DOSBox & Parallel Port?

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First post, by Guest

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Is it possible to use the parallel port in a DOSBox Application?

I want to transfer data via the parallel port to a program witch I want to run in DOSBox.

I use Windows XP.

Than you for your help!

Reply 1 of 5, by mirekluza

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Reply 3 of 5, by Zorbid

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There will be a serial passthrough in v0.62 though. (only for Win32)

So, of course, it can be done, but I don't know if the DOSBox developpers plan to do it any time soon. You can implement it by yourself, though. The parallel port is emulated internally, and it's output can currently be redirected to the Disney Sound Source emulation, or, with the printer patch applied, to an emulated 24(48)pin printer.

Reply 4 of 5, by Guest

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I did it for some of my DOS software, by directly passthrough I/O range 378-37Fh to the real I/O using kernel drivers (giveio.sys, userport.sys, porttalk.sys etc.). Not an elegant implementation though, but I think this will work as long as no Windows apps is acquiring the LPT and the DOS software intended for such usage stick strictly to the SPP specs (no DMA and interrupt).

Reply 5 of 5, by Guest

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Would appreciate some help on this. Have a parallel port EPROM programer that runs thru the port and needs expanded mem. do DOSBox seems like a natural but I need to talk to the printer. I got as far as mounting, etc. and I can run the DOS programer program (PEP.exe) but it gives me the message that the programer HW is not attached since it can't I/O LPT1. LPT1 is on H0378-037F.

Downloaded and looked at porttalk but it's beyond me... I sort of get the idea I need to run a command line in the active directory prior to running PEP.exe but ...

Can you help.....