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Reply 120 of 543, by Jepael

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Rank Oldbie

Oh yeah, sorry for talking offtopic stuff previously, so I created a new thread for my CMS/GameBlaster stuff here : CMS/GameBlaster emulation thread

@ElBrunzy: Yes we were talking about how to compile DosBox with NewRisingSun's VGM capture patches, with an older compiler that does not support latest C++14 standards he was writing the code with. I use just GCC/G++ (Gnu compiler) whatever comes by default with 64-bit Linux, he was using 32-bit MinGW environment in Windows with newer compiler.

Reply 121 of 543, by ElBrunzy

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Rank Oldbie

I wanted more music to listen with sbvgm, so at lunch today I started seeking your table on the SBVGM.TXT and seek vgmrips to see what music each chipset could offer. To help me I made a list and started to note each system I found using a chipset. I decide to finish it and post it here in the hope that it could help someone else.

Again the more I use your software the more I enjoy it. I feel it was a very good move to buy an sound blaster 1.5 and add the CM/S chips. I think you should stop to call sbvgm an simple experiment and start to call it one of the most awesome hardware player around!

| VGM chipset | Host hardware |
| YMF262 | adlib, soundblasters, PC/AT, |
| | arcade |
| YM3812 | PC/AT, toaplan 1, SNK 68000, |
| | adlib, sound blasters, |
| | arcade |
| YM3256* | Commodore SFX, arcade, |
| | SNK Triple Z80 |
| Y8950 | SNK Triple Z80, MSX, arcade, |
| | MSX2 |
| YM2413 | Sega master system (japan), |
| | arcade, MSX, MSX2 |
| SAA1099 | arcade, CM/S, Game Blaster, |
| | sound blasters, SAM Coupé, |
| | Silicon Graphics |
| RP2A03 | Nintendo NES, Famicom |
| SN76489 variants | Sega master system, arcade, |
| | TI-99/4A, BBC Micro, |
| | IBM PCjr, System C-2, |
| | System 1, System 2, |
| | System E, SG-1000, Pico, |
| | Tandy 1000, Coleco, |
| | Game Gear, Sega Genesis |
| AY-3-8910 | MSX2, MSX, MCR-2, arcade, |
| | ZX Spectrum 128, SJ System, |
| | M64, M52, VIC Dual, Vectrex, |
| | MCR, M58, CP1610, PIC1650, |
| | Intellivision, Amstrad CPC, |
| | Oric 1, Colour Genie, |
| | Elektor TVGC, Atari ST |

*was it really ym3256 or 3526?

I did some test with arkanoid on Atari ST via a ym2149 and sbvgm would play it, via ay-3-8910 I guess, so I added Atari ST here.

Reply 122 of 543, by OPLx

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ElBrunzy wrote:

I wanted more music to listen with sbvgm, so at lunch today I started seeking your table on the SBVGM.TXT and seek vgmrips to see what music each chipset could offer. To help me I made a list and started to note each system I found using a chipset. I decide to finish it and post it here in the hope that it could help someone else.

Thank you! I'm sure others will find it useful. 😀

ElBrunzy wrote:

Again the more I use your software the more I enjoy it. I feel it was a very good move to buy an sound blaster 1.5 and add the CM/S chips. I think you should stop to call sbvgm an simple experiment and start to call it one of the most awesome hardware player around!

I really do appreciate your kind comments! When I started working on the player, I never really intended it to have the number of features it has as it was meant to be a quick test for some ideas I had. I wish I could call it the most awesome player ... but alas, I'm intimately aware of the flaws that are still there. All-in-all, my greatest reward is just knowing that you and others are able to find it of value and that it allows people relive some of the old musical nostalgia from older software on actual PC hardware. 😀

ElBrunzy wrote:

*was it really ym3256 or 3526?

I did some test with arkanoid on Atari ST via a ym2149 and sbvgm would play it, via ay-3-8910 I guess, so I added Atari ST here.

