First post, by mikeypizano

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Got my mom a new pc and the only game she plays is this old card game from Windows 3.11 days. I was able to make it run on 7 for here before but the new pc is 64bit and has no 16bit layer. I can use dosbox but want it to be simmpler for her. Sadly it has to be this exact game, since the others we have tried are not the same.

Reply 1 of 13, by Stiletto

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Rank l33t++

Virtual PC/VMWare/VirtualBox+"Windows XP Compatibility Mode"+install app?
Off the top of my head, something like that should work.
http://lifehacker.com/5965889/how-to-run-wind … ee-in-windows-8

"I see a little silhouette-o of a man, Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you
do the Fandango!" - Queen


Reply 3 of 13, by Dominus

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DOSBox Moderator

You can set it up for her via Dosbox to be very simple - one click on an icon.
Install Windows 3.11 in dosbox, install the game. In the dosbox config autexec section set dosbox to include the Windows path (I think how to is in the install guide in my sognature), and then also start Windows with the Solitaire game directly by entering "win pathtogsme/game.exe" (without the quotes and still in the autoexec section).
So now when your mom starts Dosbox the solitaire game will start directly.

Windows 3.1x guide for DOSBox
60 seconds guide to DOSBox
DOSBox SVN snapshot for macOS (10.4-11.x ppc/intel 32/64bit) notarized for gatekeeper

Reply 4 of 13, by mikeypizano

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Rank Newbie

Right now, I have dosbox setup but the mouse isnt working right with autolock off, and having her hit ctrl-f10 everytime she needs to use something else will drive her nuts...

Reply 5 of 13, by DosFreak

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Rank l33t++

You can put Windows 7/8 32bit on that computer.

No guarantee that the 16bit program will work since NTVDM especially for windows apps on Vista+ isn't as compatible as previous operating systems but it's worth a shot.

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Reply 6 of 13, by mikeypizano

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Rank Newbie

Problem is the 8GB of RAM... 🙁

Reply 7 of 13, by Dominus

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DOSBox Moderator

It's not a real problem, just not efficient to not be able to use all of the ram 😉

As for Dosbox you could try whether other output settings or other builds (daum or Megabuild6) work better.

Windows 3.1x guide for DOSBox
60 seconds guide to DOSBox
DOSBox SVN snapshot for macOS (10.4-11.x ppc/intel 32/64bit) notarized for gatekeeper

Reply 8 of 13, by Stiletto

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Rank l33t++
collector wrote:

I assume that Win8 does not have XP Mode.

It does not. Theoretically (as my link says), you can disassemble the XP Mode pack for Windows 7, extract the VHD file, convert it and use it with any old virtual machine... but you may miss some of the features XP Mode has (that "desktop-less" mode that makes things look like they're running in a native window, for example) and also - it's presumably against the End User License Agreement you agree to while executing (or downloading?) the XP Mode pack.

"I see a little silhouette-o of a man, Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you
do the Fandango!" - Queen


Reply 9 of 13, by collector

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DosFreak wrote:

You can put Windows 7/8 32bit on that computer.

No guarantee that the 16bit program will work since NTVDM especially for windows apps on Vista+ isn't as compatible as previous operating systems but it's worth a shot.

In some cases it works better. KQ6 for Windows works as is on Vista32+, but would not even start on XP.

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Reply 10 of 13, by collector

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Stiletto wrote:

but you may miss some of the features XP Mode has (that "desktop-less" mode that makes things look like they're running in a native window, for example)

It is the seamless integration of XP Mode apps that would be what the OP is after, so that there would be no more effort than running a native app.

I would suggest that it would be easier to find a replacement card game pack that has all of the games she wants. Card games are a dime a dozen.

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Reply 11 of 13, by Stiletto

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Rank l33t++
collector wrote:
Stiletto wrote:

but you may miss some of the features XP Mode has (that "desktop-less" mode that makes things look like they're running in a native window, for example)

It is the seamless integration of XP Mode apps that would be what the OP is after, so that there would be no more effort than running a native app.

Yeah. I know Parallels offers this on the Mac. I'm surprised more VM software don't offer this as a feature, it mainly seems to be Parallels and Virtual PC "XP Mode" (and not regular Virtual PC if I recall correctly).

"I see a little silhouette-o of a man, Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you
do the Fandango!" - Queen


Reply 12 of 13, by Norton Commander

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Stiletto wrote:
collector wrote:

It is the seamless integration of XP Mode apps that would be what the OP is after, so that there would be no more effort than running a native app.

Yeah. I know Parallels offers this on the Mac. I'm surprised more VM software don't offer this as a feature, it mainly seems to be Parallels and Virtual PC "XP Mode" (and not regular Virtual PC if I recall correctly).

VMWare Player has Unity and VirtualBox has seamless mode. I'll have to try this later.

Never heard of Doubleleft Solitare pack Towers and Google comes up empty. You're better of doing as suggested and finding a solitaire game for modern OSes that has same games/features. There are so many to choose from, maybe try Solsuite which has 598 variations.

Reply 13 of 13, by obobskivich

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Rank l33t

Microsoft has the "Solitaire Pack" for Windows 8 as well, if you want something new (and free). Unity and VBox seamless both work more or less okay IME; not sure if they would or wouldn't fix this game but it might be worth a try (with XP or 98 or what-have-you as the virutalized OS). I forget which of the two I had setup a few years ago with PC-BSD + Windows (Windows as host) - I actually had both taskbars on screen at once, which aside from getting confusing at times ("which Firefox am I using?"), was smooth sailing.