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First post, by Errius

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So I was recently given a dozen of these things. Are they good for anything or are they just junk? Presumably anyone with a compatible motherboard will be running a DX.

Is this too much voodoo?

Reply 1 of 17, by Ampera

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few CPUs are junk. It's a great choice for an early ISA only Socket 1 board. They are great for non-3D/light 3D DOS gaming. A dozen might be a bit overkill, and normally people will be looking for a DX2-66, DX4-100, or DX4-120. They have many advantages over a 386, like cache, improved efficiency, and support for VLB.

Whatever you do, don't give it to a scrapper. No CPU deserves to be melted down for gold. 🙁

Reply 2 of 17, by Errius

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Rank l33t

11 of them to be precise. A mixture of SX411, SX826 and SX679. They don't appear to have been used. I won't throw them away since they take up little space, but I was wondering what on earth could be done with them. Maybe some benchmarking project? Maybe get hold of a 80487 and see how the system runs with/without it.

I wish someone would give me a dozen DX4-120s.

Is this too much voodoo?

Reply 3 of 17, by brostenen

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Well.... When running 486's, I think the best for 486 era gaming are something like 486dx2-66 to 486dx2-80.
So anything above and below that, are mostly for benching, collections and project machine's.
With project machines, I mean something like building a stable 50mhz FSB, VLB-system.
Or doing the fastest 486 class machine. Wich in the end, can be done better when going for a P1 setup.

When you have been handed that many 486sx25 CPU's, then why not sell most of them and buy a 486dx4-120?

Don't eat stuff off a 15 year old never cleaned cpu cooler.
Those cakes make you sick....

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Reply 4 of 17, by Errius

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I had a look on eBay and although there are a couple listed there they don't appear to be hot sellers... I'll probably just keep them.

OT: I also recently acquired a ST486DX2-66GS. I don't know anything about this chip. Is it faster than an Intel 80486DX2-66?

Is this too much voodoo?

Reply 5 of 17, by brostenen

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Well.... 120 editions are nowere to be found on eBay.
Yesterday I got one through shere luck, so out of curiosity I searched eBay for 120's.
My guess is that they are indeed becomming really hard to find now.
None to be found. So I guess Amibay will be the place to find one then.

If you can find some Amd-486dx4-120. Can you link that search here?

Don't eat stuff off a 15 year old never cleaned cpu cooler.
Those cakes make you sick....

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Reply 6 of 17, by Ampera

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brostenen wrote:
Well.... 120 editions are nowere to be found on eBay. Yesterday I got one through shere luck, so out of curiosity I searched eBa […]
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Well.... 120 editions are nowere to be found on eBay.
Yesterday I got one through shere luck, so out of curiosity I searched eBay for 120's.
My guess is that they are indeed becomming really hard to find now.
None to be found. So I guess Amibay will be the place to find one then.

If you can find some Amd-486dx4-120. Can you link that search here?

The DX4-100 is virtually indistinguishable. Just bump the FSB speed to 40Mhz and throw the multiplier on 3 and you have a DX4-120. It's almost the exact same thing.

And as I said, they are good if you ever find a Socket 1/2/3 board without VLB or PCI. They run like a middle of the road 386. Strap a decent 386 ISA card on there, something like a SB16, and you're golden.

Reply 7 of 17, by kixs

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Errius wrote:

OT: I also recently acquired a ST486DX2-66GS. I don't know anything about this chip. Is it faster than an Intel 80486DX2-66?

ST486 are actually Cyrix 486. They are a bit slower then Intel/AMD as Cyrix didn't clone/copy Intel 486 design like AMD but reverse-engineer it so there are differences in the design.

Requests here!

Reply 8 of 17, by brostenen

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Ampera wrote:

The DX4-100 is virtually indistinguishable. Just bump the FSB speed to 40Mhz and throw the multiplier on 3 and you have a DX4-120. It's almost the exact same thing.

