2 (SCPH-39004 v7, SCPH-50004 v10, SCPH-70004a v13, 2x SCPH-77004 v15b) - mostly chipped except the v10 and v13 - v7 has DMS4, one of the v15s has a Modbo 5 and the other has a classic 760
- 10x Sony Playstation 3 (2x CECHA01, 1x CECHB00, 1x CECHC03, 1x CECHC04 Frankie, 3x CECHG04, 1x CECHK04, 1x CECH-2503B slim with overclock)
- 8x Xbox 360 (3x Xenon, 2x Zephyr, 2x Falcon, 1x Jasper) - out of those, 2 Xenons are modded (one JTAG, one EXT_CLK type RGH), 1 Zephyr is modded as well (2008 MS refurb with the fixed High-TG bumps GPU), 1 Falcon is modded too and the Jasper is modded as well.
- 2x Nintendo Wii (RVL001 white, RVL101 black)

"Enter at your own peril, past the bolted door..."
Main PC: i5 3470, GB B75M-D3H, 16GB RAM, 2x1TB
98SE : P3 650, Soyo SY-6BA+IV, 384MB RAM, 80GB

Reply 67 of 76, by Dimitris1980

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andre_6 wrote on 2025-01-04, 17:50:
Dimitris1980 wrote on 2025-01-03, 12:42:

I use especially computers but In Christmas 2023, for a present, I bought a Philips CD-I console. It is the only console I have. It is the model 220/60 with Digital Video Cartridge and new timekeeper battery. I have original games like Tennis, Tetris and the 7th Guest which I finished it recently.

I would like also to have a Sega Mega CD console especially for games like The Secret of Monkey Island, Rise of the Dragon, Dracula Unleashed, and Willy Beamish.

I have vivid memories of watching my Dad and Uncle playing CD-I's Battleship on a big rear projection TV, and constantly pestering them to have a go.

Regarding Sega Mega CD's Monkey island, you're probably already aware but for others who might stumble upon the thread, be sure to get the corrected version, the original version was launched with the "shadow mode" set as default, and the game looks way darker than it should. You can easily get it along with other hacks and translations on a certain "CD romantic" website

Yes, I know about the shadow mode. I played the game in 2024 on my Apple Imac G3 via ScummVM. The game was great, it was not in shadow mode, the loading times were fast and it has save & load. It looked perfect on the 15 inches monitor of the Imac G3. But, to be honest, the only reason I played the game there, was because I do now own a Sega Mega CD 😀 . The same goes for the FM Towns versions of Lucasfilm/Lucasarts adventure games 😀 .

- Macintosh LC475, Powerbook 540c, Macintosh Performa 6116CD, Power Macintosh G3 Minitower (x2), Imac G3, Powermac G4 MDD, Powermac G5, Imac Mid 2007
- Cyrix 120
- Amiga 500, Amiga 1200
- Atari 1040 STF
- Roland MT32, CM64, CM500, SC55, SC88, Yamaha MU50

Reply 68 of 76, by BitWrangler

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Rank l33t++

Kinda "wasn't console people" growing up, so have kinda limited nostalgia feels, mostly just curiosity.

Original Gameboy, screen cover falling off, bit ugly, works but only have tetris for it.
Sega Game Gear, one good working one, though haven't had it out in a while, one dead one "somewhere" think it might just need recap though. Again limited games.
Nintendo 3DS, was good and working apart from battery very poor and hinge a bit sloppy. Limited games.

Two good and working Nintendo 64, one orig one green/translucent. Couple of dozen games, I fire those up once in a while and play a little, don't have a real good setup area for them though.
One mostly working Wii, some problem with store meaning I can't install anything else on it, but works for a handful already on it. 1 or maybe 2 spares put away somewhere, one of them had a disk prob I think and the other I bought for cheap and never tried.
One gamecube, may be one or two games around that got in with Wii stuff... no accessories, though may have one controller, never tried it maybe fixer upper.
4 Xbox 360, one might be whole and working, the others were pulled apart by someone else and got for spares cheap, dunno if there's one set of working parts or not really.
1 Xbox original, more of a deliberate buy, gotta get around to checking a bad solder joint in it and clean up.
Maybe one or two NES and two or 3 SNES hiding in boxes of "junk" in basement, retired from wife's family, played to death, IDK what out of those will resurrect, rumors of "had an Atari at one point" but never seen it, might come out of a box I thought was full of tchotchkes/tat and surprise me. We did have a working great SNES and 40+ games a decade or so back but one of the young unz "loaned" it to some friend and it was never seen again. 🙁
There was a playstation booting around at one point, light grey one, I am not sure it was officially "mine" or not, is probably non-functional, but should it turn up again it might win the curiosity lottery and get attended to quicker than some others.

