trying to export skyroads music to MIDI format...not working

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First post, by jasoniscool

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Rank Newbie

I didn't know whether to post this here or under the Dosbox forum, but I'm having trouble exporting the music to MIDI format. I can export to WAV no problem, but when I try to capture the raw midi it just says waiting for data. The sound seems to work okay, I'm just totally lost as to what the problem could be. I'm also using an Audigy 2 8400 on windows XP.

Thanks for any help.

edit - i just found this guide: http://www.mirsoft.info/gamemids-ripping-guide.php

which I'm planning on attempting tomorrow..if anyone knows of a simpler way, that would be cool. thanks

Reply 1 of 6, by HunterZ

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Rank l33t++

The hardware solution on that site is only necessary if you want to run the DOS game on a pure-DOS machine and send the data to a second machine for recording.

If you're running the game in DOSBox, however, you can do the ripping entirely in software. One way is:
- install Midi-Yoke and Cakewalk (or any MIDI software capable of recording multiple channels to individual MIDI tracks)
- set the default Windows MIDI output device to Midi-Yoke
- set the Cakewalk MIDI input device to Midi-Yoke
- set up a 16-track MIDI composition and arm all tracks for recording
- start recording
- start playing the game

It might also be possible to just use Midi-Ox (and maybe Midi-Yoke?) and have it dump the captured data to a MIDI file, but I don't think I've tried that.

Reply 2 of 6, by Kaminari

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Rank Oldbie

Before going through the whole logging stuff, you could also try ripping the MIDI files from the game resources with a program like WinRipper or DragonUnpacker. If it's a MT-32 soundtrack, you'll still have to capture the SysEx but that should be easy enough.

Reply 4 of 6, by Grzyb

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Rank l33t

Skyroads doesn't send anything to the MIDI port, it plays its music via Adlib/SB FM synth.

Its soundtrack was originaly composed using Oktalyzer:

Perhaps you can find some software to convert the OKT files to MIDI format?

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Reply 5 of 6, by Jo22

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@Good_Punk I probably shouldn't say anything, but this might be the biggest necro post I've seen so far.
The users discussed this 19 (!) years ago, so it's unlikely that they're still working on it.
Again, it's technically not my business to say anything, especially since I'm not without mistakes myself..
It's just that this thread/topic is almost as old as Vogons itself.
So it might have been better to just start an new one.
Also because some people don't feel nostalgic to "meet" their former self from 20 years ago.

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In what to one race is no time at all, another race can rise and fall..." - The Minstrel

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Reply 6 of 6, by DosFreak

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Rank l33t++

Its highly unlikely you are using VDMSound and even if you are this an ancient thread for another users issue.
To discuss exporting audio from your purchased copy of the game start a new thread.
You will need to provide:
Name of game
OS used
What program you are using to run the game. Keep in mind that only the official version of DOSBox is supported here.

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