Reply 200 of 301, by creepingnet

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A replacement XT PSU for my XT chassis, a Full AT Chassis with PSU, or a Baby AT for the PSU I have laying around so I can put the 286's guts back in it's original chassis and give my 486 a permanent home.

~The Creeping Network~
My Youtube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/creepingnet
Creepingnet's World - https://creepingnet.neocities.org/
The Creeping Network Repo - https://www.geocities.ws/creepingnet2019/

Reply 201 of 301, by ElementalChaos

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ElementalChaos wrote:
Things I'm lusting over right now: […]
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Things I'm lusting over right now:

*A high quality CRT monitor (preferably a Trinitron)
*Any 486, Pentium or Pentium II towers, any at all, for non-insane prices. Sounds humble, right? But the more these things are getting thrown out, the harder the search becomes. I think I have a Craigslist lead on this one though, we'll just have to see.
*A better AGP card for my Dell Dimension 4100, like say a Geforce4 Ti. This one shouldn't be too hard.
*Some more RAM for my Leading Edge 486. Again, a trivial matter thanks to eBay. I just haven't gotten around to it.

I now have every one of these, and then some! Woohoo!

New list:

*Baby AT cases and PSUs! Definitely what I need most. I have all the parts to build a good 386 rig, just no case.
*NEC PowerVR 3D card
*AWE64 Gold
*Voodoo 5 5500
*A good 440BX motherboard (my school has an ASUS P2B, just have to nab it before it's recycled)
*Slot1 Pentium 3 1000MHz (to go with above)

Pluto, the maxed out Dell Dimension 4100: Pentium III 1400S | 256MB | GeForce4 Ti4200 + Voodoo4 4500 | SB Live! 5.1
Charon, the DOS and early Windows time machine: K6-III+ 600 | 256MB | TNT2 Ultra + Voodoo3 2000 | Audician 32 Plus

Reply 202 of 301, by King_Corduroy

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King_Corduroy wrote:
Just to update my wanted list I'm still looking for: […]
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Just to update my wanted list I'm still looking for:

Packard Bell Corner PC
Packard Bell Spectria All in one
Packard Bell 3x3 in Black (apparently there were some of the high end models with black cases and monitors)
Packard Bell 4x4 from 1994 (the old style with the floppy on the right side verticle and the wavy parts on either side)
An Amiga 1000 keyboard (I'm going to be getting the Amiga and monitor soon)
Commodore 128

Since I last wrote I got a few macintoshes (LC, LC II, Performa 6200 and Classic)
Oh and I also got a complete 1994 Packard Bell Legend 2000 Plus Multi-Media (which is a 486DX) so that takes care of that.

I'd like to strike the Corner PC off my list since I own 2 now. I'd also like to take off the Amiga keyboard since someone got that before I could.
Other than that still looking for the other stuff! 😜

The better looking of the two Corner computers I have now:

Check me out at Transcendental Airwaves on Youtube! Fast-food sucks!

Reply 203 of 301, by meljor

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meljor wrote:
Most of my cards are used in a system but i need one card just to complete my collection. Have been looking for years and it jus […]
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Most of my cards are used in a system but i need one card just to complete my collection. Have been looking for years and it just won't pop up in my country (i don't use ebay).

I want the voodoo 4 4500!! Agp or pci, i don't care...

Nice to have:

More p5a boards
More p3b-f boards
Barton 3200+
Slot 1 cpu 100mhz fsb 1ghz

Hmmmm.....looking back at this and now i have 3x v4 4500 agp 3x p5a and 1x p5a-b, 3x p3b-f, 2x barton 3200+ and a mobile barton. I found an Upgradeware slot-T for tualatin so basicly i can put any p3 in my slot1 boards now. Still would be nice to find a 1ghz cpu slot1 100mhz fsb.

So, what seemed to hard to find 2 years ago i now all have 😀

So a new list for now:

1ghz slot1 100fsb cpu
3dfx v4 4500 pci
extra banshee pci
extra tx97-e
extra p2b
extra slotket for tualatin

At the end of 2018 we shall see if i finally found the 4500 pci 😵 🤣

asus tx97-e, 233mmx, voodoo1, s3 virge ,sb16
asus p5a, k6-3+ @ 550mhz, voodoo2 12mb sli, gf2 gts, awe32
asus p3b-f, p3-700, voodoo3 3500TV agp, awe64
asus tusl2-c, p3-S 1,4ghz, voodoo5 5500, live!
asus a7n8x DL, barton cpu, 6800ultra, Voodoo3 pci, audigy1

Reply 204 of 301, by meljor

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And what do you know........FOUND IT! Joehoeeee!

After all these years i finally have one! Traded against a perfectly fine v3 3500TV with original cable. The v4 4500 pci wasn't working because of a bad flash, i knew that, i just didn't know if i could turn it around.
Took me some fiddling because the computer wouldn't display anything when the v4 was in there. Tried a pci, agp and isa vga card so i could get to dos and try to flash it.

