First post, by popfuture
Hello, everyone. I read the following thread recently (about a portable computer for DOS gaming):
Portable x86 Device (size of PSP) to play MS-DOS games natively
So I decided to get a Toshiba Libretto for some classic gaming on the go. Well the libretto works great with its hardware-level Soundblaster Pro capabilities. I am enjoying Star Trek 25th Anniversary on it with awesome FM synth goodness.
However, I also have this Roland SCP-55 PCMCIA sound card that I want to try. I can't get it to recognize in DOS, though. CONFIG.SYS loads the SCPENA.EXE driver but gives an error saying initialization failed or something like that. It also gives the exact same error if the card isn't in the machine. After much Googling, I finally figured out that, in DOS, a PCMCIA card requires more to get working than just the driver that comes with it. It also needs a "point enabler" or "socket service" driver such as CardSoft or CardWizard. I finally found a couple of these online, but neither one include any documentation.
I was wondering if anyone who has installed a Roland SCP-55 in a Toshiba Libretto could point me to a guide or something that could help. I know there are at least two of you out there. Does the SCP-55 driver need SCPENA.EXE in the CONFIG.SYS in order to work in Windows 98? The Roland readme told me to use the DOS install program which puts SCPENA.EXE in the CONFIG.SYS, but this doesn't make sense to me. If Windows 98 has it's own PCMCIA drivers, why would the DOS driver be needed, and if I install CardSoft in DOS, won't this interfere with Windows 98's CardSoft Drivers?
Could someone who has done this before please shed some light to help a fellow gamer find his way?