Common searches

First post, by doxen

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Rank Newbie


I've read the wiki, the faq and searched the filesystem with no luck.

where is the config file for the Mac version of DOSBox kept?

The only way I've had any kind of success is to put the config file into the MacOS app folder, ie

Unfortunately this doesn't work if I double click the DOSBox icon from finder.

I searched in ~/Library/Application Support
I searched for ~/.dosboxrc
I created one but it was ignored.

Any clues? I just want to add a mount command to the autoexec area ...


Reply 2 of 2, by redsnapper

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Rank Newbie

I searched for hours but than found on reddit the solution (MacOS 12.7.6.):

"It saves it in the Users Home folder in a "hidden" Library folder. If you don't have a shortcut to your Home folder, it is under Users/"current users name"/Library/Preferences.

In order to see hidden folders, open Finder and hold <Command><Shift> and press the < . > key. Repeating this will hide them again. {Don't play around in there until you know what you are doing.}"

https://www.reddit.com/r/dosbox/comments/ildt … nt=share_button