Eventually in one certain pci slot i got a picture from a s3 card with the v4 also in there. Got the right tools from the internet and started flashing. I never did this before with a graphics card.
But it worked great and after the flash was completed i took out the s3, hooked up the monitor and it was alive!!

Finally...... and it didn't cost me an arm and a leg .... 😎

asus tx97-e, 233mmx, voodoo1, s3 virge ,sb16
asus p5a, k6-3+ @ 550mhz, voodoo2 12mb sli, gf2 gts, awe32
asus p3b-f, p3-700, voodoo3 3500TV agp, awe64
asus tusl2-c, p3-S 1,4ghz, voodoo5 5500, live!
asus a7n8x DL, barton cpu, 6800ultra, Voodoo3 pci, audigy1

Reply 205 of 301, by creepingnet

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The last things I'm doing this year - once fundage is raised again......

- i8087 math co-processor (tandy 1000a)
- NEC V20 CPU (Tandy 1000a)
- CRT monitor for the 286 - which will likely be something much newer, but if I can find older, I will make use of it
- CRT monitor for the 486 - which will likely be something much newer, but if I can find older, I will make use of it

The pain with the CRT is I do have a usable newer one in one of my offices at work from a previous contractor whom no longer is with us. I'm so doubtful they would let me have that thing though because of all the tightening rules about PC hardware going on around here.

Also, I've been pondering what's all hiding at my mom's house currently, I think I MAY have stowed some stuff in the closet that's PC related. If that is the case, then maybe I should wait, since I had some pretty cool displays back in the day like a 14" Addonics MON7C4B VGA Crt, Zenith 1490 VGA Flatscreens from 1987 (that were so heavy and such big heat generators they needed a FAN to keep working), and so on. Really wish I'd kept my other NEC MultiSync I had years ago (JC-1401-PW3), would have been cool to see if it could keep up with my other computers using that VGA adapter and would have looked ACE with the 486 or the 286 or the tandy. I also think I may have some 486 and 386 era parts left over there hiding in various spots, if so, might be a good idea to nab ALL of that stuff as spares.

~The Creeping Network~
My Youtube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/creepingnet
Creepingnet's World - https://creepingnet.neocities.org/
The Creeping Network Repo - https://www.geocities.ws/creepingnet2019/

Reply 206 of 301, by brostenen

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Got a lot of the missing pieces for my collection, between december 2016 and this month.
So now I am only missing a couple of vital parts, before my "project" is finished.
Shure more will come, though they will not be what I planned to get in the first place.

Still missing these parts, in order to finish up my project.

- A couple of Sound Galaxy's (Vaguely remember them as NX-Pro16 or something like that)
- One Creative Labs SB-Pro 2.0 soundcard.
- Two AT-Cases.
- Three ATX Psu's with -5v Rail.
- One 486 class motherboard with coincell battery, non-fake cache, 2 VL-Bus and no PCI slots.

Don't eat stuff off a 15 year old never cleaned cpu cooler.
Those cakes make you sick....

My blog: http://to9xct.blogspot.dk
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/brostenen

001100 010010 011110 100001 101101 110011

Reply 208 of 301, by gdjacobs

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brostenen wrote:
Got a lot of the missing pieces for my collection, between december 2016 and this month. So now I am only missing a couple of vi […]
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Got a lot of the missing pieces for my collection, between december 2016 and this month.
So now I am only missing a couple of vital parts, before my "project" is finished.
Shure more will come, though they will not be what I planned to get in the first place.

Still missing these parts, in order to finish up my project.

- A couple of Sound Galaxy's (Vaguely remember them as NX-Pro16 or something like that)
- One Creative Labs SB-Pro 2.0 soundcard.
- Two AT-Cases.
- Three ATX Psu's with -5v Rail.
- One 486 class motherboard with coincell battery, non-fake cache, 2 VL-Bus and no PCI slots.

The NX Pro 16 is one of the Aztech cards that can emulate the Speech Thing and Disney Sound Source. That's the one you need?

All hail the Great Capacitor Brand Finder

Reply 209 of 301, by brostenen

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If indeed the NX pro 16 is the one with empty socket in the corner and it does excist. Then that was what I had for my first soundcard. By far the best in terms of noise. Just that I as so many others, had that model in my country. Hence being a card that I need to find for my collection. 😀

Don't eat stuff off a 15 year old never cleaned cpu cooler.
Those cakes make you sick....

My blog: http://to9xct.blogspot.dk
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/brostenen

001100 010010 011110 100001 101101 110011

Reply 210 of 301, by oeuvre

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I've always wanted one of those Gateway 2000 family PCs, 486-Pentium era desktops. I grew up with one and my uncle had one but those are long gone.

The prices for them on eBay are astonishingly high though.