In reality, they are not the same. Bumping a 100 to 120, is just an overclocked 100 and not a 120.
Looking at the numbers, you have overclocket with 20% wich is an increase I never recommend on any CPU.
Yet alone, on any vintage hardware. It's a bit like saying that a K6-III-500 is a K6-III-550 when OC'ing.

Don't eat stuff off a 15 year old never cleaned cpu cooler.
Those cakes make you sick....

My blog: http://to9xct.blogspot.dk
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/brostenen

001100 010010 011110 100001 101101 110011

Reply 9 of 17, by Ampera

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brostenen wrote:
In reality, they are not the same. Bumping a 100 to 120, is just an overclocked 100 and not a 120. Looking at the numbers, you h […]
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Ampera wrote:

The DX4-100 is virtually indistinguishable. Just bump the FSB speed to 40Mhz and throw the multiplier on 3 and you have a DX4-120. It's almost the exact same thing.

In reality, they are not the same. Bumping a 100 to 120, is just an overclocked 100 and not a 120.
Looking at the numbers, you have overclocket with 20% wich is an increase I never recommend on any CPU.
Yet alone, on any vintage hardware. It's a bit like saying that a K6-III-500 is a K6-III-550 when OC'ing.

No, but it's pretty damn near close.

And 120Mhz runs totally fine with me. I have never had a single issue with my config, and my cooling is nothing special. The 486 chips are more robust than modern, but you could even OC a 5Ghz chip to 6 depending on coolant, and if it's made by Intel.

Reply 10 of 17, by tayyare

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My last 486 was a Cyrix 5x86 100 (1995-1996), but I was using it at 40MHz (by mistake) AND it was working without a glitch (PCI board, no VLB). It did not even have a CPU fan, just that nice green passive cooler/heat sink, although CPU fans were quite popular and common for all DX4 type CPUs.

Geforce4 Ti 4200 64MB
Diamond Monster 3D 12MB SLI
120GB IDE Samsung/80GB IDE Seagate/146GB SCSI Compaq/73GB SCSI IBM
Adaptec AHA29160
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Reply 11 of 17, by Errius

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I'm really liking the ST486DX2-66GS. It runs most late DOS games well. The big exception is Quake which plays like molasses. I can't believe some people actually played Quake like this in those days.

Is this too much voodoo?

Reply 12 of 17, by creepingnet

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My Verdict is hold onto them and sell/give/trade them with other people who want to use them in their retro-builds for other hardware on another forum or elsewhere. 486 stuff keeps getting harder to find (and I know this well - the 80486 era is my favorite era).

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Reply 13 of 17, by Tetrium

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Another option could be to try selling them on CPU-World, especially since you mention they look unused.
Also they aren't really that practical since even an SX-33 could do anything an SX-25 could.

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Reply 14 of 17, by Ampera

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Tetrium wrote:

Another option could be to try selling them on CPU-World, especially since you mention they look unused.
Also they aren't really that practical since even an SX-33 could do anything an SX-25 could.

A free SX-25 is more practical than an expensive SX-33

Reply 15 of 17, by nforce4max

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I would just keep them and maybe someday people will find a good use for them when supplies of 386s have dried up completely, if all else just wait and sell them to "hipsters" who just want them for display.

On a far away planet reading your posts in the year 10,191.

Reply 16 of 17, by Tetrium

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Ampera wrote:
Tetrium wrote:

Another option could be to try selling them on CPU-World, especially since you mention they look unused.
Also they aren't really that practical since even an SX-33 could do anything an SX-25 could.

A free SX-25 is more practical than an expensive SX-33

Not since he probably won't actually be needing all 11 of them, that doesn't sound very practical to me so he might as well sell a couple of them for something that he can actually use.

My reply was more about adding to the suggestions made by brostenen and creepingnet btw.

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Reply 17 of 17, by Anonymous Coward

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IF they ST DX2 has writeback cache, it might be faster than an intel DX2 with writethrough cache, which was the most common type.

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