Ancient DOS Games Webshow

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Reply 800 of 3362, by Harekiet

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Don't know, didn't seem to like to switch to 8bpp mode. Although other 8bpp stuff ussually seems to work. Can i run it windowed using some command line option?

Reply 801 of 3362, by Gemini000

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Yup. DEFAULT.SF2 is a text file included in the download. Change the vidmode setting in it to 1.

--- Kris Asick (Gemini)
--- Pixelmusement Website: www.pixelships.com
--- Ancient DOS Games Webshow: www.pixelships.com/adg

Reply 802 of 3362, by Mau1wurf1977

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I am impressed by the programming skills. You obviously know your stuff 😀

I personally would prefer less menus and larger game screen but that's just me. This game seems suitable for phones. Have you looked into developing for phones?

Reply 803 of 3362, by Gemini000

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Mau1wurf1977 wrote:

I am impressed by the programming skills. You obviously know your stuff :)

19 years of programming experience and counting. ;)

...yes, I started programming when I was 10.

Mau1wurf1977 wrote:

I personally would prefer less menus and larger game screen but that's just me.

I agree. Again, I left this particular game behind partly because it wasn't going where I wanted it to. If I ever did remake it with hardware accelerated graphics, it would have multi-monitor support, custom MFD sizing and positioning, and the sensors would take up any screen space you don't have MFDs overtop of.

Mau1wurf1977 wrote:

This game seems suitable for phones. Have you looked into developing for phones?

I have considered it... in fact, this is probably the most common question I get asked. The trouble with programming for mobile devices is that the environments for them have been rapidly changing over the past several years. By the time I start learning to develop for a particular mobile device, make my product, and get it out, the device it was made for could already be obsolete and converting for the next device could be just as much work as doing the entire thing over again. I'm one of the slowest coders around, which is part of the reason why I don't participate in speed-coding events.

There's a bunch of other reasons too, but that's the one that matters the most.

--- Kris Asick (Gemini)
--- Pixelmusement Website: www.pixelships.com
--- Ancient DOS Games Webshow: www.pixelships.com/adg

Reply 804 of 3362, by VileR

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would I be a bad, bad person if I said this looks like Round 42 would look if it was made nowadays plus micromanagement and RTS elements? and yes, that's a definite compliment. ;)

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Reply 805 of 3362, by Gemini000

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VileRancour wrote:

would I be a bad, bad person if I said this looks like Round 42 would look if it was made nowadays plus micromanagement and RTS elements? and yes, that's a definite compliment. ;)

Actually, most people compared the original Space Fortress to Space Invaders... and PixelShips to Defender. :P

It'll be interesting to see what kind of comparisons people draw between my new game Vectorzone and other games once Vectorzone actually starts to become a "game" and not just testing stuff.

--- Kris Asick (Gemini)
--- Pixelmusement Website: www.pixelships.com
--- Ancient DOS Games Webshow: www.pixelships.com/adg

Reply 806 of 3362, by temptingthelure

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Like the show. Some things that i find annoyying though. You randomly feature one well-known old game one episode, and have a no-name unknown dos game that only that dude that made it knows about. It generates confusion, you could have a separate section the well-known famous old titles, and one on the obscure 100kb games some dude uploaded to a server and few played.
And, I skipped those edutaintment titles, found them boring.

Reply 807 of 3362, by Gemini000

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temptingthelure wrote:

Like the show. Some things that i find annoyying though. You randomly feature one well-known old game one episode, and have a no-name unknown dos game that only that dude that made it knows about. It generates confusion, you could have a separate section the well-known famous old titles, and one on the obscure 100kb games some dude uploaded to a server and few played.

That would only really work if the entire format of the show was different and more like a television show, where you have different segments that talk about games in different ways. It takes a lot of gameplay to cover just a single game per episode, so doing multiple games per episode would either require me to release episodes less frequently or be more than just a single person working on them. :P

In other words, it's not a bad idea, but not going to happen.

temptingthelure wrote:

And, I skipped those edutaintment titles, found them boring.

Ah well. Some people have voiced in to say they were awesome so it really is just a matter of opinion. ;)

--- Kris Asick (Gemini)
--- Pixelmusement Website: www.pixelships.com
--- Ancient DOS Games Webshow: www.pixelships.com/adg

Reply 808 of 3362, by Gemini000

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Ancient DOS Games Episode 86 - Moraff's World is online!

Man, it feels kinda weird not doing edutainment games now. ^_^;

Anyways, this episode turned out long and soundless since Moraff's World kinda doesn't have much in the way of sound... Actually, come to think of it, there's not much in the way of sound in the next game I'm looking at either, save for certain parts. The episode following though will be epic! ;D

--- Kris Asick (Gemini)
--- Pixelmusement Website: www.pixelships.com
--- Ancient DOS Games Webshow: www.pixelships.com/adg

Reply 809 of 3362, by sliderider

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Rank l33t++
Gemini000 wrote:
That would only really work if the entire format of the show was different and more like a television show, where you have diffe […]
Show full quote
temptingthelure wrote:

Like the show. Some things that i find annoyying though. You randomly feature one well-known old game one episode, and have a no-name unknown dos game that only that dude that made it knows about. It generates confusion, you could have a separate section the well-known famous old titles, and one on the obscure 100kb games some dude uploaded to a server and few played.