It was a typographical error; it should actually be YM3526. Believe it or not, it's been so long that I don't remember implementing support for YM2149, but it has a lot of similarities to the AY-3-8910 so I'm not surprised that it is there. I must have forgotten to list it in the supported chips list. Thank you for letting me know. 😀

Reply 123 of 543, by ElBrunzy

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Rank Oldbie

I had a tought that I would like to share. It might came from the root of your player, it call for experimentation. Sometime your player refuse to play a file recorded for a supported player and dont give much information about why. Othertimes it say that the vgm is not supported by player! But my "research" lead me to beleive that most chips must be built around the same framework at some point compatible. I am also not sure composers always take advantage of every specific aspect of each chips.

I have found that a same music file could be played differently depending if I use the adlib or the cms sbvgm.exe command switch. I enjoy the fact that I can do that, it often give interesting variants of a favorite.

Now I dont know how you link the sound hardware to the vgm source, furthermore how you priorise a sound hardware when a vgm source is supported by both. I would like to suggest you add the ability to override the vgm source. I have took a peek at the vgm header to have an idea about the format and what your player have to deal with. At least it make sence now how sega master's space harrier bios music can support the two chip present on the japanese sms. I did try your cmsview tool on it but a clue has to give. Maybe the user would provide the speed of the chip, or use the clock for wich the vgm was originaly recorded for ?

I would show transparency and say that my goal behind that request is to make sure there is no way to listen some YM2203 music however mangled they are on sbvgm.exe. Maybe you see an easier way to achieve my goal ? Maybe I could just edit the vgm header too... 🙄

Reply 124 of 543, by OPLx

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ElBrunzy wrote:

I had a tought that I would like to share. It might came from the root of your player, it call for experimentation. Sometime your player refuse to play a file recorded for a supported player and dont give much information about why. Othertimes it say that the vgm is not supported by player! But my "research" lead me to beleive that most chips must be built around the same framework at some point compatible. I am also not sure composers always take advantage of every specific aspect of each chips.

I see you have been digging around a little; wonderful! 😀

ElBrunzy wrote:

I have found that a same music file could be played differently depending if I use the adlib or the cms sbvgm.exe command switch. I enjoy the fact that I can do that, it often give interesting variants of a favorite.

Do you mind telling me which music file this would be? I tried to test the player on as many VGMs as possible, but there are far too many as you know.

ElBrunzy wrote:

Now I dont know how you link the sound hardware to the vgm source, furthermore how you priorise a sound hardware when a vgm source is supported by both. I would like to suggest you add the ability to override the vgm source. I have took a peek at the vgm header to have an idea about the format and what your player have to deal with. At least it make sence now how sega master's space harrier bios music can support the two chip present on the japanese sms. I did try your cmsview tool on it but a clue has to give. Maybe the user would provide the speed of the chip, or use the clock for wich the vgm was originaly recorded for ?

Some of the Master System VGMs only have audio commands for either just the YM2413 or the SN76489. The player will generally try to play VGM files that support two chips like on the Master System. In this case, it would be the YM3812 interpreting the YM2413 data and the C/MS chips interpreting the SN76489 data. With this configuration, the player should work ... unless there is a bug. If you could tell me which VGM data might be causing trouble, I should be able to track down the source of the problem. The C/MS View tool is only really useful for manipulating a portion of the registers on the SAA1099 chip and probably won't give much insight to what the VGM data represents. I made it back when I was doing research into how to interpret the NES/Famicom's VGM data on the SAA1099.

ElBrunzy wrote:

I would show transparency and say that my goal behind that request is to make sure there is no way to listen some YM2203 music however mangled they are on sbvgm.exe. Maybe you see an easier way to achieve my goal ? Maybe I could just edit the vgm header too... 🙄

Aaaaah! I see what you are trying to do. I think this part is very tricky. Just changing the header information in the VGM file will not be enough as the VGM data targets a particular audio chip; you would have to essentially re-generate the data for whichever chips you wanted to target. The YM2203 has a YM2419 core and an FM core. Unfortunately, the YM2203 FM core will not work or sound correct on a YM3812 since the algorithms that combine the FM signals are different. The better candidate would be the YMF262 (OPL3) chip since it has four operators (like the YM2203). Unfortunately though, the OPL3 chip's FM core only supports two out of the eight possible four-operator configurations available on the YM2203. I had considered attempting interpret the YM2203 and YM2612 commands on the OPL3, but after examining the differences I realized that the amount of work required to do this was outside the scope of the amount of time I have available.

