dgVoodoo 2 for DirectX 11

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Reply 3200 of 3949, by Osprey

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Dege wrote:

I also implemented the integer scaling of output images (but that option is not available on the CPL, only via the INI file because I find this kind of scaling rarely and exceptionally used).

I'm confused. Does dgVoodoo 2 support options via INI file? I don't see any mention of that in the documentation. I've been thinking for a while that this is one thing missing in dgVoodoo 2 that would be really nice to have. I'd love to see it use a standard text INI file for settings, like nearly every other wrapper, so that we could edit it manually if we so choose. Some of us just like editing INI files and it tends to be easier to give instructions to others to get games going to say which lines to change, rather than which GUI options. It would also allow you to do what you just mentioned and add rarely used functionality into dgVoodoo that users could enable without you having to clutter up the GUI more. It might also help GOG transition to and support dgVoodoo, not to mention folks like us helping others with GOG games. Anyways, I imagine that I'm not the only one who would appreciate having the config file in standard INI format, if it's something that you're willing to (re)consider.

Reply 3201 of 3949, by galneon

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I'd love to see that, too. Plain text per-game local .inis with all available options would be wonderful. I'm also looking forward to trying the new integer scaling feature. 😀 I'm not sure how niche it will truly be, though. You may be surprised how many people like sharp upscaling, Dege.

Reply 3202 of 3949, by Dege

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INI support isn't yet released.

Reply 3203 of 3949, by Osprey

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Dege wrote:

INI support isn't yet released.

Ah, OK. I wondered if it might be in the WIP version, so I downloaded that and didn't see an answer. Thanks for adding that support. I'm looking forward to it.

Reply 3204 of 3949, by Dege

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Okay, I've just released a new WIP. 😀

Reply 3205 of 3949, by lowenz

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lowenz wrote:
GeForce 750 Ti results in 3DMark 2001 SE, Win 10 x64. https://s12.postimg.org/603a4717h/image.jpg […]
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GeForce 750 Ti results in 3DMark 2001 SE, Win 10 x64.

New WIP results (with lastest Game Ready Drivers)


Reply 3206 of 3949, by Blobby

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Hi Dege

I just tried WIP36 with Combat Mission Beyond Overlord, in preset scenarios (using Heavy fog) and the battle generator using 'Fog' or 'Heavy Fog' options.

1. Using Narzoul's ddraw.dll, there is significant horizontal coloured banding. Narzoul explained this as lack of 'dithering' for 32 bit. In dgVoodoo2 this is pretty much non-existent! So, the fog effects look superb now. Excellent. 😀

2. Every time I start up a new scenario with fog effecs in it, at view height 3 which it defaults to, the fog effect seems to be really, really dense! Like a view distance of a few feet or so. Selecting view heights 1 and 2, then back to 3 doesn't change the density.

However, setting the view height to 4 or higher, then coming back to view 3 (or lower) does set the fog back to 'normal' viewing distances, and the fog effect is much less noticable than at startup and any view height changes thereafter don't change this.

So, there seems to be some sort of bug here?

I would assume unintialised variables, in the function calls perhaps? Or, using initial values way outside of what was expected?

But, aside from that - great job. Although, I still dislike the 'forced' aspect. 😉 Personally, I would have preferred it to be optional and being able to apply it to the 'best' videocard option rather than Radeon and Nvidia oldies. 😀

Reply 3207 of 3949, by Narzoul

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Dege wrote:

Thx, maybe I'm lagging behind new-fashioned fogging customs... 😁 😁 😁

Breaking weather news!

I've been playing around with the reference rasterizer from the DX7 SDK, and observed the following:
- I modified the mfcfog sample and merged the projection matrix into the view matrix so I can experiment freely with the projection matrix. Z-fog is the default pixel fog with no projection matrix set, or with the identity matrix explicitly set. W-fog is used if the last column of the projection matrix is changed to something other than [0 0 0 1]. All good and as expected (based on docs) so far.
- In Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord, W-fog is the default fog until a projection matrix set. I double checked (with GetTransform) that the default is the identity matrix. But if the same matrix is set explicitly with SetTransform, it switches to using Z-fog. Again, if the last column is set to something other than [0 0 0 1], it uses W-fog. (Note: I had to override the fog render states to enable pixel fog, as the game had it disabled by default for some reason with the reference rasterizer. But it was still setting the fog range with eye-relative depth, e.g. 1-350 with "thick fog" weather effect).

I think the only relevant difference between the two programs is that the mfcfog sample uses hardware vertex processing while the game uses software vertex processing. In the latter case, I think it kind of makes sense to assume W-fog when no matrix is explicitly set, since it's not likely anyone would use these fog effects with orthogonal projections anyway.