Anyway, I guess I have most enthusiasm for the handhelds and N64, Wii next, Xbox original on the project list... but everything else kinda waiting for some particular passion to fire up maybe by getting a haul of games for them come my way or something, and there's a lot of retro "to do" list to knock out before I get there by boredom. Though I guess it's kinda funny how many consoles I've got with not being super into consoles.

Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.

Reply 69 of 76, by StriderTR

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Sadly, many years ago (2014'ish), I parted with all of my old consoles. Lack of space and time meant I had to downsize and move almost entirely to emulation. Though, I still have old photos of some of them from before they went to new homes. You can see the point I got a new camera. 😜

I also had a large collection of games, plug n play devices, and even a Coleco Adam I really wish I had kept.


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Retro Blog: https://theclassicgeek.blogspot.com/
Archive: https://archive.org/details/@theclassicgeek/
3D Things: https://www.thingiverse.com/classicgeek/collections

Reply 70 of 76, by subhuman@xgtx

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Rank Oldbie

I have a March 2000 PS2 SCPH-10000 I bought brand new together with the external HDD released later in mid 2001 and the infamous vertical stand that can accomodate both. I treated myself to a gift after I graduated past year because I love the sober design of the PS2 and I wanted to own a piece of history. Of course, F--k collectors. I'm playing with this one even if it doesn't leave home.

Besides the 'cool factor' of owning a launch model,
in retrospective, I find it really crazy to think they already got such a powerful graphics / vector engine working by the end of the century compared to what was available on the average gaming pc.



Reply 71 of 76, by TheMobRules

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Rank Oldbie

I only had an NES when growing up for a few years until we bought our first computer in late 1993 when I was 12 years old. After that I did play frequently on a friend's SNES at his house during the MK/MK2 craze and rented a MegaDrive on a few occasions, but I've never been a console guy. The first console I bought since then was an XBox 360 in 2008, then a PS3 shortly after, and then PS4 and PS5.

Lately I've gotten into a bit of a console craze as I have pretty much all I ever wanted when it comes to retro PCs and also many old consoles have started popping up for sale around my area: so far I've got an NES, SNES, N64, Dreamcast, PS2 (early fat and a couple of slim variants). Waiting for a Genesis model 2 that is on the way and I'm also looking for a fat PS1 in good condition and maybe a Saturn or an original XBox if the opportunity presents itself.

When watching gaming retrospectives on YouTube and talking to friends who had all these consoles back then I always feel like I've missed on a lot of good stuff so I'm trying to make up for that. I'm definitely not interested in collecting console games due to absurd prices and lack of space so I got everdrives and mods to support burned CDs where applicable. I have to say, these everdrives are amazing, you keep the retro feeling of using the cartridge but with the modern convenience of having an entire game library!

The only other thing I'm contemplating is getting a CRT TV, nothing too big, probably a late 21 inch TV with component input. I really need to make some space for it, but I feel that I will end up buying it because I absolutely hate how old console games look on LCD panels, even when RGB output is supported... and I personally think the whole RetroTink/scaler stuff is just too expensive for the results it provides.

Reply 72 of 76, by crusher

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Rank Member

I'm a big Retro Consoles fan and had a few of them in the past (NES, SNES, Master System, Mega Drive, PS2, XBOX OG, XBOX360, Wii, Switch, PS4).

Nowadays I cover all my console needs with a MiSTer Pi.
It's always a pleasure to power it on, have an authentic but wireless controller in my hand and enjoy even the most exotic systems I never heard of before.
I really can recommend it for everyone that wants an all-in-one system because of space or whatever reasons.
The "emulation" (it emulates hardware, not software) feels real and buttersmooth.