I am generally never one to say "it is impossible", but it would require finding a means to get the OPL3 to behave (as much as possible) like the YM2203. If could be done, here is one possible approach:

The OPL3 can be configured in a flexible way where it is possible to have a combination of one, two, and four operator settings active at once. With this in mind, for for the YM2419 core in the YM2203:

  • Configure three channels (that are not used for four operator configuration) to act as the three square wave channels.
  • Configure one channel (from one of the channels used for rhythm mode) to act as the YM2419 core noise channel (I haven't had a chance to directly manipulate the noise generator on the OPL2 or OPL3).

What is left then is the YM2203's FM channels. Apparently there is a two-operator mode and a four-operator mode. The real work would be figuring out how to use the remaining channels on the OPL3 to simulate the YM2203's four-operator algorithms; this is the part that would take a lot of time and experimentation.

Having written all of that, the "easiest" way would be to:

  • Configure a portion of the OPL2 or OPL3 to handle the YM2419 commands
  • On the OPL2, ignore the four-operator settings and just play some default instrument (or no sound at all).
  • On the OPL3, ignore the four-operator settings for the algorithms it does not support, and play a default instrument (or no sound at all).

This will obviously work, but given that there is no way to know what the VGM data will be like, I don't think it would sound good at all.

Perhaps you might be interested in writing new music with the OPL2 or OPL3 that would create wonderful memories for yourself and possibly others? 😀

Reply 125 of 543, by NewRisingSun

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Rank Oldbie

There is a slight imperfection in the percussion channel when playing .VGM files from Arcade systems using the YM3526 chip at clock frequencies other than 3579545 Hz. Maybe it's unavoidable when converting master clock frequencies, but the cymbals in the attached file sound weird.

Reply 126 of 543, by OPLx

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Rank Member

You're absolutely right! Thank you for pointing this out and the example file. On both the YM3526 and the YM3812 or YMF262 the tom-tom and cymbal channels use operators 14 and 17 respectively. I think the noise generator is used for the cymbal channel. Unfortunately as a side effect of converting the master clock frequencies, the frequency of the tom-tom will affect how the cymbal sounds. 🙁

I've been meaning to do some tests with the noise generator, so I might find out something that would allow a workaround of sorts or find the actual source of the problem if it turns to not be related the frequency conversion.

Reply 127 of 543, by Jepael

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Rank Oldbie

The noise generator works at sampling rate so it depends on master clock - even if you stop all operators from running by setting FNUM to zero.
I don't know about YM3526 because I don't have one, but at least YM3812 and YMF262 have identical noise generators.

Reply 128 of 543, by OPLx

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The YM3526 should be the same as well. I finally got around to doing some tests with the noise generator. Depending on how the channel frequencies are set, it can be made to make different (odd) sounds. Unfortunately the sound output doesn't behave like the noise generators of other chips. Interesting either way.

Reply 129 of 543, by ElBrunzy

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Rank Oldbie

I'm really only into those two soundtrack https://vgmrips.net/packs/pack/silpheed-nec-pc-8801 and https://vgmrips.net/packs/pack/ys-ancient-ys- … men-nec-pc-8801 maybe they work somehow with your player already ? they are old music, there could be another rip. I am absolutely amazed with the quality of your reply to me, I'm not worthy 🤣 , I'll get back to you when I'll sober up.

Reply 130 of 543, by OPLx

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ElBrunzy wrote:

I'm really only into those two soundtrack https://vgmrips.net/packs/pack/silpheed-nec-pc-8801 and https://vgmrips.net/packs/pack/ys-ancient-ys- … men-nec-pc-8801 maybe they work somehow with your player already ? they are old music, there could be another rip. I am absolutely amazed with the quality of your reply to me, I'm not worthy 🤣 , I'll get back to you when I'll sober up.

I tried those two links and SBVGM doesn't playback the files (as it should). How were you able to get them to work? They technically shouldn't.

