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Reply 360 of 2281, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

Hi skatz,
to be honest, I do not like the idea of silently changing files very much. And if it's turned off by default I think the option is mostly useless: The ScummVM.ini needs to be changed to CRLF exactly on time ever. So converting it with nearly any text editor (except notepad) is much easier than turning on a hidded configuration switch etc. So at the moment I think I will not implement a CR -> CRLF converter.

Not to forget: Thank you for your bug report. 0.5.0 still seems to have more bugs than I have thought.

Hi curieux,

thank you for your updated translation.

Reply 361 of 2281, by MiniMax

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I happen to agree with skatz. I consider it a bug in the ScummVM installer for Windows that it installs a text-file with the wrong kind of line endings. And it is definitely a bug in ScummVM for Windows if it some day can not handle CRLF endings. So my vote is for the silent conversion thing.

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Reply 362 of 2281, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

I think I have found a clean solution for this problem:

At the moment I'm using the editor registered for opening "txt" files for opening any text file from DFR (because often there is no editor registered for opening "conf" files and so Windows would use Notepad also the user has registered some smarter editor for "txt" files). I could make a setup page in the category "External program" named "Text editor". On this page one could choose

[x] Use default editor for "txt" files for opening all kind of text files from DFR
[_] Use default editor for "conf", "ini" etc. files from registry
[_] Always use Notepad
[_] Use this custom editor: _______________


[x] Automatically convert Unix style text files to DOS/Windows style files before opening them.

(If this option should be on or off by default, we can discuss.) I think offering this option for all text files instead of silently patching just the scummvm.ini is much better.

Some little status update: The things above are not yet implemented but playing ogg files is working now, option for filtering games by emulation type is also done. At the moment I'm working on some tools for improving the navigation through the VirtualHD file structure. (Wouldn't it be nice to have a file list of a directory of the VirtualHD structure and clicking an exe file would automatically open it in DOSBox, clicking a txt file would open it in an editor etc., the context menu of the exe file would have a "Make profile for this file" item and the context menu of a folder would have a "Open this folder in DOSBox" item ?)

At the moment I'm planing to release a feature incomplete alpha version in about two weeks. The things above should be done by then. Some first improvements to the ScummVM support should also be ready (save path and more game specifiy settings) but ScummVM zip support, a ScummVM template, system specific auto mounting of CDs etc. probabily won't make it in this first alpha version.

Reply 363 of 2281, by skatz

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Rank Member

Hi, Alexander!
Another small bug:
On running windows program you set internal state MinimizedAtDosBoxStart to on (if this mode is turned on for DOSBox!) But no minimization occur. So the first attempt to minimize DFR, brings window back to normal.
You may to remove this part (or change it someway) or maybe look for process handle? (but handle may correspond not to game but to launcher - so maybe 'handle' idea is not for this case.)

Reply 364 of 2281, by MiniMax

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Rank Moderator

Wouldn't it be enough with just 2 options?

[_] Always use this program when editing files: _____________
[x] Ensure that text files are in DOS/Windows format.

If the 'Always use ...' is left blank, use the file associations from the registry, and if there is no association (like for .conf files) assume it is a .txt file, and use the editor for .txt files.

That way, people that are savvy enough to have changed the associations will get the results they expect, and everyone else will get Notepad.

Re-phrasing the conversion option gets rid of the 'Unix' word (which 90% of your audience don't understand). I am not entirely happy with an automatic conversion of ALL files, which is why it is important to keep the words 'text files' in there. You can easily peek into the file in order to determine if it looks like a text file: More than 90% of the first 200 chars are ASCII, and and in the first 200 characters you see 1-10 CR's, LF's or CR/LF's.

DOSBox 60 seconds guide | How to ask questions
Lenovo M58p | Core 2 Quad Q8400 @ 2.66 GHz | Radeon R7 240 | LG HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH40N | Fedora 32

Reply 365 of 2281, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

First: Of course the first 4 checkboxes [_] are ment to be radiobuttons (.).

The fallback option is also a good idea. (As I already mentioned: At the moment I'm just thinking of different options etc., nothing of this has been implemented yet.)

