First post, by Pabloz
This is kind of weird and im not sure whats going on. Maybe its the power supply but i doubt. I have 3 PSUs, two AT and one ATX
i have been testing different motherboards brands and models.
Some motherboards not listed here posted at first try, no mattery what, they always posted and machine booted.
By post i mean the monitor received a signal displayed the boot.
But on others....for example:
pcchips m919
pcchips m912
pcchips m915i
pcchips m520
fic pa-2013
Soyo 6vba 133u
The m919 is a casino jackpot, posts when it wants to post, else black screen and no signal on the monitor. its a 50% chance it wont post and you need to turn off and turn on again.
But i noticed that on the rest, there was a high percentage chance that it wont post, and that you need to turn off and turn on again for it to post and boot.
So im wondering if you experienced this with old hardware, there is no chance that im the only one that experienced this. Because there were NO changes done and nothing touched, it just needed to turn off and turn on again.
besides one of the reasons for it to not post is the memory for example, but memory was not changed at all and posted on the second try.
Any thoughts? could be capacitors even if they are not bulky they die after 20 years? or could be the voltage regulators?