High-school ended for me in 1998, and in November that year my father asked me to start looking around for a new PC to substitute the old 386.
So I spent the next month going to every local store, hoping to have one brand new machine by xmas, confident with all my reading of PC magazines. 😊
Soon I started to realize I didn't knew as much as I thought I did about hardware, but after nagging the hardware people, sometimes for more than an hour each (they were very patient with me being only 16yo I guess, and also wanted my money 🤑 ) I was getting an idea of what I needed. It was only then I realized that there is so much going on when choosing the components.
Still it was very hard to decide, I needed a PC for the next 5years because I was going to college. At the time stores were still selling Pentium-S as an entry level, Pentium-MMX as the mainstream and PentiumII for the top machines.
Fortunately, in the second week of December, at the last store I entered I recognized the man behind the counter: my informatics teacher from last year! I got a good advice from him which I promptly followed "Wait for the 100MHz BUS".
And so that was how I didn't get my new PC for Christmas, and although it was assembled the 31st of December 1998, it was really a 1999 machine as it was only plugged at home the 2nd January!
Here are the original specs:
DFI Motherboard based on Intel 440BX (P2XBL or P2BXL?)
Pentium II 350MHZ 100MHz Front Side Bus
Matrox Millenium G200 AGP 8MB (they did try to sell me Voodoo2 and a cheap 2D card but I was determined to image quality above all)
6.4GB Quantum Fireball 4200rpm
floppy drive 1.44MB
PCI sound card instead of ISA (Creative 64 PCI)
2X CD-R 1x CD-RW OEM (from Philips)
32X Toshiba CD-ROM
Sony Trinitron 15" CRT (best buy ever!)
TEAC PowerMax 240 (these are very good and powerfull)
Wheel Mouse from Microsoft
Microsoft Natural Keyboard (in the end I got used to it)
Epson Photo quality printer
Umax Scanner
at the end of 1999 it already had :
a 56k modem! 😉
a 128MB stick of Ram for a grand total of 192MB (Win98 was so thankful)
a X16 CD-R 8X CD-RW from LG: I was able to backup a music album in 8min instead of 30min!
After that I bought the cheapest DVD-ROM drive I could find (it was a Memorex that died on me too soon).
A USB 2.0 add-on card because the pendisks were getting bigger and bigger
a Maxtor 40GB 7200rpm(this was the upgrade that did the most improvement , I was not expecting it, I just needed more GBs)
a 550MHz PIII when I saw my cousin's PIII750 riping mp3 I had to upgrade, this was the maximum I got at the time.
Several technology tried to kill my Deschutes/440BX machine, but in the end it was Windows XP that did it 🙁