Reply 131 of 543, by ElBrunzy

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Rank Oldbie
OPLx wrote:

I tried those two links and SBVGM doesn't playback the files (as it should). How were you able to get them to work? They technically shouldn't.

Sorry I wasnt clear enought, no I was not able to play them. Maybe I could fiddle with the header and see what it give. After some tought I found myself a bit whiners to ask for that when I already have the SMS and NES version of Y's on your player and there is a midi rip of silpheed on the pc that I can listen with the opl. But thank you again to have explained me in such precision why it wasnt possible now.

Anyhow I just wanted to let you know that yesterday I installed some patch cables in my house while listening to my nes collection this transformed an otherwise boring activity into something epic! Castlevania is my favorite because of the way they make the drum sound and your player deliver what I expected and enjoy.

Now to my surprise I realised there where no ninja gaiden vgm rip! 😲 After some research I've read that this cartridge might have a special chip to assist the music, but I'm not sure. That would explain why a rip would be inconclusive, but I found nothing about that. On Zophar's domain I've seen rip of ninja gaiden but in the .NSF format but I havent found a converter yet. I think I should try my luck at ripping this game music, but I cannot beleive it wasnt done already. I hope I dont drift away the topic of the thread, maybe I should start a new one with that topic?

Reply 132 of 543, by OPLx

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ElBrunzy wrote:

Sorry I wasnt clear enought, no I was not able to play them. Maybe I could fiddle with the header and see what it give. After some tought I found myself a bit whiners to ask for that when I already have the SMS and NES version of Y's on your player and there is a midi rip of silpheed on the pc that I can listen with the opl. But thank you again to have explained me in such precision why it wasnt possible now.

No problem. If you do decided to change the headers, you will end up having to change the VGM commands as well; it's almost not worth the effort given how many commands are in a file. In a future version, I could consider adding support for the PSG portion of the YM2203, but I am not sure if it's really worth it.

ElBrunzy wrote:

Anyhow I just wanted to let you know that yesterday I installed some patch cables in my house while listening to my nes collection this transformed an otherwise boring activity into something epic! Castlevania is my favorite because of the way they make the drum sound and your player deliver what I expected and enjoy.

That sounds nice! 😀

ElBrunzy wrote:

Now to my surprise I realised there where no ninja gaiden vgm rip! 😲 After some research I've read that this cartridge might have a special chip to assist the music, but I'm not sure. That would explain why a rip would be inconclusive, but I found nothing about that. On Zophar's domain I've seen rip of ninja gaiden but in the .NSF format but I havent found a converter yet. I think I should try my luck at ripping this game music, but I cannot beleive it wasnt done already. I hope I dont drift away the topic of the thread, maybe I should start a new one with that topic?

NSFPlay has support for writing out VGMs (you'll have to dig around the documentation to find the explanation on how to do so); you can create your own VGMs this way.

I suppose you could start a separate thread on topics related to SBVGM, but (at least to me) what you are discussing is on topic as most issues that would arise with the player are going to either be related to VGM data or a problem while running the program.

Reply 133 of 543, by ElBrunzy

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Rank Oldbie
OPLx wrote:

NSFPlay has support for writing out VGMs (you'll have to dig around the documentation to find the explanation on how to do so); you can create your own VGMs this way.

Simply awesome ! I dont think I would had found that by myself. I figure you are talking about this configuration global options:

LOG_CPU: log CPU writes to file (0=off, 1=sound only, 2=all writes, 3=all r/w)
LOG_CPU_FILE: filename of CPU write log

It seem easy to try all three options, but on this page https://forums.nesdev.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=9268&start=60 I've read that

rainwarrior wrote:

However, the logs are of a form where each line is a command, such as WRITE(4011,22), and it should be relatively straightforward to use a macro assembler like ca65, or other suitable program to build VGM (or other binary logs) from it easily.

What would you recommend? Do you think read (option 3) is necessary?
I wonder how to translate all those


into vgm data... rainwarrior talk about something like a ca65 compiler but I dont really know how to do that. Do you have another hint for me here?

