Asrock 775Dual VSTA & Core4Dual thread

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Reply 100 of 758, by agent_x007

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Azrael wrote:

Is there a way to fix this drawback?

Try Flexibility option - [Enabled].
IMC may not be stable enough for 8-way and frequency/timings you are running.

Still, 4GB memory support is non-official on those boards.
So I guess, there should be at least a few drawback's of using it 🙁


Reply 101 of 758, by Asomodai

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Well luckily I managed to get a refund from the seller of the borked 4CoreDual-VSTA.

I have read earlier in a thread that the 775Dual-VSTA supports 45nm procs like my E7500 with the modded bios. They are much easier to get then the 4CoreDual and I have a bead on a NOS one. Is there a reason why I shouldn't go with this board over the the ones that support the processors out of box? Are they literally the same boards or would I be losing performance or overclocking headroom? I can wait.

Reply 102 of 758, by A-L-E-X

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agent_x007 wrote:
Try Flexibility option - [Enabled]. IMC may not be stable enough for 8-way and frequency/timings you are running. […]
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Azrael wrote:

Is there a way to fix this drawback?

Try Flexibility option - [Enabled].
IMC may not be stable enough for 8-way and frequency/timings you are running.

Still, 4GB memory support is non-official on those boards.
So I guess, there should be at least a few drawback's of using it 🙁

Meanwhile I contacted microsoft and they told me 1 GB is no problem for windows 10, let alone 2 GB. I bought the 4 GB anyway but will not use it unless I need to, as 2 GB seems to be plenty. MS said in the future they have no plans to come out with a new OS or make Win 10 have higher requirements, they suggested I stick to 32 bit if I keep 2 GB and that it won't be any heavier on resources than Win XP is.

Reply 104 of 758, by A-L-E-X

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vetz wrote:

I've had no issues with 4GB in my 775DUAL VSTA board.

Is this the kind you got? I'm going to try and install it but I'm not sure if I got the right one.

https://www.amazon.com/Crucial-240-Pin-PC2-53 … T2KIT25664AA667

Funny thing is in one part of the specs it says PC-5300 and in another part it says PC-6400. Serial indicates it should be DDR2-667 though.

Reply 107 of 758, by valentyn_l

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So my 775-Dual isn't letting me run my Pentium D E2160 at 1.80Ghz (stock clock). I can't even boot to Windows or install Windows without getting a BSOD unless I lower the mtiplier from 200 to at least 180, lowering the CPU's clock speed.

I thought it was the PSU but I just received a new 600W PSU today.

I suspect that it's the Vcore that is limited to 0.8v and won't go above that. I don't know whether it's the motherboard that's bad or the CPU.

Could you guys help me figure this out?

Reply 108 of 758, by A-L-E-X

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Is it possible to run two DVI monitors with two different types of graphics cards? For example, a Radeon card in the AGP port and an Nvidia card in the PCI-e slot? How would this work as far as setting up a dual display with the desktop stretched across both monitors? Also, do the Radeon 4xxx AGP series work well with Windows 10? I know you needed a hotfix for Win 7 but was not sure if they work well with Win 10.

Reply 109 of 758, by Azrael

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A-L-E-X wrote:
Azrael wrote:

agent x007 there is an annoying problem on the 4coredual-sata2 mainboard which affects all unofficial bios: the system has troubles when bank interleave is configured to 8-way and 2DIMMs DDR2 supporting 8-way are used; so it could happen that the system hangs since the beginning, or that the system starts the first time but booting again it the POST shows wrong memory data in single channel and memory value (11964MB) So I assume that the modded bios of 4coredual-sata2 has some wrong editing. If I set one only dimm the system recognize 8-way bank interleave with the official bios, while 4-way with the unofficial bios. The 8-way bank interleave can increase the memory bandwidth up to 420MB/s making the system much more responsive. Is there a way to fix this drawback?

So that board is not stable with 4 GB of RAM?

agent_x007 wrote:
Try Flexibility option - [Enabled]. IMC may not be stable enough for 8-way and frequency/timings you are running. […]
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Azrael wrote:

Is there a way to fix this drawback?

Try Flexibility option - [Enabled].
IMC may not be stable enough for 8-way and frequency/timings you are running.