HP Z420 Workstation Intel Xeon E5-1620, 32GB, RADEON HD7850 2GB, SSD + HD, XP/7

Reply 211 of 301, by AzzKickr

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I have a big collection of hardware, almost all in the 1998 - 2008 era, my youth years. I think I have pretty much everything I want.
I'm always looking for period-accurate cases to build my hardware into.

And if I really want to nitpick, I'm always on the lookout for a Geforce 9800 Hydra, a target 400 subwoofer (had one in my youth, awesome bass punch) and/or the rarest geforce of all: the fx5800

Heresy grows from idleness ...

Reply 212 of 301, by cyclone3d

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Right now I am just missing AT cases and possibly some heatsinks for socket 3 and socket 7.

Once I inventory stuff for my upcoming project, I am sure that there will be a huge number of sound cards I would like to have in addition to the huge number I already have.

That reminds me, I am in need of a few VLB video and I/O cards for 486 systems. Back in the day I probably had a whole box full of them that I got rid of, like over 10 years ago.

Yamaha modified setupds and drivers
Yamaha XG repository
YMF7x4 Guide

Reply 213 of 301, by kixs

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kixs wrote:
Still missing some things (also added a few in the mean time): […]
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Still missing some things (also added a few in the mean time):

- Ti486SXL-40 or Ti486SXL2-50/66 (386 pinout)
- ISA Tseng ET4000/w32i 2MB
- VLB S3 Trio64
- PCI Tseng ET6100
- Conner 42MB 3.5" IDE
- Conner CFA850A 850MB 3.5" IDE
- Socket 370 to Tualatin converter (FC-PGA to FC-PGA2)
- Micomsoft XE-1 ST2 arcade stick for Sega Mega Drive

- Ti486SXL-40 or Ti486SXL2-50/66 (386 pinout) - maybe not needed anymore

- ISA Tseng ET4000/w32i 2MB (maybe not needed anymore)
- ISA Diamond Speedstar32 2MB (ET4000/w32i chipset)
- ISA Mach64 VRAM 2MB
- VLB S3 Trio64 (maybe not needed anymore)
- VLB S3 964/968 (maybe not needed anymore)
- PCI Tseng ET6100
- ATi Mach64 memory upgrade module part number: 100-26401-00
- PCI/AGP 3dfx Voodoo 5 5500 64MB

- Conner 42MB 3.5" IDE
- Conner CFA850A 850MB 3.5" IDE

- Socket 370 to Tualatin converter (FC-PGA to FC-PGA2)
- 486 CPU voltage regulator socket adapter 5V to 3V (maybe not needed anymore)
- M919 cache module
- rectangular DIP crystal oscillators between 82 and 98Mhz
- Micomsoft XE-1 ST2 arcade stick for Sega Mega Drive

Some things are more important, but some would be just nice to have...

Requests here!

Reply 214 of 301, by Murugan

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Hmmm I'm missing a lot but 2 of the things I still would like to get are:

* Boxed 4850x2: saw one one Evilbay not too long ago but funds were low then 🙁
* Boxed SB 1.0,1,5,2.0 in the black box, not the budget blue/orange one

My retro collection: too much...

Reply 215 of 301, by AzzKickr

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Murugan wrote:

Hmmm I'm missing a lot but 2 of the things I still would like to get are:

* Boxed 4850x2: saw one one Evilbay not too long ago but funds were low then 🙁
* Boxed SB 1.0,1,5,2.0 in the black box, not the budget blue/orange one

Hey Murugan !

What do you mean with "SB 1.0, ..." ?

Heresy grows from idleness ...

Reply 216 of 301, by Murugan

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My my a familiar face, nice!!
You had the initial Sound Blaster in different versions.
It was my first soundcard I ever bought for my first PC (8088XT :p) so I really want it for the collection. Can't remember which one I got precisely but I remember the box.

My retro collection: too much...

Reply 217 of 301, by AzzKickr

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Murugan wrote:
My my a familiar face, nice!! You had the initial Sound Blaster in different versions. It was my first soundcard I ever bought f […]
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My my a familiar face, nice!!
You had the initial Sound Blaster in different versions.
It was my first soundcard I ever bought for my first PC (8088XT :p) so I really want it for the collection. Can't remember which one I got precisely but I remember the box.

Aaaah, ISA stuff right ? or VLB. Anyway, before my time 😀
My first was a 286, which I quickly replaced by a 386SX

Thanks for clarifying mate !

Heresy grows from idleness ...

Reply 218 of 301, by Arctic

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Woah, a lot of people are looking for 386/486...

Reply 219 of 301, by KCompRoom2000

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All right, let's list what I've been searching for but have yet to find in my journeys at local thrift stores and recycling centers, I'm bound to find some of these eventually:

- A PCI Ethernet card for my Win95 rig
- ZIP250 drive module for the Dell Latitude C-series laptops
- A front USB port/card reader drive bay addon for my AMD64 rig
- A case to store my Dell Optiplex GX260 motherboard 😜

Yeah, that's pretty much all I can think of right now.