First post, by DosFreak

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Is there such a site that lists such a thing?

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Reply 1 of 14, by Nicht Sehr Gut

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Wouldn't that be a fairly short list?

id DOOM (+ Heretic/Hexen)
id Quake (Hexen II?)
id Quake II
KenSilverman BUILD engine


Reply 2 of 14, by zpeidar

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Not to forget Wolfenstein 3D 😀

"640 kb ought to be enough for anybody"

Reply 3 of 14, by Snover

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iD released the Q2 source?

Yes, it’s my fault.

Reply 4 of 14, by Nicht Sehr Gut

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zpeidar wrote:

Not to forget Wolfenstein 3D 😀

I'm presuming that must be true, but don't recall that it was ever announced.

Reply 5 of 14, by Nicht Sehr Gut

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Snover wrote:

iD released the Q2 source?


On December 21/2001, John Carmack announced the release of the Quake 2 Source Code under the GPL agreement.

Reply 6 of 14, by Snover

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Neat. Now I wonder why I ever went through the trouble of finding a copy...

Yes, it’s my fault.

Reply 7 of 14, by Stiletto

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Nicht Sehr Gut wrote:

I'm presuming that must be true, but don't recall that it was ever announced.

Here's a site with it:

Lots of info found using Google. There's already a WolfGL that's quite nice.

"I see a little silhouette-o of a man, Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you
do the Fandango!" - Queen


Reply 8 of 14, by chanza

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Descent II
Descent: Freespace II

All of the above have had their source released although freespace 1 hasn't, for no reason I can see.

Reply 9 of 14, by Nicht Sehr Gut

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chanza wrote:

All of the above have had their source released although freespace 1 hasn't, for no reason I can see.

Are you sure about Freespace II? I thought maybe it was like the Quake3 source where it was just enough to create a mod, but not the whole game.

One game's source code that's just screaming for a release is the "Babylon5" simulator. 95% done and they cancelled it while green-lighting that BullRider game

*clenches teeth while grasping the edge of the desk*
*sounds of bones grinding and wood crumbling follow*

Reply 10 of 14, by Nicht Sehr Gut

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Originally posted by Stiletto There's already a WolfGL that's quite nice.

I much prefer the Mac version of Wolf3D, but if the code could be adapted to accept the ROTT so it could have a 640x4xx or higher resolution that would be great.

Reply 11 of 14, by chanza

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Are you sure about Freespace II? I thought maybe it was like the Quake3 source where it was just enough to create a mod, but not the whole game.

From the site: http://www.freespace-2.com/ddn/sources/freespace2/

FS2 is an MsDev 6.0 project. Within the workspace are several subprojects. […]
Show full quote

FS2 is an MsDev 6.0 project. Within the workspace are several subprojects.

Ac. This is the animation conversion utility for generating FS2's custom .ani files.

CFileArchiver. A very simple command line utility for quickly packing files into .vp files.

code. 99% of all FS2 code exists in this module. Many of the utility projects have this library as a dependancy and it is organized as a simple set of code folders.

Cryptstring. A command-line tool for generating super-secret codes from input text. More of a curiosity than anything else ;)

Fonttool. A simple utility for generating and kerning the font files FS2 uses.

Fred2. The FS2 mission editor. A giant mass of MFC code - it references plenty of stuff from the code library.

Freespace2. This generates the FS2 executable. There are only a handful of files in this subproject - most of the game comes from the code library.

Nebedit. An old utility used for generating FS1 style background nebulae patterns. Not used directly in FS2, but the code to display the old nebulae still exists in the FS2 codebase.

Pofview. A simple MFC app for viewing POF files as they would appear ingame.

Scramble. Top-secret Canadian encryption program. Guaranteed to be unbreakable for at least 20 to 25 minutes.

Reply 12 of 14, by Stiletto

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Nicht Sehr Gut wrote:

I much prefer the Mac version of Wolf3D, but if the code could be adapted to accept the ROTT so it could have a 640x4xx or higher resolution that would be great.

That's an interesting thought, considering that all the ROTT info I've seen says that little remains of the original Wolf3D engine within ROTT.

AFAIK, the ROTT sourcecode exists but has not been released by 3D Realms (hell, they haven't truly released anything but Duke3D's source). Do you know of any ROTT remakes in the works/etc?

Get WolfGL here: http://wolfgl.sourceforge.net/

"I see a little silhouette-o of a man, Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you
do the Fandango!" - Queen


Reply 13 of 14, by DosFreak

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Yep, but it is the closest to WolfGL than any other remake.....

Geesh, 3Drealms better have a win32 ver of Duke3D when they release DNF. That better be what's taking them so frickin' long...or mabye even a total remake using the DNF engine....

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