Still, 4GB memory support is non-official on those boards.
So I guess, there should be at least a few drawback's of using it 🙁

It works configuring the bank interleave on auto (4-way):

I've made several tests with different combinations of processors and rams:

one of these combinations allows the system to work properly the first time so to increase the bandwidth of 420MB/s besides the operating system seems very responsive much more responsive in confront of 4-way bank interleave; however the problem occurred at the next reboot: memories were detected in single channel and wrong value.
another one of these combinations works properly using the pentium ee 965 at low ratio but it lacks to work at canonical ratio.

if 4coredual-vsta has no problem using 8-way I assume the issue derives from the modified bios on 4coredual-sata2 which is defective since the first release.

Last edited by Azrael on 2017-04-10, 07:40. Edited 2 times in total.

Reply 110 of 758, by A-L-E-X

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I wonder if we can write to the developer and maybe he will modify it to fix the problem? When we use 2 GB dual channel using the regular 2.20 "official" BIOS is it using 8-way by default?

Reply 111 of 758, by A-L-E-X

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agent_x007 wrote:
Try Flexibility option - [Enabled]. IMC may not be stable enough for 8-way and frequency/timings you are running. […]
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Azrael wrote:

Is there a way to fix this drawback?

Try Flexibility option - [Enabled].
IMC may not be stable enough for 8-way and frequency/timings you are running.

Still, 4GB memory support is non-official on those boards.
So I guess, there should be at least a few drawback's of using it 🙁

I found a 3 GB version of the GTX 580 I am thinking of getting it, but with these motherboards and that GPU will 3 GB VRAM ever be used in a dual monitor set up at 1080P? I am only going to use one monitor for 3D (games, space sims, etc.) and the other monitor will be for email and talking on forums 🤣.

Also, can I use a Radeon chip in the AGP port while using the Geforce chip in the PCI-e port in a dual display set up, will there be any conflict between the drivers? And do Radeon 4xxx AGP series cards play nice with Win 10?

Reply 112 of 758, by exxocet

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I doubt you can run two PCI-E and AGP cards in the same time. All AGP cards from ATi (3xxx and 4xxx) DON'T play well with Windows 10 and Windows 8. It works, but it will restart File Explorer every "n" minutes. Also, keep in mind that versions of Windows 10 above and including 1607 Anniversay Update DROPPED AGP support.

Reply 113 of 758, by A-L-E-X

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exxocet wrote:

I doubt you can run two PCI-E and AGP cards in the same time. All AGP cards from ATi (3xxx and 4xxx) DON'T play well with Windows 10 and Windows 8. It works, but it will restart File Explorer every "n" minutes. Also, keep in mind that versions of Windows 10 above and including 1607 Anniversay Update DROPPED AGP support.

Thanks for the info, I was considering connecting another monitor to the AGP card, but now I got my hands on an HDMI to DVI converter, do these things last a long time and do not reduce image quality at all compared to a straight DVI connection? It's a gold plated copper wired dongle that attaches to the HDMI port of any video card and the other end has a 24+1 DVI port to attach to the end of your DVI cable. I got two of them for $10 and a "lifetime warranty" (whatever that means 🤣.)

Reply 114 of 758, by Azrael

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Rank Newbie
A-L-E-X wrote:

I wonder if we can write to the developer and maybe he will modify it to fix the problem? When we use 2 GB dual channel using the regular 2.20 "official" BIOS is it using 8-way by default?

Yes, the official bios allows the single ddr2 2gb ram module to operate in 8-way despite the modified bios which applies 4-way (when the single module is used) showing a regression although it increases the overall amount of memory up to 4GB. So some error was made during the edit of the official bios in order to support 4GB despite the 4coredual-vsta bios allows this possibility without any issue. It seems that the developer of modified bios has open this new page but I don't know how to contact him: http://www.tweakpc.de/forum/asrock-intel-mainboards/

Last edited by Azrael on 2017-04-11, 12:59. Edited 4 times in total.

Reply 115 of 758, by A-L-E-X

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Rank Newbie
Azrael wrote:
A-L-E-X wrote:

I wonder if we can write to the developer and maybe he will modify it to fix the problem? When we use 2 GB dual channel using the regular 2.20 "official" BIOS is it using 8-way by default?

