nocash wrote on 2024-12-25, 07:14:What I still don't understand is: Are you really using the white boot screen with the floppy symbol for testing? That looks completely unsuitable to me. Don't you have a workbench disc, or game disc, something with a real picture? Or are you an expert on Amiga hardware and know exactly how the white boot screen should look like on that particular monitor?
I am not too familar with the amiga appearance, I assume that the boot screen consists of a bitmap with white pixels, surrounded by a black or white (?) screen border, so I couldn't tell which of the pixels on you photo are part of the bitmap or border. And I assume the floppy and/or hand is supposed to be centered in the middle of the screen, with the same amount of white pixels on each side, but I am just guessing there. And of course, all pixels should have the same width, but it's impossible to tell if that's the case with all-white background on your photo.
Doing an image search for Commodore 1084S-P1, it seems the games do usually have a screen border about the size of the black region on your photo. I have also found a screenshot of the v1.3 bootscreen, which seems to have the whole screen including border filled with white pixels, unlike as on your photo... but that screenshot has a gray slider on the floppy symbol, why is yours having a red slider???
The floppy slider supposed to be gray instead of red, you're right. It's an old screenshot, I fixed it pushing "SK4" button to "analog" position instead of "digital". However, it didn't fix the image horizontal fading issue.
As a result of your above reply, I tested the monitor on another Amiga screen, and also connected it to a CGA machine, just to see how it displays a CGA signal.
The Amiga test on another screen shows clearly that the image is actually folding (at each side, depends on horizontal positioning) and the borders are not in place.
On the other hand, on the CGA test the display was good and the folding issue disappeared.
On both tests, the vertical size seems to be a bit shrunk, tuning it doesn't help. This is probably another issue.
I attached photos of both tests.
Deunan wrote on 2024-12-26, 11:09:Pity, I was rather hoping it would do the job. Because there isn't much else in there than can cause that, except the whole size control circuit perhaps. This is where pincushion correction is injected, which also looks bad on your shots.
What do you mean by "pincushion correction"?
Deunan wrote on 2024-12-26, 11:09:First, a question: In your opening post you've wrote that all the potentiometers on the back were replaced but you also gave the values: "2x10k, 1x220k". Which one is the 220k? Because AFAIK all three of them should be 10k.
3550 is the 220k POT. This is what mentioned in my schematic, do you have any other schematic that states differently?
Deunan wrote on 2024-12-26, 11:09:Second, can you measure the voltage on the 1uF capacitor 2526, it's connected to that /!\ marked resistor 3526 on the schematic, right next to the flyback transformer. There shouldn't be any nasty voltages on this side of the circuit, the schematic shows 13V4 being the expected voltage. I am interested in what voltage do you get at both opposite ends turning the H-size control pot. I would expect this to be between about 1V at minimum and 25V or so at maximum.
2526 capacitor voltages:
19.76V when screen positioned all the way to the left,
20.2V when screen positioned all the way to the right.
mkarcher wrote on 2024-12-26, 18:40:I agree. I'm surprised that changing the cap didn't help. Did it at least change the picture in some way? if not, the vincinity of that cap should be checked, especially the diodes 6515 and 6514. These diodes are meant to create a DC voltage on the capacitor 2515 (which has been changed), and that DC voltage will likely affect horizontal picture position.
I'm not sure, but I think it moved the left horizontal border of the screen to the right. This way - I can see the screen folding even on the left side, when moving the picture to the left.
I tested the diodes, here are the results:
6514 diode - Vf = 610 mV
6515 diode - Vf = 609 mV
For the rest of the components in this area, it will be a bit tricky as many of them are behind EMI shielding, I'll have to take them off to measure them. If it's the last resort, I'll do it also. Anyway, visually they look fine.
mkarcher wrote on 2024-12-26, 18:40:We still have two possiblities why the picture is folded at the right margin: Either the HOT is turned off too early, ending the sweep. In that case, the root cause is likely located around the TDA2579 chip, or the HOT is still on, but the circuit is unable to drive the beam more to the right due to issues in the horizontal resonant circuit. In that case, the issue is likely right of the HOT (7512). We should be able to narrow down the issue by scoping TP11 (the flyback voltage feedback) and TP4, TP5 or TP6 at the same time on two channels. The waveforms at TP4/TP5/TP6 are the RGB components. The expected waveforms shown in the service manual are for a specific test pattern with color bars. Assuming you still use the "please insert the AmigaOS floppy" image as test screen, we expect a high level during most of the image time (except for the floppy image in the center), and a low level during blanking. Furthermore, we expect that the spike at TP11 occurs shortly after blanking begun.
If the spike at TP11 starts while the video signal is still high, the horizontal output transistor is driven off too early, and this causes the folding of the image at the right edge. If the spike at TP11 is some microseconds into the blanking, the horizontal output stage works correctly, but the horizontal deflection circuit is unable to provide enough deflection current through the yoke.
This troubleshooting hint does not supersede what Deunan suggested, but is an alternate approach to finding the root issue. I recommend to do both.
I'll try to arrange a setup for this measurement.
pentiumspeed wrote on 2024-12-26, 20:51:Invest in ESR meter.
This way, you will find lot of bad electrolytic capacitors at this age of this monitor. Not just specific. You will need to find all and replace that is out of specs.
I have an ESR meter. I probably will do so, it's a good direction.
Now my main concerns are:
Does 3550 POT should be 10k and not 220k?
And what is the meaning that CGA PC signal is showing fine with no folding on this monitor, while RGB output of the Amiga isn't?
I want to mention that the folding issue is showing also with no signal at all, when brightness set to a point that a white screen shows up on the monitor.
Attached a couple of screenshots I made during the test.