Reply 740 of 4716, by yawetaG

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Asaki wrote:
yawetaG wrote:

^ If that Trust keyboard is anything like my Trust Direct Access keyboard was, don't expect it to be very suitable for gaming at all (only a few keys can be pressed together)...

I game on Model-Ms, you get used to the key limit B)

I game on a non-gaming keyboard by Cherry. Trust me, the Trust 🤣 keyboard I used before that had a really horrible maximum number of keys that could be pressed, that varied depending on which keys you used (1-3 max.). The one Richo picked up is from the same time period as that awful keyboard...

luckybob wrote:

it's only annoying when people quote long posts, or posts with lots of images.

Those people need lessons in internet etiquette.

This post, together with the one below it, is... 🤣

(okay, there were only two images, but...)

Reply 741 of 4716, by krivulak

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gdjacobs wrote:

That's a sweet piece of gear. Question, though... Why is Tesla a Czech brand and not Croatian?

Well, Croatia per se was estabilished in 1991, back then it was Yugoslavia, and I don't want to be rude or something, but technological evolution has missed them a little bit. There is no world-wide known electronic company (they even don't have automobile company). In fact none of the Yugoslavian states has electronics company. Czech Tesla had big ambitions since 1947, but because of Russian commies they couldn't make anything better then Russia (in spite of that Tesla made 8080 clone in 70's). And after disintegration of USSR there was nothing holding them back and they could have done whatever they wanted, so as it goes, they disintegrated and today they make only few radio gizmos for army, home telephones and stuff like that. Pretty sad, isn't it?

Reply 742 of 4716, by gdjacobs

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Rank l33t++

I had forgotten that both Croatia and the Czech republic were members of the Austrio-Hungarian Empire at the turn of the 20th century. So, that made Nikolai Tesla a citizen of the empire until he emigrated to the US and became a US citizen.

All hail the Great Capacitor Brand Finder

Reply 743 of 4716, by krivulak

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Yeah. They have nothing in common, only that company Tesla is named after him. Nikola Tesla was already deceased at the time the company was estabilished.

Reply 744 of 4716, by Rhuwyn

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Not a dumpster find so much. But a lot of stuff. I used to work with an older guy doing contracted warranty work for 3rd party warranties. Even though that well of work has pretty much dried up and I've moved on to working on servers and datacenters and whatnot I still keep in touch with him. He's 70 years old now and called me up the other day to see if I wanted any of the "stuff" he had gathered over the years as he was downsizing. I helped him clean out his office, his closets, and many other areas that he had just randomly decided to store stuff. I grabed some CPUs, motherboards, RAM, lots of hard drives, lots of CPU coolers, a whole system (not sure what it is yet. A good number of video cards ranging from old PCI Tridents to Radeon X700s to all diffrent model Geforces up to 7 series. Lots of old sound cards including some old Sound/Modem Combocards that went into old packards bells which i personally feel sound fantastic. This did not even scrap the surface of what he had I mainly focused on the generic hardware as opposed to the mountains of OEM stuff he had just some of the stuff I took with me. There must have been 1000s of IDE/SATA/Floppy ribbon cables.

Reply 745 of 4716, by Rhuwyn

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Additional Photos.

Reply 746 of 4716, by Rhuwyn

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Incidently the 486DX266 in the photo with the RAM appears to have been never used. Crazy!

Reply 747 of 4716, by clueless1

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Rank l33t

Motherload! Wow, I can't think of a better situation for a Vogoner to have. 😀 Congrats, Rhuwyn!

I have one of those friends too, but I have been waiting patiently for almost a year for him to invite me over. He said he would when he was ready to start cleaning his shed out. So hopefully this spring will be his cleanup time. 😉

The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know.
OPL3 FM vs. Roland MT-32 vs. General MIDI DOS Game Comparison
Let's benchmark our systems with cache disabled
DOS PCI Graphics Card Benchmarks

Reply 748 of 4716, by Rhuwyn

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Rank Oldbie
clueless1 wrote:

Motherload! Wow, I can't think of a better situation for a Vogoner to have. 😀 Congrats, Rhuwyn!

I have one of those friends too, but I have been waiting patiently for almost a year for him to invite me over. He said he would when he was ready to start cleaning his shed out. So hopefully this spring will be his cleanup time. 😉

I also forgot to mention, that I'm not actually even done yet. In his office he has like 9 or 10 systems setup all running at once at times believe it or not. You could do an article on PC gaming through the years from early Pentium till 2nd Gen I7 just based on what's setup and actually running. I only wish I could take more but one can only use so many systems and unfortunately the hobby is niche enough to where most people that get into it want to do the work themselves.

Reply 749 of 4716, by Frasco

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krivulak wrote:

Bah, super long post again. Please tell me, is it interesting or annoying when I write those long posts?

I could see you repairing everything, walking on snow and kicking those HDs out from ice,
the houses and a trash can nearby. Didn't even have an instrospection about the tape! 😵

And then Rhuwyn ruins my mood!

Reply 750 of 4716, by King_Corduroy

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Rank Oldbie

Just recycled a bunch of computers and parts I no longer wanted but I did score something I did indeed want while I was there. 😁



Check me out at Transcendental Airwaves on Youtube! Fast-food sucks!