The convert option will be placed on the "Text editor" page because it is only intended to be used when opening text files (=files known to be text, this means conf files, Scummvm.ini, prof files etc.) via DFR. Perhaps the text for the option is not yet clear enough (it was just ment for the readers of this forum not for the normal DFR enduser), it could also be something like "Automatically correct line wraps when opening text files via the DFR GUI".

(@skatz: I'll look at this bug tomorrow.)

Reply 366 of 2281, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

Minimizing when starting Windows programs
Because there is no real setting for minimizing DFR when starting a Windows program, I have just disabled this thing for now. Perhaps I will make some day a preference for minimizing DFR when starting a Windows program.

Plans for the next beta release
Due to an increasing number of known bugs in 0.5.0 I have decided to finish a 0.6.0 release a fast as possible. This means some feature requests will be moved to my todo for 0.7.0. At the moment I'm planing to release a feature incomplete beta version in about 1 1/2 weeks. The feature complete beta 2 (which will be ready for translation) should be completed by the end of September.

Reply 367 of 2281, by skatz

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Rank Member

In screenshot view dialog status bar is updated only on window resizing, so if the next image is of the same size as previous - status text (filename) left unchanged.

And may you add to scale menu commands Zoom In/Out with shortcuts +/- (and maybe proceed ctrl+wheel)?

Reply 368 of 2281, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

Hi skatz,
the bug is fixed and the new feature (keys and mouse wheel) will also be available in 0.6.0 beta 1. Additionally I have added a "Go back to 100%" function associated with the * and the 0 keys.

Reply 369 of 2281, by Lord_Rius

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Rank Newbie


Testing 0.5.0, recently i added a windows game with her covers & data folder. When i navigate to this game an error appears me saying:

"Access violation at address 004B8019 in module 'DFend.exe'. Read of address 01EC1000.

Deleting the covers path the error disappears. I don't know what is happening i added many games extacly.

Reply 370 of 2281, by Neville

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Rank Oldbie

Could be that the covers files are damaged or something? Try to use another set, and see what happens then.

I also have a suggestion, Skatz requests about the snapshot viewer made me think that rather turning it into a full fledged image viewer, why not allow the user to specify an external viewer, such as Windows XP default one or IrfanView, and leave the embedded one the way it is?

Then you could have both ways. Users who want their life easier could use the embedded viewer, and power users could view the images just the way they liked to.

Reply 371 of 2281, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

Hi Lord_Rius,

I've just checked what code is at address 004B8019 when compiling the 0.5.0 source code: No code Delphi could link to any source code line, so the address doesn't give me any hint what went wrong. The image loading function uses try...finally blocks for freeing memory even in case of exceptions but no try...except blocks for handling exceptions. So a damaged image could possibly cause this exception. If you could send me the screenshot I could investigate on this problem more deeply.

@Neville: DFR 0.6.0 will bring an "Open game capture folder" option in the context menu of the screenshot/sound/video previewer. This already makes it easier to open captured content in external programs. But additionally I can make some preferences for choosing the default previewer for image/sound/video files (internal, default for file type, custom program).

Reply 373 of 2281, by Neville

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Rank Oldbie
Alexander wrote:

@Neville: DFR 0.6.0 will bring an "Open game capture folder" option in the context menu of the screenshot/sound/video previewer. This already makes it easier to open captured content in external programs. But additionally I can make some preferences for choosing the default previewer for image/sound/video files (internal, default for file type, custom program).

Oh, well, no need to add options for external image viewwers then. If there's a "open folder" option planned, I'd rather keep things simple and not add extra preferences. Just my opinion.

Reply 374 of 2281, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

Hi wd,

wd wrote:

How did you check it? 0x4..... should be quite at the start of the application, maybe try w32dasm or ida.

Just loaded the 0.5.0 source code in Delphi, compiled, started, interrupted execution and done a Search|Goto address. (The "Goto address" item is only available if the program is running but halted.) And then the CPU (=asm code) window poped up with lines of "???" in it and no reference to any source code line.

I don't have any of the real big debuggers, sorry.

