Munt Mac OSX version discussion

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Reply 40 of 72, by sergm

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Rank Oldbie

It confidently works under Snow-64 but it's still lacking those "official" txt files...

Reply 41 of 72, by ufoufo512

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Rank Newbie

Ok. 😊 I'll add the txt files to bundle.

Reply 42 of 72, by ufoufo512

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Rank Newbie

Here is a link to an updated dmg-package. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/30899371/ … ttu/MT32Emu.dmg It now includes DOCS folder with AUTHORS.txt, COPYING.txt, NEWS.txt and README.txt text files. Hopefully that is what was requested. Things still to do:
1) Visual stuff. Proper icon and maybe a folder background image. Anyone?
2) Signing of the package. Maybe dominus can help?
3) Distribution. Should this be distributed on sourceforge?

Reply 43 of 72, by Dominus

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Rank DOSBox Moderator
DOSBox Moderator

Ah, yes. I can help with signing. I return hom on tuesday and can then sign the app(will have to re-image the dmg, though).

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Reply 44 of 72, by Dominus

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DOSBox Moderator

I ran into some problems signing...
The framework for the QT stuff seems to need its info.plist file as per http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9476465/ho … 143296#18143296 or signing will always fail.

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Reply 45 of 72, by ufoufo512

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Rank Newbie

Pity to hear about the signing problem. I'll study the link you posted later today. My previous experience with signing Mac builds has been that I have signed both the libraries and the actual executable separately with no issues, but this case seems a bit different. Need to look into it...

Reply 46 of 72, by Dominus

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Rank DOSBox Moderator
DOSBox Moderator

Hmm, I'll see about signing each binary individually.

Edit: I wonder, did you already sign it? I cannot trigger a negative gatekeeper response to the downloaded file. This is with OS X Maverick, so maybe things changed a bit...

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Reply 47 of 72, by ufoufo512

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Rank Newbie

I didn't sign it. Maybe Qt binaries have signing on them by Qt folks.

Reply 48 of 72, by Dominus

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Rank DOSBox Moderator
DOSBox Moderator

You are right, on a new 10.8.5 installation in a VM Gatekeeper rejects the app. So after signing everything individually, you can get it from https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7737184/D … mu-qt-1.1.0.dmg (edited to point at the later discussed version).
- moved the qt_menu.nib from the QTGui resources to the main resources folder of the App (as per some obscure hint somewhere on the web)
- gave the dmg the name "MT32Emu 1.3.0"
- the dmg got slightly smaller (mostly because it doesn't have the folders .fseventsd, .DocumentRevisions-V100, .TemporaryItems and no .DS_Store file)

So, Sergm, I think you can put that up on the official dl page 😀

Last edited by Dominus on 2013-10-14, 07:50. Edited 2 times in total.

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Reply 49 of 72, by sergm

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Rank Oldbie

Great news, guys!
As for publishing: naming you use is a bit confusing. AFAICT, the image contains the build of mt32emu_qt solely, no library framework files. The damn DOCS folder also contains mt32emu_qt specific files only. So, I'd rename it to something like mt32emu-qt-1.1.0.dmg instead. How does it sound?

You can also consider adding to the package a proper (for OS X directory layout) Framework to allow static linking to the library out of the box. In this case all the above said becomes a bit inconsistent though 😉

Reply 50 of 72, by Dominus

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Rank DOSBox Moderator
DOSBox Moderator

I'd say mt32emu-qt-1.3.0.dmg 😉
If you want I can change the finder displayed title of the dmg as well to that (only takes a minute and a bit to do and upload)
I can see why you'd want the framework there as well, but IMO the framework should be a seperate package. For an OS X end user the QT package is the only one he/she needs. Adding the framework to that will only confuse 😉

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Reply 51 of 72, by sergm

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Rank Oldbie

OK, agree about end users 😉

But the version numbers of the package and mt32emu-qt thing are different in fact, so I am not mistaken.

Reply 53 of 72, by sergm

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Rank Oldbie

Yes, please.
Though, that per-project versioning confuses me myself. And keeping separate projects in one repo isn't any better. Hmm, it's heritage we have.

Reply 54 of 72, by Dominus

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Rank DOSBox Moderator
DOSBox Moderator

ok, here it is https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7737184/D … mu-qt-1.1.0.dmg with the dmg title "MT32Emu-Qt 1.1.0"

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Reply 55 of 72, by sergm

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Rank Oldbie

Cool, uploading...

Reply 56 of 72, by Dominus

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Rank DOSBox Moderator
DOSBox Moderator
sergm wrote:

Well, at least, DOSBox should be excluded from your list. I remember midiconfig changed the port it connects to.

Back to the "problem" of port in coremidi. I couldn't find any way to control this in DOSBox so that it favors Munt-qt over USB. Only when you disconnect the USB-Midi device can you control via midiconfig=Mt32EmuPort which port of the MT32Emu it should use. So if I add a new Midi port in MT32Emu I can switch between those MT32Emu ports by using midiconfig=Mt32EmuPort or midiconfig=Mt32EmuPort1 etc...
So definitely keep this in mind for OS X that the software CoreMidi driver will only work after real hardware is disconnected.

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Reply 57 of 72, by sergm

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Rank Oldbie

Bah, that is really disappointing...

Reply 58 of 72, by Qbix

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Rank DOSBox Author
DOSBox Author

midiconfig for coremidi wants a number, not a name

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