Reply 73 of 76, by theelf

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Rank Oldbie
crusher wrote on 2025-01-09, 07:25:
I'm a big Retro Consoles fan and had a few of them in the past (NES, SNES, Master System, Mega Drive, PS2, XBOX OG, XBOX360, Wii […]
Show full quote

I'm a big Retro Consoles fan and had a few of them in the past (NES, SNES, Master System, Mega Drive, PS2, XBOX OG, XBOX360, Wii, Switch, PS4).

Nowadays I cover all my console needs with a MiSTer Pi.
It's always a pleasure to power it on, have an authentic but wireless controller in my hand and enjoy even the most exotic systems I never heard of before.
I really can recommend it for everyone that wants an all-in-one system because of space or whatever reasons.
The "emulation" (it emulates hardware, not software) feels real and buttersmooth.

I build a thin client futro for consoles, love this computer. Small, passive, low power , RGB output and easy to add original controllers using parallel port


I use a cart reader in case i need to test some real cartdriges, and a USB cdrom for same


Reply 74 of 76, by megatron-uk

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Rank Oldbie

I've got 98 systems in my collection (combination of consoles, handhelds and various computers from various platforms) - everything from Gameboys to NEC PC98 and most inbetween.

I did have a pretty extensive set up in my office, with scalers, 16 port scart switch, VGA kvm, HDMI kvm, remote-keyboard and mouse adapters for all of the 8/16bit consoles.... but I got sick of all of the stuff left out and on display.

I reorganised about a year ago and now just have the one (modern) PC left out, a Sharp X68000, Vectrex, my 486 SBC wooden PC and an MSX. Everything else (including all games) got boxed up and is now in the attic.

Part of the reason I got sick of it all was my office turned from being a games room to a semi-permanent working space around the time of Covid, and I'm still working there most of the time (thankfully actually - I couldn't bear going back to commuting every day to do everything I can do from home) .... but it was just too much to sit in every day. And... I'll be honest... I didn't play on most of it.

My collection database and technical wiki:

Reply 75 of 76, by gaffa2002

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Same as some people here, I used to have a lot of consoles, but downsized due to lack of space and time. Before I had:
- Sega Genesis + Sega CD
- Master System (which was broken)
- N64
- Gamecube
- PS2
- PS3
- Xbox 360
- Dreamcast
- Sega Saturn
- Atari 2600

Some years ago I sold a lot of my retro collection (only kept the stuff that meant something to me) and used the cash to help paying for my appartment. My retro game collection was reduced to:
- Analogue Mega SG : Which replaced the Sega Genesis and the Master System. I've kept all my Genesis games (40+ games), but sold the Sega CD and its games. As a bonus, the console also works as a Game Gear and a Colecovision. It's hooked on the living room TV. Is much more convenient to use with two wireless controllers and the picture quality is amazing on a 55 inch LCD.
- PSP GO: Mostly for playing PS1 games I purchased long ago when they were available for the PS3

Another reason for selling was that many games I purchased which could not be played anywhere else at the time like Doom 64, Resident Evil Remake, Sonic CD and Powerslave became available in modern platforms over time. Not to mention I was getting anxiety as I was finding myself worried about maintaining the collection (where to store, where to display, how to hook multiple consoles in a CRT, CDs going bad, the list goes on...).

Last edited by gaffa2002 on 2025-01-15, 15:16. Edited 3 times in total.


My DOS/ Win98 PC specs

EP-7KXA Motherboard
Athlon Thunderbird 750mhz
256Mb PC100 RAM
Geforce 4 MX440 64MB AGP (128 bit)
Sound Blaster AWE 64 CT4500 (ISA)

Reply 76 of 76, by gerry

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Rank Oldbie

I have some consoles from PS1-2 era, nothing from earlier though and no n64. It's not that they were part of my childhood either but bought later when they were in their 'cheap' phase of history.

However i rarely play them, if i play any game its usually a PC game. I'm trying to think why that is - some of it is just the need to set up a console, a small hurdle but apparently enough! Mostly though its just not having time to sit and play longer games while not really being good enough or engaged enough to play console fast reflex requiring type games on console, i'm so attuned to keyboard and mouse that controllers never feel "right" to me!