Reply 375 of 2281, by wd

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Rank DOSBox Author
DOSBox Author

Don't know about delphi's debugger itself (you need to use the debugger
for the release executable, which might not work at all).
Under w32dasm there's a call to DeleteDC, a string reference to
EPNGOutMemory, and calls to SelectObject and BitBlt before that code location.
After those calls is what looks like a switch using values 0x10, 0x14, 0x17, 0x18
where the case 0x10 leads to the faulting instruction.
Might be some rle/compression code, right before that instruction are checks
for 0x00 and 0xff.

Reply 376 of 2281, by sst

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Rank Member

Hi, ...

Curieux write =

>>> sst: Thank you for your corrections in the French translations.

Respond =

😀 curieux have made the major part, of the French translation, ...


I whant to know, if someone can made a new icon for the F-Fend Reloaded itself (that i can put in my Vista Desktop, as a shortcut).

A .ico file, or in the software itself.

In Vista "the default D-Fend Reloaded software icon is 256 color".

I have an icon Software, = i will try today to made it high-resolution, [1x1 to 256x256 resolution] [2 colors, to TrueColor 32 bits], based on the real icon of D-Fend Reloaded itself, ... but resize to a max of 256x256 = it will made that icon Vista 100% compatible resizable.

Sylvain St-Amand

Reply 377 of 2281, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

Hi wd,

thank you, with this at least I can say with a high probability the problem is in the png loading code. I think it occures in this code sequence of the png library I am using:

  {Create the bitmap which will receive the background, the applied}
{alpha blending and then will be painted on the background}
BufferDC := CreateCompatibleDC(0);
{In case BufferDC could not be created}
if (BufferDC = 0) then RaiseError(EPNGOutMemory, EPNGOutMemoryText);
BufferBitmap := CreateDIBSection(BufferDC, BitmapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS,
BufferBits, 0, 0);
{In case buffer bitmap could not be created}
if (BufferBitmap = 0) or (BufferBits = Nil) then
if BufferBitmap <> 0 then DeleteObject(BufferBitmap);
RaiseError(EPNGOutMemory, EPNGOutMemoryText);

I will protect the loading code in a try...except block. Normally I am using many try...finally and try...except blocks but it seems I haven't thought of damaged images yet.


Hi sst,

I would really love to have a nicer icon for D-Fend Reloaded. So if you or anybody else would like to create a new icon I would be very happy.

If you would like to resample to old icon to a higher resolution this would be fine, too. And I would like to join it to the next release of the program file. (But to point out once more: I'm not very happy with the current icon and would really like to have a nicer icon one day.)

And some status update:
I'm still planing to release beta 1 of D-Fend Reloaded 0.6.0 by middle or end of next week. And here you can take a first look at the nearly ready quick starter:
http://dfendreloaded.sourceforge.net/Files/DF … uickStarter.gif
The quick starter is not modal, this means you can work in the main window and in the quick start window simultaneous. Additionally you can see the also already implemented "Emulation type" filter in the category tree on the left. The new (mostly game dependend) ScummVM settings are also already there and the text editor, picture viewer, sound and video player settings are nearly finished.

Reply 378 of 2281, by sst

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Rank Member

Hi, ...

Hi sst,

I would really love to have a nicer icon for D-Fend Reloaded. So if you or anybody else would like to create a new icon I would be very happy.

If you would like to resample to old icon to a higher resolution this would be fine, too. And I would like to join it to the next release of the program file. (But to point out once more: I'm not very happy with the current icon and would really like to have a nicer icon one day.)

Respond =

I try to make the icon, but with no success.

I have not the experience to made it, then someone probably can made an icon for the main software, that is resizable to 256x256, and 8bit to 32 bit color = for vista compatibility. A ".png or .ico"

Sylvain St-Amand

Reply 379 of 2281, by T.B.

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Rank Newbie

I've tried to create a new icon which looks like the icon of the first D-Fend app. Nothing special only new colors.


  • Filename
    D-Fend Reloaded Icon.zip
    File size
    164.98 KiB
    File license
    Fair use/fair dealing exception