First post, by Jack Barrow

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Rank Newbie

I have seen a lot of programs (fdisk and windows95 😜) that tels dosbox "you must restart or ull see what happen to u" and dosbox do it.
Unfortunatelly shutdown doesent works ("ilegal command", its not implemented i think) so how to send by a .cof .bat a restart?
is there an exe a com that send just that signal? RESTART PLZ
Or how to do one and compile it for DOS.
I know how to do it on C for linux.
also i wrote some asemmbler in C a long time ago to make a space invaders 8086 .But never reboot form it.
Should i learn VB?

Of course i found a really pigy way making a dummy image imgmounting it like 2 or 3 booting from a DOS floppy and calling fdisk to do its magic and at the end it restart. but is so odd. (it works)

thanks in advace

PS: i tried to se in hexeditor the fdisk to se if i found some string or some call. Im not good to reverse engine

Reply 1 of 4, by Qbix

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DOSBox Author

the svn supports what you want.
But windows95 isn't supported anyway. DOS games only 😉

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Reply 2 of 4, by Jack Barrow

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Rank Newbie

Ok thanks. so how do I tell the svn to restart (a restart signal) or to shutdown (a shutdown signal)? Is there any axample?
I forgot to say im using (x86) DOSBox SVN-Daum wich taste(version) of DOSBox should i Use
Perhaps i didn't ask my question in the smart way but before ask i did from step 1 to 5 (I dont have friends, and didnt inspect the DBox code). I know my grammar sucks. 😁 If you know an example or a place or a query to find the example it will be thanked a lot.


Reply 3 of 4, by Qbix

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DOSBox Author

If the application tries to reboot in the SVN, then it will probably work.
Otherwise you can execute "config -r"

Water flows down the stream
How to ask questions the smart way!

Reply 4 of 4, by Jack Barrow

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Rank Newbie

Yea it works thank you very much.
Allmost done, such it is a tool, it works fine in the DBox console (it allso keep the parameters pased to the exe).
But after booting (another DOS) in this way
imgmount a 622C.img \
boot -l a
CANT SEND a signal with this tool becouse its not present.
Should have and exe or com that do that.
So I imagine that if i copied
"copy z:\config.com to a:\"
"boot -l a"
It could works

BUT... runing a:\> "config.com -r " or just config.com this happens:
ROMBIOS memory dump:
0x000e0000-0x000f06ff free=1
0x000f0700-0x000f070d free=0 DOSBox vm86 hack
0x000f070e-0x000f0fff free=1
0x000f1000-0x000f25ff free=0 DOSBox callbacks region
0x000f2600-0x000fdfef free=1
0x000fdff0-0x000fdfff free=0 BIOS configuration (INT 15h AH=0xC0)
0x000fe000-0x000fffef free=0 BIOS with fixed layout
[end dump]
TIMER: 1 leftover handlers (clean up!).
Exit to error: something is messing with the memory

And kills dbox(godd 4 killing 😀 but not for restarting), did I miss some dll or something that use config.com.Thanks for your time