Reply 120 of 433, by blackmasked

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I own SC-55mkII and have had no issues with the battery. Instead I came across this when I opend it up recently.

The attachment IMG_7747.JPG is no longer available

I cleaned it up as well as I could, replaced the cap and so far so good.

The attachment IMG_7749.JPG is no longer available

Quality cap, but that didn't stop it from failing. 🙁[/color]

DOS build: Gigabyte GA-586T2, P200 MMX, 64MB RAM, Tseng ET6000 4MB, Sound Blaster AWE64 Gold, Roland SC-55mkII, Yamaha MU-80
98SE build: MSI MS-6163 Pro, PIII 650MHz, 256MB RAM, Voodoo3 3000, Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 Platinum, Yamaha SW1000XG

Reply 121 of 433, by keropi

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That was actually glue that they use to fix the larger caps for added safety. If you scroll at the previous images posted here you will see the same glue in better state. Replacing/cleaning doesn't hurt though 😊

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Reply 122 of 433, by blackmasked

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It looked like corrosion to me. 😀 Take a look at the picture of the top cover. This black, soot like residue just above the screwdriver was right above the capacitor. It looks to me like the cap failed at some point in the past, vented and then started leaking through the bottom. I should still have this cap somewhere and will be happy to post the picture of it.

The attachment IMG_7748.JPG is no longer available


DOS build: Gigabyte GA-586T2, P200 MMX, 64MB RAM, Tseng ET6000 4MB, Sound Blaster AWE64 Gold, Roland SC-55mkII, Yamaha MU-80
98SE build: MSI MS-6163 Pro, PIII 650MHz, 256MB RAM, Voodoo3 3000, Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 Platinum, Yamaha SW1000XG

Reply 123 of 433, by keropi

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Well, one cannot know how it was stored and where, maybe it was upside down and the glue melted downwards or something. That "burn" on the top cover is somewhat normal as it's above the heatsink of the voltage regulators. Glue can be corrosive as well after a couple of decades, there are cases it does almost the same damage as the capacitor acid.
From what I can see from the pics the capacitor is OK, if it vented then the top would be bulged/fractured and with acid on it.

Here is a pic from NooNaN's MK2, you can see what the glue looks like in a better state:


Still replacing/cleaning was not a bad idea 😊

🎵 🎧 PCMIDI MPU , OrpheusII , Action Rewind , Megacard and 🎶GoldLib soundcard website

Reply 124 of 433, by blackmasked

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We learn something new every day. ;] If that really was glue it looked rather nasty and I am glad I cleaned it up.
Thanks for clearing it up, I'll sleep better now. 😜

This is a bit off topic but has any of you ever tried removing / replacing a battery in Yamaha MU80? These MUs must have the most stubborn battery holder ever.
I tried giving the battery a gentle tug, but it won't budge. It doesn't seem to leak but considering I've had this MU for almost 20 years and never replaced the battery it is probably wise to do it sooner than later.

Last edited by blackmasked on 2017-05-05, 22:19. Edited 1 time in total.

DOS build: Gigabyte GA-586T2, P200 MMX, 64MB RAM, Tseng ET6000 4MB, Sound Blaster AWE64 Gold, Roland SC-55mkII, Yamaha MU-80
98SE build: MSI MS-6163 Pro, PIII 650MHz, 256MB RAM, Voodoo3 3000, Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 Platinum, Yamaha SW1000XG

Reply 125 of 433, by keropi

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yeah, it was for the best that you cleaned it
I have opened my MU80 , IIRC mine had a battery with fixed pins so I would have to remove it completely and replace it. It did not have a holder like the SC-55s...

🎵 🎧 PCMIDI MPU , OrpheusII , Action Rewind , Megacard and 🎶GoldLib soundcard website

Reply 126 of 433, by badmojo

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I would have been quite alarmed at the sight of that too!

Life? Don't talk to me about life.

Reply 127 of 433, by bifo78

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I have a broken SC-55, the battery appeared fine but I went ahead and replaced it anyway since I have plenty around, but I discovered that someone must have plugged the wrong power supply into it at some point because a resistor right on the power input was snapped clean in half. I don't have nearly enough faith in my ability to replace it, is there an inexpensive repair service/person who can fix it for me on here? My local guys would charge me more than it's worth to just buy a new one and otherwise it appears to be in perfect shape.

Korg AG-10 | Kawai XS-1 | Roland CM-32P | Yamaha FB-01 | Roland D-110 | Roland M-GS64

Reply 128 of 433, by derSammler

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Checked the battery of my SC-55 yesterday. It was badly leaking, too. Fortunately, it's more like solidification rather than fluid leaking from the battery, so no damage occured. However, you really need to check the battery inside the remote control as well! Mine had leaking just like the one in the SC-55, which made it very hard to actually get the battery cover removed at all.