That would only really work if the entire format of the show was different and more like a television show, where you have different segments that talk about games in different ways. It takes a lot of gameplay to cover just a single game per episode, so doing multiple games per episode would either require me to release episodes less frequently or be more than just a single person working on them. 😜

In other words, it's not a bad idea, but not going to happen.

temptingthelure wrote:

And, I skipped those edutaintment titles, found them boring.

Ah well. Some people have voiced in to say they were awesome so it really is just a matter of opinion. 😉

You could do a retro tribute to shows like the Computer Chronicles just as a one off thing.

Reply 810 of 3362, by SKARDAVNELNATE

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I suspect I'm not alone in having stories about trying to play a game I was just too inexperienced to understand back in the day. Moraff's World is one of those games for me. I was introduced to computers with Doom and Wolfentein. Moraff's World was on some shareware disk and I spent about 5 minutes trying to determine which of the 4 directions I was actually facing, how to move forward, and how to turn. Seeing as how this game doesn't use these concepts I wasn't successful and never managed to leave the starting area.

Reply 811 of 3362, by sliderider

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I suspect I'm not alone in having stories about trying to play a game I was just too inexperienced to understand back in the day. Moraff's World is one of those games for me. I was introduced to computers with Doom and Wolfentein. Moraff's World was on some shareware disk and I spent about 5 minutes trying to determine which of the 4 directions I was actually facing, how to move forward, and how to turn. Seeing as how this game doesn't use these concepts I wasn't successful and never managed to leave the starting area.

I had similar problems with KISS:Psycho Circus on Dreamcast. The default controls were really messed up in that game. Nothing was intuitive at all. You had to reprogram the controls just to put everything where it always should have been.

Reply 812 of 3362, by WolverineDK

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Gemini000: Nice episode, I enjoyed it a lot 😀 it reminded me off Sword Of Fargoal 😀 so thank you for a smashing great episode this time 😀

Reply 813 of 3362, by VileR

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Rank l33t

hah, Moraffware... take a game that's actually pretty good (and even quite advanced for a one-man effort), add support for every SVGA chipset on the market, then give it genuinely awful graphics and a clunky Borland-y presentation - congratulations, it's a Moraff!

also: I can't think of any other game that actually rewards or punishes you based on your knowledge of the CGA/EGA color palette. Genuinely disappointed that this is the only one. 😁

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Reply 814 of 3362, by CapnCrunch53

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Great episode, Gemini000! Just wanted to say that I really enjoy your show. As a young guy who never had much experience with DOS games but is getting into them now, it's a great way to find out about games that I haven't heard of before. Keep up the great work 😀

PCs, Macs, old and new... too much stuff.

Reply 815 of 3362, by kolano

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Rank Oldbie
VileRancour wrote:

hah, Moraffware... take a game that's actually pretty good (and even quite advanced for a one-man effort), add support for every SVGA chipset on the market, then give it genuinely awful graphics and a clunky Borland-y presentation - congratulations, it's a Moraff!

Can't agree more. I remember being so excited to find software that used the SVGA features of my original 2MB Paradise video card, only to way let down by the clunky Moraffware games.

Reply 816 of 3362, by VileR

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There was also the fact that my SVGA monitor at the time could only do 1024x768 at something like 50Hz interlaced... which made those graphics even more headache-inducing.

In terms of everything else though, I do think Moraff's games were generally good. There's also the funny stuff you can find in the menus - Moraff's Entrap has him advertising AMD 80287s, asking record companies to sign his band, announcing "books based on the concepts in MoraffWare computer games", and even looking for artist agents and movie companies to push "Moraff's World, the Movie". 🤣

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Reply 817 of 3362, by Gemini000

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Urgle... I somehow managed to get pretty sick... >_<;

My voice sounds about as clear as... something... not clear in the slightest, at the moment. Yeah, my imagination's not working too good either.

So the next ADG may be delayed a day or two depending on how quickly I get over this, how quickly I get my voice back, etc. If within the next couple days it looks as though I won't be able to get the next ADG out by Monday then I'll put up a very basic filler that doesn't require me to talk and will push the next ADG to the 26th.

Sick = Lame :(

--- Kris Asick (Gemini)
--- Pixelmusement Website: www.pixelships.com
--- Ancient DOS Games Webshow: www.pixelships.com/adg

Reply 818 of 3362, by VileR

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You already had an episode on Dr. Sbaitso... just give him a temporary guest role as the narrator until your voice improves 😉

Feel better, man.

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Reply 819 of 3362, by leileilol

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and make references to dr. sbaitso fun 2 in the most g rated way possible while you're at it 😀

long live PCem