Funny thing is that I look at some nes .vgm that did play well on sbvgm but the header had no clock definition for any chip, I wanted to see what YM???? the nes used for its vgm rip. Does your player use some default if there is no chip definition at all?
EDIT: at home I did try MESS vgm output edition and it work allright 😁 , I'll dig that software to see if there is a way to disable soundfx and edit memory of the nes. Much fun in perspective at ripping those music. I think I'll write on vgmrip to ask how all nes vgm are done, there is maybe another simpler way...
EDIT: EDIT: ... awesome ! Awesome !!! AWESOME !!! I there is a chat box on vgmrips and a guy here named MusicFox explained me that there is a modded version of nezplug++ that allow vgm log : https://vgmrips.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=998 now it could not be easier... when I asked why there was no ninja gaiden rip he told me "MusicFox : Oh yeah. I don't do the more popular stuff. 😜 ". I did some test with it and it sound great! Now I feel my collection can be complete. Just a tough about the NES, I never had one but I cannot pretend its music isn't part of my childhood so I'm not very demanding about it's playback. But as I have some software player on a side and your hardware player on the other and can do receiver switch to compare, I am in the impression that sbvgm has lighter bass than the emulation. I've read that some chip had quirks to have deeper bass or lower notes, but I cannot find my reference (it was about a nes rom that could play .vgm file on the nes using a powerpack or something else to achieve sms compatibility), anyway is it something you are aware, maybe it's some software player filter pass ? I can always boost the bass of my amplifier too 😀

Reply 134 of 543, by OPLx

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ElBrunzy wrote:
Simply awesome ! I dont think I would had found that by myself. I figure you are talking about this configuration global options […]
Show full quote

Simply awesome ! I dont think I would had found that by myself. I figure you are talking about this configuration global options:

LOG_CPU: log CPU writes to file (0=off, 1=sound only, 2=all writes, 3=all r/w)
LOG_CPU_FILE: filename of CPU write log

It seem easy to try all three options, but on this page https://forums.nesdev.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=9268&start=60 I've read that

rainwarrior wrote:

However, the logs are of a form where each line is a command, such as WRITE(4011,22), and it should be relatively straightforward to use a macro assembler like ca65, or other suitable program to build VGM (or other binary logs) from it easily.

What would you recommend? Do you think read (option 3) is necessary?

Option 3 isn't necessary; the player doesn't handle any commands that read from the NES APU.

ElBrunzy wrote:

EDIT: EDIT: ... awesome ! Awesome !!! AWESOME !!! I there is a chat box on vgmrips and a guy here named MusicFox explained me that there is a modded version of nezplug++ that allow vgm log : https://vgmrips.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=998 now it could not be easier... when I asked why there was no ninja gaiden rip he told me "MusicFox : Oh yeah. I don't do the more popular stuff. 😜 ". I did some test with it and it sound great! Now I feel my collection can be complete. Just a tough about the NES, I never had one but I cannot pretend its music isn't part of my childhood so I'm not very demanding about it's playback. But as I have some software player on a side and your hardware player on the other and can do receiver switch to compare, I am in the impression that sbvgm has lighter bass than the emulation. I've read that some chip had quirks to have deeper bass or lower notes, but I cannot find my reference (it was about a nes rom that could play .vgm file on the nes using a powerpack or something else to achieve sms compatibility), anyway is it something you are aware, maybe it's some software player filter pass ? I can always boost the bass of my amplifier too 😀

😀 It looks like you figured out what needed to be done. Since SBVGM is interpreting the NES APU commands, it won't be 100% accurate on the SAA1099 chips. One quirk about using the envelope generators on the SAA1099 is that the channel's volume is playback at 87.5% of the full volume. There are also some NES songs that use the DPCM channel as a means to add some limited volume control on the triangle (bass channel). Unfortunately SBVGM doesn't emulate this nor compensates for the difference in volume. 🙁


You know something, I just realized that what I meant to write for writing out VGMs was nezplug++ and not NSFPlay ... I think I must have been tired when I wrote the message originally; I'm glad you found out about nezplug++. That was the program I had in mind. 😀

Reply 135 of 543, by ElBrunzy

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Rank Oldbie
OPLx wrote:

One quirk about using the envelope generators on the SAA1099 is that the channel's volume is playback at 87.5% of the full volume. There are also some NES songs that use the DPCM channel as a means to add some limited volume control on the triangle (bass channel). Unfortunately SBVGM doesn't emulate this nor compensates for the difference in volume. 🙁

problem fixed : sbvgmkemixer.jpg
I can play nes music in all them wavelenght glory !