So maybe those old drivers weren't so broken after all? Interestingly, my current AMD driver matches almost exactly the above results, except with software vertex processing it always uses W-fog, even if an orthogonal projection is explicitly set. (Probably makes no practical difference though, as mentioned before, no real use case for that?).

Btw, Thief 2 demo at least does have the same problem too. It also doesn't set a projection matrix but expects W-fog to be working. Couldn't test it with the reference rasterizer as it complains about incorrect texture memory reporting or something, but forcing the use of W-fog fixes it, just like CMBO.

Reply 3208 of 3949, by lowenz

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We got Narzoul too on board (literally :v )
Hello man, and thanks.

Reply 3209 of 3949, by Dege

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Hello Narzoul, yeah welcome on the board! 😎

Well, something I experienced and learnt is docs and actual code is not necessarily the same. 😁
That's why I had to write tons of test codes. I can't remember if I did that for pixel fogging though.
But once I run into an issue through test codes: even the lighting internals (software lighting) has a bug in some version of D3D. By default matrices are all set to unity ones but in spite of that, lighting works with zero matrices under certain circumstances. If I explicitly re-set matrices to unity ones then voila, ligthing starts to work. 😀

Thanks for the info!!

Reply 3210 of 3949, by masterotaku

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Hi. I'm new to the forums and I came basically because I have two problems with two games, caused by Windows 10, I presume (everything was fine with Windows 7):

- Xanadu Next, which originally uses DX8. I get a "Failed to initialize Direct3D." error, which didn't happen on Windows 7. I tried multiple compatibility settings in the game exe, multiple dgvoodoo configurations (latest dgvoodoo release and latest WIP version). Nothing worked.
- Start Wars Rogue Squadron 64. I got it to work (yay), but for some reason it doesn't trigger 3D Vision, as if it wasn't really exclusive fullscreen or something. On Windows 7 it worked fine in 3D. My config for this game:


Any help is appreciated.

Reply 3211 of 3949, by stranno

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masterotaku wrote:
Hi. I'm new to the forums and I came basically because I have two problems with two games, caused by Windows 10, I presume (ever […]
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Hi. I'm new to the forums and I came basically because I have two problems with two games, caused by Windows 10, I presume (everything was fine with Windows 7):

- Xanadu Next, which originally uses DX8. I get a "Failed to initialize Direct3D." error, which didn't happen on Windows 7. I tried multiple compatibility settings in the game exe, multiple dgvoodoo configurations (latest dgvoodoo release and latest WIP version). Nothing worked.
- Start Wars Rogue Squadron 64. I got it to work (yay), but for some reason it doesn't trigger 3D Vision, as if it wasn't really exclusive fullscreen or something. On Windows 7 it worked fine in 3D. My config for this game:

Any help is appreciated.

There's a version of Xanadu Next for Steam released about a year ago. The unofficial translation for the original game isnt bad but the official one for Steam game is better, as far as i tried.

IDK what you mean with Rogue Squadron 64 but if you are talking about GlideN64 there's already a wrapper inside the plugin, dgV wont work since it is OpenGL. If you are talking about Rogue Squadron 3D the game is not really stable in Direct3D mode (it crash after every mission no matter what), it is far more stable in Glide mode. Of course both render methods have the infamous crosshair glitch.

Reply 3212 of 3949, by masterotaku

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stranno wrote:

There's a version of Xanadu Next for Steam released about a year ago. The unofficial translation for the original game isnt bad but the official one for Steam game is better, as far as i tried.

I have the GOG version. Which is the same as the Steam version, and DRM-free. I need DX11 because I want to use 3Dmigoto, a tool for DX11 games that allows me to modify shaders. On Windows 7 I used it to put the HUD into depth when using 3D Vision, and also to stereoize reflections, put convergence hotkeys, etc. I can't do those things in DX8 (but at least I can play in 3D).

stranno wrote:

IDK what you mean with Rogue Squadron 64 but if you are talking about GlideN64 there's already a wrapper inside the plugin, dgV wont work since it is OpenGL. If you are talking about Rogue Squadron 3D the game is not really stable in Direct3D mode (it crash after every mission no matter what), it is far more stable in Glide mode. Of course both render methods have the infamous crosshair glitch.

GOG version, the PC game. It works without problems and I advanced very far into the game back on Windows 7, using dgvoodoo. My problem this time is not being able to enable 3D Vision for some reason. First person mode in cockpit view + stereoscopic 3D is amazing, even for a game this old.