Reply 751 of 4716, by brostenen

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Rank l33t++


Nice haul. Congrats. 😀

Don't eat stuff off a 15 year old never cleaned cpu cooler.
Those cakes make you sick....

My blog: http://to9xct.blogspot.dk
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/brostenen

001100 010010 011110 100001 101101 110011

Reply 752 of 4716, by TheAbandonwareGuy

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King_Corduroy wrote:
Just recycled a bunch of computers and parts I no longer wanted but I did score something I did indeed want while I was there. : […]
Show full quote

Just recycled a bunch of computers and parts I no longer wanted but I did score something I did indeed want while I was there. 😁



Damn your in IL. Should have sent those parts you recycled my way instead....

Stuff is getting hard to find. VOGONers need to take a stand and refuse to recycling anything that hasn't reduced itself to charcoal.

Cyb3rst0rms Retro Hardware Warzone: https://discord.gg/jK8uvR4c
I used to own over 160 graphics card, I've since recovered from graphics card addiction

Reply 753 of 4716, by nforce4max

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On a far away planet reading your posts in the year 10,191.

Reply 754 of 4716, by King_Corduroy

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Rank Oldbie

Well the stuff wasn't really anything unobtainium. Had I known someone was close by I would have probably given it to you, however your profile says southern IL and I'm about as north as you can get 🤣.

Check me out at Transcendental Airwaves on Youtube! Fast-food sucks!

Reply 755 of 4716, by TheAbandonwareGuy

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King_Corduroy wrote:

Well the stuff wasn't really anything unobtainium. Had I known someone was close by I would have probably given it to you, however your profile says southern IL and I'm about as north as you can get 🤣.

Chicago I assume?

Yeah, without being to specific I'm near Southern Illinios University. #ThePartyCampus

Worst part of Illinois too for retro collecting. Haven't found much out in the wild excluding the occasional OEM machine and an admittably well assembled S7 AT Tower from another local college. I just hate seeing anything scrapped. Ill put something on the road with a sign that says free above it before I'll scrap it.

Cyb3rst0rms Retro Hardware Warzone: https://discord.gg/jK8uvR4c
I used to own over 160 graphics card, I've since recovered from graphics card addiction

Reply 756 of 4716, by gdjacobs

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Rank l33t++
King_Corduroy wrote:
Just recycled a bunch of computers and parts I no longer wanted but I did score something I did indeed want while I was there. : […]
Show full quote

Just recycled a bunch of computers and parts I no longer wanted but I did score something I did indeed want while I was there. 😁


I've never understood the Packard Bell thing. To me, PB systems are full of bad memories.

All hail the Great Capacitor Brand Finder

Reply 757 of 4716, by King_Corduroy

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Had a few growing up, tbh I hated them later on in my teen years but this was mainly due to the fact that they wouldn't play the more demanding games. My young brain didn't at that time appreciate the difference in hardware but only saw things as faster or slower. 🤣

However fast forward a bit to 2011 or so when I was tinkering with my IBM PCjr (ironically purchased in 2008, the same year I tossed my old Win9x computers and upgraded to Pentium 4 machines)and found that I couldn't get any modern computers to use the 5.25" diskette drive from the PCjr so I could transfer programs. So I went round to a local PC shop and asked the owner if he happened to have any old computers that I could use as a sort of gateway machine to let me read and write these old diskettes and he happened to have a few computers down in his basement that he was getting ready to scrap and said I could have one of them. There were a number of machines but as soon as I rounded the pile I saw the EXACT model Packard Bell I had thrown out back in 2008 and knew I had to have that one (I had been feeling stupid and guilty for having trashed it in the first place). It ended up being my platform for basically learning everything about old computers, and despite receiving a few gashes on it's sharp case frame I fell in love with it. Since then I've been rescuing Packard Bell computers whenever I see them to partially make up for my initial wrong of tossing my faithful childhood machine but also because I genuinely feel they are underappreciated and beautiful computers. 😁

This is that computer:


Since then a lot of that computer's brothers have found their way to me as you've seen already from the other thread. 🤣

Of course I collect other things, but for me the most rewarding machines to work on have just been plain old PC compatible systems like these Packard Bells. 😁

Check me out at Transcendental Airwaves on Youtube! Fast-food sucks!

Reply 758 of 4716, by King_Corduroy

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TheAbandonwareGuy wrote:
Chicago I assume? […]
Show full quote
King_Corduroy wrote:

Well the stuff wasn't really anything unobtainium. Had I known someone was close by I would have probably given it to you, however your profile says southern IL and I'm about as north as you can get 🤣.

Chicago I assume?

Yeah, without being to specific I'm near Southern Illinios University. #ThePartyCampus

Worst part of Illinois too for retro collecting. Haven't found much out in the wild excluding the occasional OEM machine and an admittably well assembled S7 AT Tower from another local college. I just hate seeing anything scrapped. Ill put something on the road with a sign that says free above it before I'll scrap it.

I'm on the border of Wisconsin actually. 🤣 I'm literally like a 30 minute bicycle ride from the border line. When I said north as you can get I wasn't kidding. 😜

Check me out at Transcendental Airwaves on Youtube! Fast-food sucks!

Reply 759 of 4716, by Tetrium

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Rhuwyn that's an amazing haul!! Fantastic!! Very well done! 😁

You should have a good time identifying and testing all that stuff, have fun! 😁

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