Yes, the official bios allows the single ddr2 2gb ram module to operate in 8-way despite the modified bios which applies 4-way (when the single module is used) showing that the modified bios presents a regression although increase the overall amount of memory up to 4GB. So some error was made during the edit of official bios in order to support 4GB despite the 4coredual-vsta bios with allows this possibility without any issue. It seems that the developer of modified bios has open this new page but I don't know how to contact him: http://www.tweakpc.de/forum/asrock-intel-mainboards/

Thanks, I'll see if I can find his contact info anywhere. You mentioned that the modified bios applies 4-way when you use a single module of 2 GB RAM- what happens when you insert 2x2 GB of dual channel DDR2? Based on what I've read when you use 8-way or try to use 8-way with 2x2 GB of dual channel DDR2, it detects one module as 2 GB and the other module as 0.5 GB? If you set it to 4-way does it show both modules as 2 GB (for a total of 4 GB)? Furthermore, what does it show when you get into your operating system (and which OS are you using?)

One problem is I don't know how to speak or type German 🤣. Could this be the guy?


Also, I found your post on there

http://www.tweakpc.de/forum/asrock-support/10 … -20a-8-way.html

Reply 116 of 758, by Azrael

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Rank Newbie

the bank interleave option has AUTO value on default. Now in order to summarize:
Official bios (2.20)= max 2GB:
single channel (1 module) 2GB memory = AUTO =8-WAY (detected by diagnostic utility from the operating system);

modified bios (2.20a)= max 4GB (3.25 more or less detected based on VGA and agp aperture size value):
single channel (1 module) 2GB=AUTO=4-way;
dual channel 2GBx2GB=AUTO=4-way;
dual channel 2GBx2GB=8-WAY errors occur;

How to know about the increasing performance? x8600 + ddr2 first boot allows the system to start regularly (the step from 4-way to 8-way increases of 420MB/s when MEMTEST86+ is used) After rebooting system is unable to MAP the memory rightly, so the errors occur:

post = single channel (although 2 module od 2GB of ram are installed;
BIOS shows a total ram of 11964MB) and shows the first module value installed of 2048MB, the second module installed of 512MB (although it is a module of 2048MB).

No problems occur when the bank interleave is configured on AUTO or 4-way, problems appears only on 8-way although the memories support 8-way bank interleave.

Last edited by Azrael on 2017-04-11, 20:31. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 117 of 758, by exxocet

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A-L-E-X wrote:
Thanks, I'll see if I can find his contact info anywhere. You mentioned that the modified bios applies 4-way when you use a sin […]
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Azrael wrote:
A-L-E-X wrote:

I wonder if we can write to the developer and maybe he will modify it to fix the problem? When we use 2 GB dual channel using the regular 2.20 "official" BIOS is it using 8-way by default?

Yes, the official bios allows the single ddr2 2gb ram module to operate in 8-way despite the modified bios which applies 4-way (when the single module is used) showing that the modified bios presents a regression although increase the overall amount of memory up to 4GB. So some error was made during the edit of official bios in order to support 4GB despite the 4coredual-vsta bios with allows this possibility without any issue. It seems that the developer of modified bios has open this new page but I don't know how to contact him: http://www.tweakpc.de/forum/asrock-intel-mainboards/

Thanks, I'll see if I can find his contact info anywhere. You mentioned that the modified bios applies 4-way when you use a single module of 2 GB RAM- what happens when you insert 2x2 GB of dual channel DDR2? Based on what I've read when you use 8-way or try to use 8-way with 2x2 GB of dual channel DDR2, it detects one module as 2 GB and the other module as 0.5 GB? If you set it to 4-way does it show both modules as 2 GB (for a total of 4 GB)? Furthermore, what does it show when you get into your operating system (and which OS are you using?)

One problem is I don't know how to speak or type German 🤣. Could this be the guy?


Also, I found your post on there

http://www.tweakpc.de/forum/asrock-support/10 … -20a-8-way.html

The guy who modified BIOS 2.20 trashed his 4core Dual SATA2 for ages. The only reply you'll get from him will most definitely be: " Oh, if you're such a smart guy and found this bug, why don't you modify it yourself?" 🤣 😊

Reply 118 of 758, by Azrael

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because it's not question of intelligence but it is question of fixing the issue so to improve the performance of the motherboard. the only difference between 4coredual-vsta and 4coredual-sata is the southbridge. I'm not in competition with the author of the bios I only report the issue so to solve it if it is possible.

Reply 119 of 758, by A-L-E-X

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Well at least you know it is stable under Auto/4-way for 2x2 GB dual channel memory.

Is it possible the problem is the type of memory you are using? Is it DDR2-667 CAS Latency of 5?

I left mine on Auto and for some reason CPU-Z is showing it going at a speed of 192 MHz with a CAS Latency of 3.