I don't play as often as I wish I did. When I play a game nowadays, it's usually Skyrim.
Thing is, it's getting to be a drag. I'm not enjoying it all that much anymore, but I feel determined that I should finish the game before I stop. It's the same thing that happens to me on pretty much every RPG I've ever played. I almost never finish them. I could make a long list of RPGs that I played but never finished, and comparatively few that I actually did finish.
I feel like installing other games, but I'm resisting. Maybe that's silly.
I did play some Unreal (from GoG) recently. Just when I thought I was getting decent, I tried playing a botmatch. I could only laugh at how badly the AI slapped me around. I've always sucked at multiplayer FPS games. I was dying so fast I was watching my own body hit the ground on respawns, and then dying again. Hopeless.
PeterLI wrote:Tuesday I beat a player in AOE2HD: 2 hour war. He then wanted to try again: 5 hours later he gave up. The second war he caught me early but I was able to recover hiding in the vast map. I then slowly wore him down. Most players lose because I am great at macro. Their kill rate is awesome becuase of their great micro. In the end however macro wins most of the time: their economy cannot sustain a war of attrition. My economy is usually protected by 10/15 layers of walls: impossible to penetrate. They never wall their economy so I wipe it out.
Sounds a lot like when I try to play against my nephew. Originally, I taught him the game. Nowadays he kills me at it. I just can't deal with all his damn walls and defenses, it just gets ridiculous. I know I should rush him but I suck at doing that. The reason he turtles is because that's what he learned from me - I'm not a rusher. He's taken my play style and amplified it.
So I always end up in a late game situation with him buried behind a mountain of walls. I don't have the skill to sustain enough intensity for enough time to break through all his defenses and do any real damage, and I get frustrated trying. I've come to hate playing against him. 😀