GloriousCow wrote on 2025-02-01, 14:11:
xsaveopt wrote on 2025-02-01, 14:08:
Yes, I can see from the emulator's side that it is resetting the mouse and then reading a few bytes including the 'M' identification byte.
But I must be seriously misunderstanding what mice were supported by the early Windows versions because I can't even get a serial mouse to work under Bochs. So I'm just going to trash it all and implement a PS/2 mouse instead, which hopefully will work better.
I guarantee you Win 2.0 supports a serial mouse. One of the first things I did when I got mouse working was play reversi.
I second this.
In addition, I read on the internet that the Windows 2.x PS/2 mouse driver had been used to retrofit Windows 1.x with PS/2 support..
I've attached some pictures of my own copy of Windows 2.03, hope that's okay.
The mouse (Sigma mouse) is a serial mouse that's MS Mouse compatible, though it also has a switch on underside.
It works so far with Windows, GEM, GeoWorks Ensemble and MS Mouse driver 6.24.
I do have to happen that setup around right now because I'm tinkering with a Commodore PC10 (4,77 MHz XT) right now and I just had my own issues with Windows 2.03 a few days ago.
I even went so far and asked for help at Forum64, a forum of Commodore experts.
The issue back then wasn't mouse related, though.
It rather was about an Aztech SB 2 clone that caused Windows 2.x to hang. Very strange.
A real SB 2.0 CT1350B didn't cause the issue. In another PC, a Siemens-Nixdorf model M35 (4,77 MHz XT), the Aztech SB 2 clone didn't hang Windows 2.x at all.
I even copied both Windows 2.x Installations back and forth, but the issue remained. Both have a NEC V20 processor, as well.
So yeah, I suppose Windows 2.x has quite some more surprises left for us. 😀
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In what to one race is no time at all, another race can rise and fall..." - The Minstrel
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