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Reply 260 of 321, by tincup

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On the other hand many people can now count half a life's experience into the equation - computers and user are not in their infancy anymore. Preferences and tendencies should be taken *more* seriously now that the "socio-ergonomic" experiment has been going on for decades involving a significant portion of humanity.

Resistance to change *can* be a sign of a healthy mature reaction to change for change's sake - resistace change based on years of experience, for real reasons, and not the dictates of marketing growth strategies required to sell "new and improved" products at an often ludicrous pace..

Reply 262 of 321, by TELVM

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SquallStrife wrote:

... It won't be a kneejerk reaction to the mouth-foamers ...

Microsoft may be moving toward bringing back the Start Button and allowing users to boot straight to the desktop with its coming Windows 8.1 release

Microsoft will be bringing the Start button back to Windows 8 in the “Blue” update and allowing users to boot directly to the desktop

Just plain common sense this would be. As opposed to deaf ear, arrogant corporate seppuku.

Let the air flow!

Reply 264 of 321, by sliderider

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TELVM wrote:
Microsoft may be moving toward bringing back the Start Button and allowing users to boot straight to the desktop with its coming […]
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SquallStrife wrote:

... It won't be a kneejerk reaction to the mouth-foamers ...

Microsoft may be moving toward bringing back the Start Button and allowing users to boot straight to the desktop with its coming Windows 8.1 release

Microsoft will be bringing the Start button back to Windows 8 in the “Blue” update and allowing users to boot directly to the desktop

Just plain common sense this would be. As opposed to deaf ear, arrogant corporate seppuku.

I'll believe it when I see it. Microsoft has always had a bit of a tin ear when it comes to responding to users complaints and suggestions. They release what THEY want to release and expect US to get used to it but after almost 30 years of using computers in a certain way, users have become very efficient at it. Trying to force an all new way of doing things down their throats after using the old one for so long is more than a mere inconvenience. It's not like the move from DOS to Windows because CLI based OS's for home users were out for a relatively short time compared to the time GUI's have had and CLI's really were clunky and inefficient and users wanted something easier to use. This new Windows is not easy to use at all on a desktop or laptop. They should have left it on tablets and phones where it belongs and gave desktop and laptop users a traditional Windows desktop GUI.

Reply 265 of 321, by SquallStrife

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TELVM wrote:

Just plain common sense this would be. As opposed to deaf ear, arrogant corporate seppuku.

I have a rock that repels tigers.

I see no tigers around here. It must be working.

Should this pan out to be true, it's a logical response to poor product reception. The fact that keyboard warriors across the will feel vindicated in their narcissistic disbursement of rhetoric, is an unfortunate side effect.

You and others not purchasing was a far more effective protest than any amount of bile you care to spray on a forum.

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Reply 266 of 321, by robertmo

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sliderider wrote:

I'll believe it when I see it.

you just won't have to install Classic Shell so why care?

what is interesting is that it is actually upper management that wants start back, while Windows team doesn't want it. I wonder why Windows team doesn't want it back?

Reply 267 of 321, by SquallStrife

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If you put a load of time and effort into something, wouldn't you be a bit cheesed if upper management came and said "No good, change it back"..?

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Reply 268 of 321, by robertmo

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they won't change it back, they will just leave you the choice to choose the old way, like it always happened in every older windows version that always gave you the choice to switch back to the old ui. so nothing changes here.

Reply 269 of 321, by TELVM

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Windows Weekly: Leo Laporte, Mary Jo Foley and Paul Thurrott on the subject

Lots of plain common sense in the exchange at ~ 0:24:00 :

MJF: I don't know ... I only see this as good news. i've gotten so much e-mail about this this week from people begging me ... ' […]
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MJF: I don't know ... I only see this as good news. i've gotten so much e-mail about this this week from people begging me ... 'oh, can you do anything to make this happen, this would be so awesome.' Listen, I want to read one note that I got from from a guy, because he admits he's not a power user, but he's a very experienced Windows user. He says:

'I am not a computer professional, I'm a highly experienced user. In my youth, I learned to fly three different jets: an F-4, an F-111, and an EF-111. I know my way around technology. But Microsoft made this too hard.'

PT: Yikes ... I can fly a plane, I cannot use Windows 8.

MJF: ... but I can't get used to the Charms, and ...

PT: That's incredible.

MJF: And, you know, that's the kind of mail I've been getting. I have 600 comments on this article, and some of them are from design purists who say Microsoft should not capitulate, they should just make people do this, and this is the right thing ... they did the right thing. And then the rest of them are like, 'please bring this back, please please, we really need this!' So it'll be interesting to see if this comes to pass.

LL: Heh, 'design purists' or 'design fascists'?

PT: Yeah, there is a subtle distinction between 'purist' and 'fascist'.

LL: I'm surprised that there would be that kind of reaction from people like, 'this is a terrible idea.' It just surprises me.

PT: The dumbest thing about this, though, is ... all they had to do was do this in the first place. And like I said, it didn't have to be obvious, it didn't even need to be a UI switch ... people like Mary Jo and I, we could have written our little tips about how you can bring back the old UI, and everyone would have been happy. It's amazing that they didn't do this ...

Let the air flow!

Reply 270 of 321, by robertmo

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it's gonna be a start metro button not start menu 🤣
why would anyone need such a thing??

Reply 272 of 321, by tincup

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From the transcript on the web cast..

"... PT: The dumbest thing about this, though, is ... all they had to do was do this in the first place. And like I said, it didn't have to be obvious, it didn't even need to be a UI switch ... people like Mary Jo and I, we could have written our little tips about how you can bring back the old UI, and everyone would have been happy"

That's it in a nutshell...

the speculation that it may be in response to business needs strikes me as likely - my first reaction to W8 was that it was simply not a work OS - it was more a coffee shop/hipster/teenager "now generation" sort of thing..

Reply 275 of 321, by ncmark

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I was reading a fairly recent article about a pretty sharp drop in PC sales... people were talking about it being about Windows 8. I'd say that, and maybe people have finally figured out they don't need a new computer every 18 months.......

Reply 276 of 321, by Malik

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BBC : Microsoft 'U-turn' sees Start button back on Windows 8.

It's a half-assed attempt, though, to try to boost back it's sales. The damage had been done.

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Reply 278 of 321, by Joey_sw

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i bet if Microsoft hasn't lost the right to use the 'metro' moniker, they'll dub it as "Metro button".


Reply 279 of 321, by robertmo

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they can always call it tube or underground 😉

ug is dead btw (at least for now)