D-Fend Reloaded can play videos captured by DOSBox or downloaded and stored in the game capture folder, too. See section "Videos" in the tabs bar at the bottom of the DFR main window. Of course it cannot play the video directly in the main window; DFR will open an internal video player window (just using the Windows codecs). Playing videos directly in the main program window would require bigger changes to the code and therefore is not possible for me at the moment.
This is not a bug but can be changed: At the moment D-Fend Reloaded is loading at the most 10 images from mobygames when downloading game information. Accessing mobygames is quite slow. Additionally the Delphi runtime library http component is not comparable to modern high efficiency browsers: I'm opening a new connection for each file I'm downloading (no keep-alive and other useful things). But anyway I'm just working on a whole slew of improvements for the mobygames data reader: DFR 1.3.2 will be able to download all cover images and also all screenshots. For "The Secret of Monkey Island" this will result in more than 80 files to be downloaded. - And would take 2-3 minutes. So I really needed to improve the download code: 1.3.2 will download up to 8 files parallel which should result in download times of 30 seconds or less. Anyway DFR will not download all files in its default configuration, because there are also these arguments:
* Most users just want to have the cover image and do not want to wait for all the other images.
* Generating much traffic on mobygames is not fair to them and I do not want them to lock out DFR http requests.
So by default DFR 1.3.2 will also look at the complete cover images list and the screenshots list, but will only download up to 25 images (1.3.1: up to 10). The maximum number of images will be configurable in the DFend.ini (no new language strings in minor version updates, so no new GUI).
und jetzt auch auf Deutsch:
3. Das ist sehr schwer: Sobald mobygames die Seite ändert - und das haben die schon mehrfach getan - würde meine Titelabfrage höchstwahrscheinlich ins Leere greifen. Um möglichst resistent gegen kleine Änderungen auf der mobygames-Seite zu sein, würde ich so etwas nur sehr, sehr ungerne versuchen.
4. Die Spieleliste wie auch die Bilderliste unten im Vorschaubereich sind TListView-Komponenten aus der Delphi-Laufzeitbibliothek. Momentan hole ich bereits unter Anwendung aller möglichen Tricks ein Maximum aus dieser Komponente raus. (In früheren Versionen war der Aufbau der Liste bei großen Spielesammlungen, so 1000 und mehr, extrem langsam. Das habe ich zum Glück in den Griff bekommen.) Weiteren Einfluss nehmen auf die Darstellung kann ich nicht wirklich.
So even if my response times are quite long at the moment, I'm hard-working on DFR. Due to a PM request, 1.3.2 will also be able to manage up to 50 additional program files per profile (which can be stared via the context menu of the profile; for example level editors etc.); 1.3.1: only 10. Two language files have also been updated since 1.3.1. So even though I'm not planning a new major release at the moment, DFR development is going on.