Edit: This is the 3D Vision fix I made for this game, which also includes screenshots of my config (before I patched the game for 16:9, btw): http://helixmod.blogspot.com.es/2016/12/star- … on-3d-dx11.html

Reply 3213 of 3949, by ZellSF

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Xanadu Next from GoG works fine in dgVoodoo 2.54 on Windows 10 for me:

The attachment XANADU_2017_09_01_18_52_34_541.jpg is no longer available

You need to remove the 256 color compatibility mode forced by GoG's installer though. I just removed the key from HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers then removed the flag in the compatibility tab of XANADU.exe.

Reply 3214 of 3949, by masterotaku

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Yes! That was what I needed. Thank you very much. I didn't know GOG was installing that. In that same regedit folder there was a Windows XP compatibility flag for Rogue Squadron, so I solved it too for that game.

Now I can keep modding them 😀.

Reply 3215 of 3949, by masterotaku

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It was a sucess, so I could already make the 3D Vision fix for Xanadu Next: https://helixmod.blogspot.com.es/2017/09/xanadu-next.html

Only one problem remains about Rogue Squadron 3D. I have deleted all its compatibility regedit entries, and made sure the game exe (Rogue Squadron.EXE) doesn't have any compatibility setting enabled. But only if I rename that exe to something else it triggers 3D Vision. The problem is that for some reason my controller (dualshock 4, using DS4Windows) doesn't work unless I launch the game through the original exe name. Any clues about this?

Reply 3216 of 3949, by Osprey

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masterotaku wrote:

It was a sucess, so I could already make the 3D Vision fix for Xanadu Next: https://helixmod.blogspot.com.es/2017/09/xanadu-next.html

Only one problem remains about Rogue Squadron 3D. I have deleted all its compatibility regedit entries, and made sure the game exe (Rogue Squadron.EXE) doesn't have any compatibility setting enabled. But only if I rename that exe to something else it triggers 3D Vision. The problem is that for some reason my controller (dualshock 4, using DS4Windows) doesn't work unless I launch the game through the original exe name. Any clues about this?

It sounds like you missed some compatibility settings in the registry. Check the following:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers

Note that that's in HKEY_CURRENT_USER, not HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, which you already checked.


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Custom\Rogue Squadron.EXE

If that key/folder exists, delete it.

Similarly, there may be a key/folder under:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\InstalledSDB

Its name will be two braces with a string of numbers and letters between them (i.e. a GUID), like "{2a53... 52c2}". If you have just one, it's probably for Rogue Squadron and you should delete it (though, to be safe, you could export it, first). If you have more than one and can't tell which is for the game, you can export one, delete it, see if it fixes Rogue Squadron, import it back if it isn't and move on the to the next one. Finally, like Layers, the InstalledSDB key also exists under HKEY_CURRENT_USER, so you can check there, too, but I don't believe that GOG writes to that location.

Reply 3217 of 3949, by masterotaku

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Thanks for the help. Deleting all that stuff made the game run in 3D. The key inside "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\InstalledSDB" is the last one I needed to delete. Unfortunately, my dualshock 4 now doesn't work, the same as with the renamed exe. I have to go to sleep now and won't be home tomorrow, so I'll do more testing on Monday.

Edit: I made the mistake of not finding those things in regedit because I thought the search feature searched everywhere, and not just in the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" or "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" I was inside.

Reply 3218 of 3949, by Osprey

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masterotaku wrote:

Thanks for the help. Deleting all that stuff made the game run in 3D. The key inside "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\InstalledSDB" is the last one I needed to delete. Unfortunately, my dualshock 4 now doesn't work, the same as with the renamed exe. I have to go to sleep now and won't be home tomorrow, so I'll do more testing on Monday.

I would test with compatibility modes. You said that you disabled XP compatibility mode. Maybe re-enabling it will get the controller working without losing 3D Vision again. If not, try another mode, particularly Windows 7, since you said that you had none of these issues in 7.

Reply 3219 of 3949, by masterotaku

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Osprey wrote:

You said that you disabled XP compatibility mode. Maybe re-enabling it will get the controller working without losing 3D Vision again. If not, try another mode, particularly Windows 7, since you said that you had none of these issues in 7.

Not working. With compatibility mode set to Windows 7 or older, I lose 3D Vision. I think I enabling XP compatibility in the original exe may have restored something in regedit, because now the controller is working and I lost 3D again even without compatibility settings :p. However, doing the same thing (XP compatibility) in the renamed exe disables 3D, but doesn't make the controller work either.

I don't know what is it that the game wants to make the controller work. And why it kills 3D.

PS: I also tried other settings in the compatibility tab, but they didn't help.