awe64 - no sound

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First post, by Robhalfordfan

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Rank Oldbie

i got an awe64 isa card and install the drivers and pnp manager when doing the diagnose:

the 8-bit and 16-bit sound test are fine and hear them both

the awe synthesized sound test play but I hear nothing
the synthesized sound test play but hear nothing

Reply 1 of 104, by shaq

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Rank Newbie

First off are you sure it is an AWE 64? What model is it? There are some floating around that aren't real AWE 64's. Second are you sure you are using AWE 64 drivers? You can download them from vogons driver database.

Reply 3 of 104, by skitters

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If it's the card I sent, the card has AWE64 stamped on it, so this isn't the SB16 that was discussed in this thread
AWE64 problem-- no music in DOS

The card I sent produced midi music in Windows 98 back when I used it.
I don't remember if I used it in DOS mode.

Maybe these drivers would work better?
https://www.vogonsdrivers.com/getfile.php?fil … 832&menustate=0

Reply 5 of 104, by Robhalfordfan

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Rank Oldbie
skitters wrote:
If it's the card I sent, the card has AWE64 stamped on it, so this isn't the SB16 that was discussed in this thread AWE64 probl […]
Show full quote

If it's the card I sent, the card has AWE64 stamped on it, so this isn't the SB16 that was discussed in this thread
AWE64 problem-- no music in DOS

The card I sent produced midi music in Windows 98 back when I used it.
I don't remember if I used it in DOS mode.

Maybe these drivers would work better?
https://www.vogonsdrivers.com/getfile.php?fil … 832&menustate=0

I have try those same problem

Reply 8 of 104, by Robhalfordfan

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Rank Oldbie

already checked and turned it all the way up and still nothing - the only that works in dos games in sound effects like monsters and gun shooting in doom but no music but games that only have music in background doesn't play at all

Reply 11 of 104, by skitters

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I've tried to Google suggestions for fixing problems with AWE64 and no midi...

I found one suggestion to enter the aweutil /s command manually after starting
DOS instead of putting it in the autoexec.bat.

Another suggestion I found was

you MUST select in BIOS: NO PNP OS
then the dos drivers of every pnp card in dos work 100%...

so check your BIOS to see if you have any option like that.

Some other suggestions here
http://www.vcfed.org/forum/showthread.php?448 … sic-not-enabled
For example trying the card in a different ISA slot helped one person.

Reply 12 of 104, by Robhalfordfan

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Rank Oldbie

I don't have any options like here is my bios and it has a pnp/pci section and second pic Is defaults on that page and first is my POST saying type of motherboard and bios and tired the card is all slots and dosnt changed anything


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Reply 13 of 104, by skitters

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Robhalfordfan wrote:

I don't have any options like here is my bios and it has a pnp/pci section and second pic Is defaults on that page and first is my POST saying type of motherboard and bios and tired the card is all slots and dosnt changed anything

What are the alternatives to "Auto" under "Resources Controlled By" on this screen?

If there's no option under "Resources Controlled By" that helps get the midi to work, I don't really know what to do. I thought all AWE64's were pretty much alike, but maybe this particular model only produces midi in Windows -- or needs specific drivers or a TSR loaded to produce midi in DOS.

If no one else has any ideas, maybe save the AWE card for a computer with Windows 95 or 98 and look for an early ISA SoundBlaster 16 for the DOS computer -- one of those with a model number that starts with ct17xx or ct2xxx. Don't get one of the later "WavEffects" ct4xxx SB16 models because they don't support a high DMA channel. You can read more about SB16 models here
http://nerdlypleasures.blogspot.com/2012/07/s … ibulations.html

Reply 14 of 104, by Robhalfordfan

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Rank Oldbie

it changes to manual and it lets you change the irq and dma to pnp isa/pci or legacy isa

was thinking would there be a way that a use the awe64 and my soundblaster pro 2 at the same time and not interfere with each other

Reply 17 of 104, by gdjacobs

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Rank l33t++

Install AWE64, install drivers, configure drivers, test. SB base address should probably be 0x240.
Remove card, comment out drivers in CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT. Save backup copies.
Install SB Pro, install drivers, configure drivers.
Install AWE64, copy AWE64 driver options from backup CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT.
I usually save the BLASTER environment variable for each card. You should have lines like SET AWEBLASTER= and SET PROBLASTER= .
This allows you to change quickly: SET BLASTER=%PROBLASTER%.
Physical connection can be through a mixer or via daisy chaining the SB Pro out to the AWE64 line in. Adjust levels to preference.
Both OPL3 implementations will likely play at the same time. Use synth volume control to deal with this.

All hail the Great Capacitor Brand Finder