First post, by hpa

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Rank Newbie

Since the "IPXNET Dedicated Server" thread is now locked, I am setting up a new thread for my dosbox-ipxnet dedicated server daemon.

Replica_UK: You had mentioned that "Dungeon Keeper" didn't work for you, would you be willing to give me the output of "strace -tt -f -o /tmp/log -p <process id>" run on the daemon process from before you try to connect?


Reply 1 of 3, by hpa

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Rank Newbie

For those who have not seen the previous thread, this is a small dedicated server daemon for the DOSBOX IPX-over-UDP protocol. In particular, it is designed to not take up any CPU time at all when the server is not in use. Only DOSBOX itself is needed on the client side.

It does not use SDL_net for performance reasons (SDL_net does not support blocking UDP receive, which is essential for both low latency and minimal server CPU utilization), but should be portable to any modern Unix (Linux, MacOS, ...) as well as to Windows (using MinGW, at least; VC++ lags severely behind current C standards).

The current versions are at:

[Source for Unix]
[Source and binaries for Windows]
[git tree, for development]

Reply 2 of 3, by Replica_UK

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Rank Newbie

Replica_UK: You had mentioned that "Dungeon Keeper" didn't work for you, would you be willing to give me the output of "strace -tt -f -o /tmp/log -p <process id>" run on the daemon process from before you try to connect?

Hi sorry for the late reply.

I have attached a log file.

What I have done was log it from the start and hosted a "Dungeon Keeper" game by the IPX Network mode.

Then with the same IP address using a second DOSBOX window, I have joined to the same "ipxrelay" server and got to the lobby and could not see any rooms in the list for "Dungeon Keeper".

Then terminated the strace.

Even though this game is rather slow in DOSBOX over the internet, it should still have listed the game rooms in the lobby when connected to an "ipxrelay" server.