Funny the guy at the pawnshop sold me this digital eq for twice nothing and then was so enthusiastm about the 8bit music, he kept repeating me that the bionic commando music on the nes was his favorite music. Altho it once again felt a bit kind of helpless to explain him the subtility of listening to vgm music on real hardware with a sbvgm software player.

I compressed my NinjaGaiden trilogy with gzip normal compression, do you think extreme agressive level would be suiteable ?

There is 5 preset level on that digital equalizer hooked to the sb1.5... do you know any other frequency discrepancy against other chip and 1:1 frequency response ?

also I am thinking about recommending the vgmrips staff your player, but I want to ask you permission first. What do you think ?

Reply 136 of 543, by OPLx

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ElBrunzy wrote:

I can play nes music in all them wavelenght glory !

Wow! Nice pic! That's definitely one way to get the full audio spectrum. It must be a very nice experience to have the music playing through a full stereo system. 😀

ElBrunzy wrote:

Funny the guy at the pawnshop sold me this digital eq for twice nothing and then was so enthusiastm about the 8bit music, he kept repeating me that the bionic commando music on the nes was his favorite music. Altho it once again felt a bit kind of helpless to explain him the subtility of listening to vgm music on real hardware with a sbvgm software player.

I think the best experience would be to have an NES soundcard for the PC or at least some kind of player that one can play NSFs through real hardware without all the hassle that comes along with doing so.

ElBrunzy wrote:

I compressed my NinjaGaiden trilogy with gzip normal compression, do you think extreme agressive level would be suiteable ?

I think it shouldn't really matter as ZLIB is what is used for decompression. The only thing I can think of is that it could take a bit longer to decompress (if the machine is slow).

ElBrunzy wrote:

There is 5 preset level on that digital equalizer hooked to the sb1.5... do you know any other frequency discrepancy against other chip and 1:1 frequency response ?

Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with that level of detail and don't have a digital equalizer on hand (I probably should!). I would just use settings that you find pleasing to your ear. 😀

ElBrunzy wrote:

also I am thinking about recommending the vgmrips staff your player, but I want to ask you permission first. What do you think ?

Sure, please feel free to let them know ... I had not considered it being mentioned on there. Thank you! 😀

Reply 137 of 543, by ElBrunzy

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Rank Oldbie
OPLx wrote:
ElBrunzy wrote:

also I am thinking about recommending the vgmrips staff your player, but I want to ask you permission first. What do you think ?

Sure, please feel free to let them know ... I had not considered it being mentioned on there. Thank you! 😀

staff at vgmrip told me that I could edit the wiki vgm player list, so I did add yours, using simple link and description you provide.
I polled dude on irc and it was decided your player belong in the "old computer" section : https://vgmrips.net/wiki/VGM_Players

btw : everyone at the chat room was aware of oplx's sbvgm

Reply 138 of 543, by OPLx

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ElBrunzy wrote:

staff at vgmrip told me that I could edit the wiki vgm player list, so I did add yours, using simple link and description you provide.
I polled dude on irc and it was decided your player belong in the "old computer" section : https://vgmrips.net/wiki/VGM_Players

btw : everyone at the chat room was aware of oplx's sbvgm

Thank you for adding it! I also didn't realize that there were others using the program; that's encouraging to know. 😀

Reply 139 of 543, by DjLc

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Rank Newbie

I've some troubles with the Flashback's rip.

SBVGM version 1.14
MSDOS 6.22 386DX40 with real AdLib (original not clone) card (port 388).

Logo and Introduction tunes are randomly out of tune/wrong speed/missing instruments. I've the game installed on the same machine to compare.
Sometime the tune start wrong, but after a couple of notes, instruments become right, as if instrument initialization sometime failed to load. Maybe it's a problem with the rip and not with sbvgm. I didn't test the rest of the tunes.
