Played around with an IBM XT 5160 motherboard. Couldn't really do much with it, as I've misplaced or lost my only XT keyboard and I'm not sure if the Floppy Controller I have even works with it either. 1 of my PS/2 keyboards would allow me to get into BASIC, but then the keys would just do random things from that point on. Another 2 AT keyboards had markings on the back where an AT/XT switch should be, but now isn't (probably earlier model hardware, just reusing the casing). 😠 This one is a work in progress.
Other retro activity today - I found a 104MB IDE Hard Drive in a box. Tested it out and amazingly it's still working, giving 191MB with DriveSpace compression. No idea what I'll do with such a small hard drive, but it may find a use eventually, possibly on a DOS based system.
Also ordered a 5 1/4" floppy drive off eBay. I have loads of disks, but no longer had a working drive to read any of them, so this should come in handy.