Reply 129 of 433, by orinoko

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bifo78 wrote:

I have a broken SC-55, the battery appeared fine but I went ahead and replaced it anyway since I have plenty around, but I discovered that someone must have plugged the wrong power supply into it at some point because a resistor right on the power input was snapped clean in half. I don't have nearly enough faith in my ability to replace it, is there an inexpensive repair service/person who can fix it for me on here? My local guys would charge me more than it's worth to just buy a new one and otherwise it appears to be in perfect shape.

Where are you located? If you're nearby, I'll help you fix it. At the very least, I could determine if other parts were damaged!

Reply 130 of 433, by thierry

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Silanda wrote:

Saw this thread yesterday and decided to check out my SC-155. Sure enough, the battery had started to leak slightly so I replaced it with a spare. No sign of corrosion that I can see on the holder.

To be honest, I wasn't even aware that CR-2032s did leak. It's a blessed relief that Roland, unlike Yamaha I believe, installed their batteries in a holder rather than using solder tabbed ones. That helps to protect the board and makes them a damn sight easier to change.

Try to open the sc 155 without luck, someone knows how to open it, remove all the screws and it is seen that it is stuck


Reply 131 of 433, by bjwil1991

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I have an SC-55 MKI myself (not GM, only GS), and unfortunately, it never holds notes when playing a specific MIDI file, such as the original RuneScape opening theme.

I replaced the battery since it was on its last legs, tried cleaning the MIDI ports for any success, and no success to fix the note issues. Finding the MKII version is hard these days (about $150 or more on eBay).

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Reply 132 of 433, by thierry

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bjwil1991 wrote:

I have an SC-55 MKI myself (not GM, only GS), and unfortunately, it never holds notes when playing a specific MIDI file, such as the original RuneScape opening theme.

I replaced the battery since it was on its last legs, tried cleaning the MIDI ports for any success, and no success to fix the note issues. Finding the MKII version is hard these days (about $150 or more on eBay).

My SC 155 have the same problem , im reset to factory default and now works okk

Reply 133 of 433, by m5215tx

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Does the MT-32 have a battery that may need to be replaced?

Roland MT-32 (old), CM-32LN, SC-55, SC-88VL, MT-120, SD-35, SD-20, SD-80, SD-90
Yamaha TG100, TG300, MDF2, MU15, MU100, MU2000EX + PLG150-DR + PLG150-PF + PLG150-VL

Reply 136 of 433, by m5215tx

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I just did and found a battery that was about to leak on the main board! Unfortunately, the battery is soldered on the main board so I can't easily replace it so I just carefully removed it. No big deal though as I will only be using my TG300 for games that support general MIDI and listening to other MIDI music so I prefer it out so I don't have to worry about possible battery leaks.

Roland MT-32 (old), CM-32LN, SC-55, SC-88VL, MT-120, SD-35, SD-20, SD-80, SD-90
Yamaha TG100, TG300, MDF2, MU15, MU100, MU2000EX + PLG150-DR + PLG150-PF + PLG150-VL

Reply 137 of 433, by bjwil1991

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m5215tx wrote:

I just did and found a battery that was about to leak on the main board! Unfortunately, the battery is soldered on the main board so I can't easily replace it so I just carefully removed it. No big deal though as I will only be using my TG300 for games that support general MIDI and listening to other MIDI music so I prefer it out so I don't have to worry about possible battery leaks.

You could solder on a CR2032 battery holder from a computer motherboard onto the TG300 board so that way replacing the CR2032 would be easier (I also recommend a small amount of hot glue to make the battery holder more secure), or get a 2x AA battery holder on eBay and have it as an external battery by soldering the wires onto the board itself and have the battery holder on the outside of the unit so that way the batteries won't leak onto the board.

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Reply 138 of 433, by elod

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thierry wrote:

Try to open the sc 155 without luck, someone knows how to open it, remove all the screws and it is seen that it is stuck

It was dead simple, I can take a look at the screws if you still did not manage to open it. The battery is sure leaky.

Reply 139 of 433, by m5215tx

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I have recently acquired two relatively high-end sound modules in the Yamaha MU2000EX and Roland SD-90. The sellers did not mention anything about batteries in either of them. I don't want to open them up if I don't have to but I can't find any information to confirm or deny that either of these units has a battery. Can anyone familiar with either of these please give an accurate answer on that question?

Roland MT-32 (old), CM-32LN, SC-55, SC-88VL, MT-120, SD-35, SD-20, SD-80, SD-90
Yamaha TG100, TG300, MDF2, MU15, MU100, MU2000EX + PLG150-DR + PLG150-PF + PLG150-VL